رؤى نوبتيما إنسايتس: دليلك لنجاح التسويق الرقمي
أفضل 13 وكالة إعلانات على فيسبوك في المملكة المتحدة في عام 2023

أفضل 13 وكالة إعلانات على فيسبوك في المملكة المتحدة في عام 2023

جوائز البحث عن الجوائز مجتمع التسويق إكسلانس بريطاني رائد أعمال

Facebook is more than just one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, it’s a powerful tool that offers businesses the opportunity to drive sales and boost brand awareness. With over 2.9 billion users worldwide, Facebook presents businesses with an excellent opportunity to advertise on its platform, reaching and engaging with a wealth of potential customers. 

While advertising on Facebook offers great potential for businesses to connect with their target audience, it also comes with great competition. For many, creating engaging Facebook ads that attract the right customers, stand out from the competition, and cater to the current algorithms and trends can feel impossible. This is where Facebook ad agencies come in.

Facebook ad agencies specialise in creating and managing Facebook ads for businesses. They are up-to-date with the current trends, know how to access your audience, and, best of all, have a team with the design and creative skills needed to create high-quality ads that generate results. 

But who are the best Facebook ads agencies in the UK? 

In this blog post, we’ll provide an in-depth analysis of the top Facebook ad agencies that are leading the way in creating effective, engaging, and eye-catching advertisements for their clients.

صورة العلامة التجارية

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NUOPTIMA - نعم، هذا نحن! لقد وجدت هذه الصفحة لأننا بارعون في التسويق لدرجة أننا قادرون على الترويج لأنفسنا (هذا هو النوع من الأشخاص الذين تريدهم في عملك).

نبذة عنّا

نحن وكالة نمو صادقة، وهدفنا هو تحقيق الربح لعملك. 

نحن لا نعمل مع الجميع. في الواقع، نحن نرفض بنشاط 50% من جميع الشركات التي تحاول العمل معنا. هذا يعتمد فقط على ما إذا كنا نعتقد أننا نستطيع إنجاح حملتك. نحن لا ننمو كوكالة إلا إذا تمكنا من تحقيق نتائج لك وقمت بإحالتنا إلى أصدقائك وعائلتك. 

قبل أن تختار وكالة، تواصل مع فريقنا. سنخبرك بموضوعية برأينا، وإذا كان الأمر جيداً، سنقترح عليك سعراً عادلاً إلى جانب مجموعة من توقعات النمو ومؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية.

بمجرد أن تبدأ العمل معنا، ستكون على اتصال منتظم مع فريقنا. سيتم تزويدك بتتبع شامل للبيانات وستلتقي بنا في مكالمات منتظمة.


  • تبدأ التكاليف من $1,000 تيرابايت شهرياً، حسب متطلباتك.
  • لقد عملنا مع مقدمي الخدمات المحليين وصولاً إلى الشركات العامة.
  • لقد عملنا في قطاعي B2C و B2B، حيث دفعنا العلامات التجارية إلى تحقيق مبيعات من 7 أرقام وتجاوزنا حصص B2B SQL.

الخطوات التالية

  • أولاً، يجب عليك زيارة صفحات خدماتنا المحددة في قائمة الرأس.
  • بعد ذلك، يجب عليك قراءة بعض دراسات الحالة هنا.
  • وعندما تكون جاهزاً، أرسل لنا رسالة أو احجز مكالمة هاتفية هنا.

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المقر الرئيسي  لندن، المملكة المتحدة

التخصص تحسين محركات البحث، والدفع لكل نقرة (PPC)، وجميع أنواع التسويق الرقمي

تأسست في 2020

صورة العلامة التجارية
المسوق الجيد

The Good Marketer is a London-based digital marketing agency that specialises in creating and managing Facebook ads for small businesses and startups. As an award-winning agency, The Good Marketer takes a personalised approach to digital marketing. Along with offering each client a personalised account manager and access to the in-house creative team, The Good Marketer uses data-driven insights to create effective ad campaigns that deliver results.

In addition to offering social media ads, The Good Marketer offers the following services:

  • إعلانات جوجل
  • إدارة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
  • Website Design
  • تسويق المحتوى
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • العلاقات العامة الرقمية

As a verified Meta partner, The Good Marketer has worked with a wide range of clients, delivering results such as:

  • 175% increased revenue for The House Outfit
  • Generated over £4,600,000 in revenue for Easilocks
  • Generated an average FB/IG ROA of 21.12 for Kavee

المقر الرئيسي – London

التخصص – Small to Medium-Sized Businesses, Startups, and Purpose Driven Companies

Founded In – 2017

صورة العلامة التجارية

The Brains is an award-winning Facebook Ads agency based in London. An agency with a wealth of experience, The Brains prides itself on providing a complete service, offering everything from research to strategy, campaign building, and implementation. Additionally,  they also teach their clients digital marketing skills to ensure continuous success.

Along with social media advertisements, The Brains offers a range of additional digital services, such as:

  • تحسين محركات البحث
  • إنشاء المحتوى
  • الدفع لكل نقرة (PPC)
  • توليد العملاء المحتملين
  • التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني
  • Marketing Automation
  • Website Design and Development.

Specialising in working with e-commerce, B2B, and B2C companies, The Brain has worked with well-renowned brands such as:

  • DHL
  • Friends of the Earth
  • Harley Street Fertility Clinic
  • Greyhound.

المقر الرئيسي – London

التخصص – Ecommerce, B2B, and B2C Companies

Founded In – 2015

صورة العلامة التجارية
The Small Biz Expert

The Small Biz Expert does exactly what it says in the title – they help small businesses achieve growth. Taking a tailored approach to Facebook Ads, The Small Biz Expert consults with each individual business to create a strategy that focuses on their requirements, audience, and budget. The Small Biz Experts offer customised and transparent pricing so that small businesses can create a package that works for them.

The Small Biz Expert also offers other digital marketing services, including:

  • تحسين محركات البحث
  • Google Ads and PPC
  • كتابة المحتوى
  • Marketing Consultancy
  • التسويق عبر البريد الإلكتروني

Through their in-depth understanding of how to help small businesses achieve big results through social media campaigns, they have worked with brands such as:

  • Thirst Class Ale
  • Flaming Licks
  • Menopause Clinic London

Plus, they have been featured as experts in publications by The Telegraph, NatWest, The Independent, Newsweek, and The Guardian.

المقر الرئيسي – London

التخصص – Small to Medium-Sized Businesses

Founded In – 2017

صورة العلامة التجارية

Gripped is a B2B Facebook agency that believes growth is a science, not an art. A highly experienced marketing agency Gripped specialises in the B2B, SaaS, technology, and  IT sectors. More than just an advertising and marketing agency, Gripped provides access to its growth platform, where they offer businesses services designed to tackle the common digital growth problems that B2B businesses face. 

Here is a closer look at their services:

  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • B2B SEO
  • B2B Inbound Marketing
  • توليد العملاء المحتملين
  • تسويق المحتوى
  • Website Development
  • Sales Enablement

Gripped takes a full-funnel approach to its Facebook ads strategy, taking potential customers from awareness to conversion. Some of the brands that have benefited from Gripped’s ad strategies include: 

  • Undo 
  • IPV

المقر الرئيسي – London

التخصص – B2B, SaSS, Technology, and IT

Founded In – 2017

صورة العلامة التجارية

One PPC is an expert Facebook advertising agency that is passionate about helping businesses get results. All One PPC employees have been accredited with Facebook’s own Blueprint Certification. This means they are a team of experts in Facebook marketing planning, buying, and creating Facebook ads for maximum impact.

One PPC offers a targeted approach to Facebook Ads, following the process of:

  • Analysing your business and researching your industry
  • Building and launching your campaigns
  • Testing, optimising, and scaling all strategies.
  • Ongoing management and analysis, as well as performance reporting

One PPC has helped numerous brands receive impressive results, for example:

  • Helping Swagger Home Furnishings grow their Facebook advertising sales by over £4000 per day.
  • Driving 220,000 website visitors from Facebook Ads for CamperBuyer.com

المقر الرئيسي – London

التخصص – Small and Medium-Sized businesses and SEM Market

Founded In – 2017

صورة العلامة التجارية

Giraffe is a Facebook advertising agency that specialises in helping businesses get the best possible results from their budget. Along with offering a simple, up-front, and transparent pricing model, Giraffe stands out for their holistic approach to helping brands with all things social. 

Along with its Facebook Ads service, in their packages, you can expect support with the following:

  • التسويق عبر المؤثرين
  • إدارة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
  • إنشاء المحتوى
  • LinkedIn and Instagram advertising

As an expert in their field, Giraffe has provided advice to BBC News, Business Insider and Aljazeera America, as well as working with multinational companies such as:

  • Casillero del Diablo
  • Air France
  • GoodYear Lifestyle

Headquarters – Portsmouth, Hampshire

Speciality  – B2C and E-commerce

Founded in – 2012

صورة العلامة التجارية

Clicky is a carbon-neutral agency based in Chester, UK. An agency with a wealth of experience creating meaningful content for their clients, they bring their passion, dedication, and expertise to each new project. Clicky is passionate about helping businesses of all sizes and industries achieve their advertising goals.

In addition to its Facebook advertising services, Clicky offers a range of other digital marketing services, including:

  • تحسين محركات البحث
  • إعلانات الدفع لكل نقرة (PPC)
  • Performance Creative
  • التسويق بالعمولة
  • Strategy and Consulting

Clicky is known for being an agency that can take the lead in strategic development, taking paid media to the next level. As a result, Clicky has delivered meaningful results to companies like; 

  • Asprey 
  • Todd Hall  
  • Destination2. 

المقر الرئيسي – Chester

التخصص – D2C Brands

تأسست في – 2007

صورة العلامة التجارية
Passion Digital

Passion Digital is an award-winning social media agency based in Brixton, London. Using imagination and creativity to create ad campaigns with a competitive edge, Passion Digital creates top-down digital strategies that engage, convert, and perform. They take a full-funnel approach to Facebook advertising, from increasing awareness to consideration and driving sales to build communities.

Passion Digital offers the following services:

  • Insight and Strategy
  • تحسين محركات البحث
  • العلاقات العامة الرقمية
  • Social Media Content Creation and Management
  • البحث المدفوع
  • Web Performance
  • Data and Analytics

Passion Digital is known for its innovative and creative approach to digital marketing, and they have delivered impressive results for notable clients, such as:  

  • Jigsaw 
  • Frank Knight 
  • King’s College London 
  • The Science Museum.

المقر الرئيسي – Brixton

التخصص –  B2C and E-commerce

تأسست في – 2012

صورة العلامة التجارية
Disturb Digital

Disturb Digital is a Facebook advertising agency that specialises in helping SMEs achieve results similar to big brands. From idea to creation and execution, Disturb Digital provides an all-in-one Facebook Ads service designed to help brands drive new customers at a profitable cost. A brand rooted in creativity, Disturb Digital seeks to combine a brand’s commercial ambitions with its creativity, driving positive business outcomes.

Disturb Digital combines its advertising expertise with other useful services such as:

  • تصميم الويب
  • E-commerce Support
  • Video Creation and Editing
  • إنشاء المحتوى

Through their in-depth understanding of social media, they have delivered impressive results for brands such as: 

  • Bidvine 
  • We Glow  
  • Chai Thai London.

المقر الرئيسي – London

التخصص – SMEs and Creatives

تأسست في – 2016

صورة العلامة التجارية
براين لابز

Brainlabs has a mission to make marketing more scientific. All their campaigns are powered by a combination of their own in-house ad tech and the best third-party ad tech, including AR and Chatbots. In order to maximise businesses’ budgets, Brainlabs uses dynamic budget optimisation tools to identify the best-performing structure.

Brainlabs additional services include:

  • Data Strategy
  • Data Science
  • تحسين محركات البحث 
  • التسويق عبر المؤثرين
  • البحث المدفوع
  • الاجتماعية المدفوعة

Known for its innovative and data-driven approach to advertising, some of Brainlabs spectacular successes across the world include; 

  • Helping Zapp increase their leads by 171%  
  • Enabling Chi Chi London to improve its ROI by 35%.

المقر الرئيسي – London

التخصص – Tech-Driven SMEs and Enterprise Companies

تأسست في – 2012

صورة العلامة التجارية
الأخلاقيات الرقمية

Digital Ethos is a B-Corp-certified Facebook advertising agency that’s on a mission to ‘make your business succeed online’. Using world-class digital marketing techniques, they are passionate about helping businesses thrive while making it as easy as possible for them to get found online.

Along with offering high-quality advertising services for ethical and purpose-driven brands, Digital Ethos also offers services such as:

  • تحسين محركات البحث
  • PPC
  • العلاقات العامة
  • تصميم الويب
  • إدارة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
  • Creative Content Creation

Digital Ethos has gained a reputation for being a passionate, creative, and ethical agency, enabling them to work with a number of household names such as; 

  • NHS 
  • M&S Opticians 
  • Earthwise  
  • Ecologi.

المقر الرئيسي – Leicester, 

التخصص – Ethical and Purpose-Driven Brands

تأسست في – 2012

صورة العلامة التجارية
The Social Effect

The Social Effect is a B2B Facebook Ads agency that is passionate about helping its clients connect with the right audience, putting an emphasis on building long-term, meaningful relationships. The Social Effect helps businesses to convey real stories that connect and build trust with their audience.

Taking a holistic approach to the funnel, they provide a range of services that target three phases – awareness, consideration, and decision. These services include:

  • Strategy Creation
  • Community Building
  • كتابة الإعلانات
  • التحليلات
  • تصميم الويب
  • إنشاء المحتوى

The team behind The Social Effect consistently produces high-quality campaigns. An example of this is their efforts in contributing to 32% of the 6847 registrations for the Women in Business launch event.

المقر الرئيسي – Brighton

التخصص – B2B Brands

تأسست في – 2015

الأسئلة الشائعة

What are the benefits of a Facebook ad agency?

For a similar price to a freelancer or full-time team member, A Facebook ad agency will provide you access to an entire team of account managers, graphic designers, copywriters, data analysts, and more, all working together to solve problems, drive traffic, and create a solid strategy for your business.

How Much Do Facebook Ads Cost?

Advertisers on Facebook are billed based on two metrics; Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Mille (CPM). It is estimated that advertisers will pay around $0.94 per click or $12.07 per 1,000 impressions.

Are Facebook Ads Worth It?

As one of the largest social media platforms worldwide, advertising on Facebook offers many advantages. Firstly, Facebook’s market share for digital advertising is close to 20%, making it one of the largest options for advertising, behind Google. Additionally, the average conversion rate for Facebook ads is 9-10%, higher than for Google Ads.

ابدأ القيادة
النمو اليوم

حدد موعداً لمكالمة استراتيجية مجانية مع أحد
من خبراء البرمجيات كخدمة SaaS لدينا

  • اطرح أي أسئلة
  • تعرّف على أفضل الاستراتيجيات لأعمالك
  • احصل على عرض أسعار بدون شروط

أليكسي بيكوفسكي

الرئيس التنفيذي والمؤسس

أمان غطاورة

رئيس قسم النمو

جورج إيليتش

رئيس العملاء

أدريجانا بالاتينوس

قائد تحسين محركات البحث

كتاب تحسين محركات البحث المجاني

احصل على دليل عملي مجاني مكون من 279 صفحة لتحسين محركات البحث في 2023

نداء استراتيجية النمو

احجز مكالمة هاتفية مع أحد خبراء النمو لدينا لاكتشاف أفضل طريقة لتنمية أعمالك

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