Position Keyword-Ranking
übermittelte Worte
hochwertige Backlinks

Über Shopware
Shopware ist eine vielseitige E-Commerce SaaS-Plattform aus Deutschland, die für Unternehmen jeder Größe zur Erstellung von Online-Shops entwickelt wurde. Sie ist eine der führenden Plattformen auf dem Markt und generiert über $70 Millionen jährlich wiederkehrenden Umsatz (ARR).
Shopware wandte sich an NUOPTIMA, um die Keyword-Ranking-Positionen mehrerer seiner Webseiten zu verbessern und den Traffic zu erhöhen. Das übergeordnete Ziel war es, in den Suchmaschinenergebnisseiten (SERPs) aufzusteigen und mehr Besucher auf die Website zu locken.


Viktor Chliupko
Lösungsarchitekt bei Shopware US

Hendrik Breuer
Inhaltsmanager bei Shopware US
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Aktionsplan und Umsetzung
Unsere wichtigsten Ziele waren:
- Verbesserung der Keyword-Ranking-Positionen für drei Hauptkeywords;
- Optimieren Sie Meta-Tags und führen Sie On-Page-Content-Audits durch;
- Produktion von 27.000 Wörtern Inhalt;
- Bauen Sie 15 Backlinks von hochwertigen Websites zu den Zielseiten auf.
Our overarching aim was to improve the keyword ranking positions for three of Shopware’s web pages — one landing page and two blog articles — and to optimize their traffic. We decided to focus on one keyword for each of these pages and improve rankings for that keyword, as well as optimize ranking for the entire page for all ranking keywords.
To achieve these results, we changed the title tags, meta descriptions, and on-page content for the three pages. We injected fresh content into each page, incorporating keywords that we wanted to focus on getting better ranking positions for (as well as their variations). We used those keywords as anchors throughout our internal linking strategy. With Shopware’s top-performing article pages, we also decided to integrate internal linking within them to the three focus pages where relevant.
On top of this, we also crafted 13 articles that were published on Shopware’s website. Each of these articles included highly valuable information and was produced with a close focus on clusters related to e-commerce. For instance, titles included “Eleven Pro Tips on How to Increase E-Commerce Sales,” “Drive Growth with a Proper E-Commerce Development,” and “E-Commerce Insights: Unlocking Customer Behavior Secrets.” In these 13 articles, we also added internal links to the three core pages in our strategy. The original goal was to produce 9,000 words each month. We ended up delivering 34,154 words across the 13 articles, exceeding the initial target by over 7,000 words.
Für die Off-Page-SEO entwickelten wir eine Linkbuilding-Strategie, bei der wir unsere Schwerpunkt-Keywords als Anker einfügten und Backlinks auf äußerst relevanten Websites mit einem hohen Domain-Rating (durchschnittliches Rating von 67), beeindruckendem organischen Traffic (bis zu 4,9 Millionen Besucher) und mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Zielmarkt USA platzierten. Unser ursprüngliches Ziel waren fünf monatliche Links über drei Monate. Insgesamt haben wir 16 hochwertige Backlinks von maßgeblichen Websites erstellt.
To get a greater understanding of the impressive results we achieved for Shopware, let’s look at each of the three web pages we optimized.
Landing Page: Digital Sales Rooms – Results

For Shopware’s “Digital Sales Rooms” landing page, we focused on the keyword “digitaler Verkaufsraum.” The page’s previous ranking position for this keyword in January 2024, before we began optimization, was 21.8 on Google search results. Its current ranking position, as of April 2024, is now eighth, displaying a 13-position increase since we began our targeted efforts:

Now, if we analyze the total impressions of Shopware’s “Digital Sales Rooms” page over the past three months, we also see a marked increase:

As we can see, since NUOPTIMA’s work with Shopware began, the “Digital Sales Rooms” landing page alone has received almost 14,000 impressions and almost 100 total clicks.
Und wenn wir den organischen Traffic auf dieser Seite vom Februar 2024 mit dem Traffic auf dieser Seite im April 2024 vergleichen, sehen wir wieder eine deutliche Verbesserung:

Shopware’s average organic traffic in February was just one, yet after nearly three months of growth marketing support from NUOPTIMA, this increased to 20 by April.
Perhaps most impressively, we have greatly enhanced their overall keyword performance for this landing page. As can be seen in the screenshot below, NUOPTIMA managed to achieve increased rankings for six keywords, including our targeted keyword by six positions and introduced eight entirely new words to the page’s ranking portfolio. Now, the “Digital Sales Rooms” page ranks for a total of 15 keywords in the USA:

Blog Article: E-Commerce Automation – Results

For Shopware’s “E-Commerce Automation” blog article, we worked to improve the rankings of the keyword “E-Commerce-Automatisierung.” In January 2024, the page’s ranking position for this keyword was 60, yet by mid-April, we had increased this by a staggering 56 positions and reached fourth place on Google search results:

Now, if we look at the overall page performance of the “E-Commerce Automation” blog page over the three months, we can see that it has experienced over 24,000 total impressions thanks to our efforts:

Next, let’s look at the page’s organic traffic in February 2024 compared to April 2024. We again see an impressive change, this time from an average organic traffic of one in February to 55 by April:

If we look at the keyword performance of this blog article, we can see that it ranks for 32 keywords in the US market, 10 new keywords have begun ranking for the page, and 15 of the keywords improved their ranking positions. Our target keyword, “e-commerce automation,” made a significant jump of 45 positions from 62nd up to 17th in Google search results:

Blog Article: The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms – Results

For this blog page, we targeted the keyword “b2b e-commerce software.” Shopware’s ranking position for this keyword was 42nd at the end of January 2024. However, after NUOPTIMA’s optimization efforts, this increased by 40 positions to reach the second position as of April 2024, demonstrating the effectiveness of our keyword targeting techniques. Below, we can see a screenshot of the “The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms” blog page in second position for the focal keyword on Google:

If we analyze the blog page’s performance since January 2024, we can see it has been steadily growing traction. It has garnered 125,000 impressions between January and April and a total of 110 clicks:

Noch beeindruckender ist, dass der durchschnittliche organische Traffic der Seite von Februar bis April von 30 im Februar auf 430 im April angestiegen ist - eine erstaunliche Steigerung! Außerdem hat die Seite jetzt drei verweisende Domains statt nur einer:

If we consider the article’s keyword performance, we can see it now ranks for over 130 keywords. Plus, our target keyword “b2b e-commerce software” has jumped 31 positions:

As we can see from this case study, NUOPTIMA’s content marketing tactics and SEO strategies have resulted in increased visibility and authority for Shopware. Some of our best results include significant improvement in keyword positioning and going above and beyond with our content and backlink-building goals. To summarize:
- Wir erzielten bessere Platzierungen für unsere drei Hauptkeywords und erreichten die zweite Position in den Google SERPs;
- Erfolgreich bei der Optimierung von Meta-Tags und der Verbesserung von Inhalten durch On-Page-Audits;
- Wir haben unser Ziel von 27.000 Wörtern Inhalt übertroffen und 34.154 Wörter in 13 Beiträgen produziert (das sind 7.154 Wörter mehr);
- Built 16 strong backlinks from authority sites, helping to strengthen the SEO performance of Shopware’s website.
These accomplishments demonstrate NUOPTIMA’s dedication to achieving results for our clients through the use of innovative SEO techniques and solid content production.