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Beste EV-App
1. Seite Suchergebnisse
Über Bonnet
Bonnet is a mobile app that solves the issue of locating and using charging points for electric cars across the UK and Europe. Traditionally, electric car owners must download multiple charging network apps – each with unique EV charging location maps and individual e-wallets for payment.
This process can be inconvenient and annoying for EV owners, as they need to switch between apps to locate the nearest charging station and then pay using the app of the relevant charging network. If it’s a new charging network that the customer hasn’t used before, they would have to download the app of the charging network, sign up and add a payment method.
Bonnet hat dieses Problem erkannt und eine All-in-One-Lösung entwickelt. Mit ihrer App können Sie bequem Tausende von Ladestationen in ganz Großbritannien und Europa aus einer Reihe von Ladenetzwerken ausfindig machen und mit einem E-Wallet bezahlen.
Bonnet wandte sich an NUOPTIMA mit dem Wunsch, die Markenbekanntheit organisch zu steigern und die Anzahl der App-Installationen und -Abonnements unter Elektroautobesitzern zu erhöhen. Sie brauchten Hilfe bei der Umsetzung einer umfassenden SEO-Strategie, die sowohl Onsite-, Offsite- als auch technische SEO umfasste.
Das Team entschied sich für das Wachstumspaket, das 25.000 Wörter Inhalt, 6 Backlinks mit 40+ DR und volle technische Unterstützung umfasst.
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CEO & Gründer

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Patrick Reich
Mitbegründer & CEO

Rebekka Kane
Digitaler Vermarkter
Bonnet wanted to increase organic exposure, but they also needed to convert visitors into installs and subscriptions. To fulfil these goals, we needed to prioritise bottom-funnel keyword structures and create content that would keep visitors engaged and convert them into new customers. This work would also require Bonnet to restructure parts of their website and create a range of new pages. Thus, we also needed to provide detailed instructions for Bonnet’s development team to ensure technical work was executed correctly.
Once bottom-funnel search intent had been fulfilled, we needed to create informational blog content to build topical authority, gain brand awareness and increase organic traffic. Blog content topics would be prioritised by conversion rates estimations – content with a higher chance of converting new customers would be written and published first. Additionally, Bonnet hadn’t yet created a blog section on their website, so we needed to provide Bonnet’s development team with the best practices for technical implementation.
Finally, we would optimise off-page SEO. We would publish content on a range of websites with high domain authority and relevance to the EV niche to improve Bonnet’s domain rating. This would help our content pieces rank higher and quicker for target organic keywords.
Our Head of SEO did a deep dive on Ahrefs (SEO tool) to find what bottom-funnel keywords could be targeted. We were soon to notice the bottom funnel keyword structure ‘electric car charging + location’. These keywords (see image below) had great intent, were high in keyword and search volume and were relatively low in ranking difficulty. These attributes fitted our action plan strategy perfectly and gave us the best chance of generating new installs in subscriptions quickly.

For blog content, we found a range of interesting middle-funnel topics and marked them as second in priority. Content for these pages would be started straight after we fulfilled the content for the topics above. Topics such as ‘London hotels with electric car charging’ and ‘London malls with electric car charging’ were tailor-made for listicle-type articles such as ‘Top Ten Hotels With Electric Car Charging’.

Wir fanden auch einige interessante Suchanfragen zum Thema kostenloses Aufladen von Elektroautos. Obwohl dies aufgrund der geringeren Kaufabsicht weniger Priorität hat, wussten wir, dass wir für Suchbegriffe zu diesem Thema hoch ranken könnten, wenn wir eine Karte des Vereinigten Königreichs mit kostenlosen Ladepunkten erstellen würden. Und obwohl es unwahrscheinlich war, dass dies zu neuen Installationen und Abonnements führen würde, würde es aufgrund des hohen Suchvolumens zu diesem Thema Markenbewusstsein und aktuelle Autorität schaffen.

Technische Arbeiten
Before we started writing content, fixing any technical issues that could negatively impact ranking was crucial. To avoid overwhelming Bonnet’s developers, we drip-fed the team technical tasks – starting from the highest priority. So the first document we provided was the must-fixes before we engaged in any SEO work. Below is a summary of the tasks we provided:
- Hinzufügen von Metatiteln und Beschreibungen zu bestehenden Inhalten

We noticed Bonnet hadn’t added meta titles and descriptions to their range of existing content pieces on their website. These are crucial for getting pages indexed and ranked on Google. We listed all the URLs where we noticed this issue and asked Bonnet to create meta titles and descriptions for each.

Wir haben auch Hinweise dazu gegeben, was eine gute Meta-Beschreibung ausmacht, indem wir gute und schlechte Beispiele mit Erklärungen verglichen haben. Häufige Fehler sind das Fehlen einer Handlungsaufforderung (CTA), keine emotionale Anziehungskraft und das Füllen mit Long-Tail-Keywords.
- Reparieren Sie 404-Links und löschen Sie Seiten, die nicht mehr benötigt werden

A couple of Bonnet’s pages had 404 errors, which meant they could not generate organic traffic for this content. We listed the URLs and asked Bonnet’s development team to fix the technical implementation so Google could index these pages.
We added a map with all charging station locations at the top of the page for all the bottom-funnel pages that followed an ‘EV charging station + location’ keyword structure. This was the ideal method for fulfilling search intent – Google would see customers engaging and spending time on pages and reward us with a higher ranking.

Below the map, we included a section promoting Bonnet’s app. This was designed to convert visitors into installs and subscriptions. Including this section at the top provided a higher chance that the visitor would read this section and find out more about Bonnet’s product offering. We can say with high certainty that most visitors would be qualified (own an electric vehicle) due to the intent of the search term and weren’t aware there was an available solution for charging and payment through one app.

The rest of the page’s content was focused on owning and charging a vehicle in the relevant location. This provided more colour on the history of EVs in that location, information on new charging stations being installed, upcoming legislation and regulation of emissions and any other pertinent information. Providing visitors with a detailed overview of the plans for EV in a specific location helped us fulfil search intent and rank for the target and associated keywords.

Alle Seiten enthielten auch einen Umwandlungsblock für den Download der App.

38 bis 44
Erhöhung des Domain-Ratings
Offsite SEO is crucial for improving your website’s trustworthiness with Google. The more third-party websites in your niche that refer to you, the higher the chance Google will rank your content for target keywords.
For Bonnet, we needed to attain new backlinks from publishers with high domain authority in the Car, EV and technology niches. To achieve this, we contacted a range of relevant publishers and asked if we could write an article for their website with a link insertion back to Bonnet’s website. As we have built relationships with thousands of publishers across many industries, we could gain high authority and niche-specific backlinks quickly.
In ten months of working with Bonnet, we have attained 60 new backlinks from this work (not including organic backlinks). And as a result, Bonnet’s domain rating has increased from 38 to 44 – an indication that this work has had a significant, positive impact on Bonnet’s website’s trustworthiness.
Monatlicher organischer Verkehr
Monatliche organische Schlüsselwörter
1-3 Position Organische Schlüsselwörter
Nach zehn Monaten der Zusammenarbeit mit Bonnet haben wir erstaunliche Ergebnisse erzielt. Alle SEO-Kennzahlen haben einen deutlichen Aufwärtstrend genommen und sind auf dem besten Weg, Bonnet als eine der führenden und bekanntesten EV-Apps auf dem Markt zu etablieren. Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Zusammenfassung einiger der wichtigsten Ergebnisse:
Organischer Verkehr
- Der organische Verkehr ist von 1.193 auf 16.398 gestiegen.

Organische Schlüsselwörter
- Die organischen Keyword-Rankings auf den Positionen 1-3 sind von 7 auf 187 gestiegen.

- Die organischen Keyword-Rankings auf den Positionen 4-10 sind von 11 auf 919 gestiegen.

Wert des organischen Verkehrs
- Der Wert des organischen Verkehrs ist von $272 auf $10.411 gestiegen.

Verweisende Domains
- Die Zahl der verweisenden Domains ist von 332 auf 498 gestiegen.
- Bereichsbewertung stieg von 38 auf 44

Neue Positionen für Bottom-Funnel-Keywords
- Wir begannen mit dem Ranking für eine Vielzahl von Bottom-Funnel-Keywords, die für Lade-Apps, Ladenetzwerke und Standorte von Ladepunkten relevant sind.
Schlüsselwort | Neue Position | Verkehr |
ev charging app uk | 1 | 100 |
beste ev lade app | 1 | 200 |
Apps zum Laden von Elektroautos | 1 | 80 |
beste app für das laden von elektroautos uk | 1 | 50 |
ev charging apps uk | 1 | 150 |
beste ev ladegerät app | 1 | 80 |
ubitricity-Ladestation | 3 | 13,000 |
ev charging app | 3 | 100 |
Quelle: London Charging | 5 | 700 |
Quellenladepunkte | 6 | 100 |
ionity-Ladekarte | 7 | 50 |
Wie bezahlt man das Aufladen von Elektroautos? | 8 | 200 |
Ladestationen für Elektroautos in Brighton | 8 | 60 |
Ionitätsladegeräte Karte | 8 | 90 |
Dieser Kunde hat seine organische Leistung in nur zehn Monaten durch die Kombination und Durchführung von Offsite-, Onsite- und technischer SEO deutlich gesteigert. Erreicht wurde dies durch die konsequente Veröffentlichung von Inhalten, regelmäßige technische Audits und die Produktion von Backlinks auf hohen Domains.
We first focused on creating content on bottom-funnel topics, achieving first-page ranking for several high-buying intent keywords. We simultaneously wrote content on high-volume topics with less buying intent to create brand awareness and improve topical authority. Additionally, we increased Bonnet’s domain authority by sourcing credible backlinks from publishers with high-domain ratings. As a result, Google is now categorising Bonnet as a trustworthy source of information in the EV niche – proliferating traffic across most pages.
Bonnet is on course to position itself as the top EV charging app on the market. But there is still hard work to be done – we will continue to strategise, create great content, rank for new keywords and ensure Bonnet achieves its north star goal of becoming industry standard.