Create 10x Better Content, 8x Faster, Guaranteed

Get 50 SEO optimized content templates for the highest converting keywords structures for any niche. Get clear structure & step-by-step instructions so you can rank #1 on Google without the guesswork.

30 day money back guarantee, 100% risk free

Hey, my name is Aman and our 50-strong SEO team write over 1 million words every month for the biggest brands in the world. We consistently rank them #1 on Google

We’re constantly asked ‘How is your team able to work in any niche and create 10 exceptional articles in the same time my team takes to write 1?

It was our best kept secret.

Until now…

Create Content That Ranks #1 on Google

Without Wasting Hours on Outlines, Planning and ‘Waiting for Feedback’

We used to spend a whole week writing a 2000 word article. Now my team gets the same done in under 4 hours. We’re in the process of scaling our team to increase the volume even more.



Are You Making These 3 Business Killer Mistakes With SEO Content

We’ve worked on over 300+ SEO projects.

And funny enough, it’s almost always the same problems holding the clients back from getting results themselves.

If your SEO content engine is missing any of these – your destined for a hard journey.

You’ll spend months waiting for ‘Google’…

Only to realise your content was never capable of ranking in the first place.

Choosing the wrong keywords

If you’re not an SEO expert – I guarantee you’ll make this mistake. You’ll export a bunch of keywords from an SEO tool – or pay someone to give you a list.

You’ll then think those are the right keywords for your business. You couldn’t be further from the truth.

Keywords have differing levels of intent. And if you don’t know this, you’ll likely create content for the wrong keywords that don’t make your business money.

They’ll either have the wrong intent or are just too competitive. What’s scary is this is the first step in the content process. If you get this wrong – you end up wasting HUGE amounts of money creating the WRONG content.

Creating crap content that Google hates

Oh this is a frustrating one. You assign a task to someone in your team or an outsourced writer to create content based on these keywords you’ve chosen.

But that’s all you tell them. You give them a few keywords and expect them to do all the research.

You might send them some interesting articles to emulate. But that’s it.

This is a recipe for disaster. And we USED to write content this way. Until we realised there is a pattern that Google likes.

For certain keywords (that we cover) – there is GOOD way to structure your content. A correct way. You’ll only know this if you’ve written 100s of articles for the same type of keywords.

But if you don’t know this. You’ll fall in to the SEO loop of death. You’ll create content. Realise it’s not working. And try to optimize it. And it still won’t rank. Why? You don’t know what’s wrong.

Wasting weeks to publish content

Content is the fuel to your SEO engine. Without it – you’re going nowhere.

But what do the 99% of site owners do? They create SLOWLY. Not because they want to. But because they are wasting time in steps that can be done for you.

They spend weeks planning
They spend days researching
They spend hours writing outlines
They spend days writing the article
They spend weeks waiting for feedback
They spend days rewriting the article
They spend days waiting for sign off
They spend hours waiting for publishing

They waste time.

The crazy thing is this.

If they just knew exactly what they need to write, how it should be written and with clear guidelines…

99% of that time would be saved. And you could go from content idea to published piece in under a day.

How much faster could you grow if you created content the right way?

Imagine all the hurdles were removed.

  • The keywords were pre-selected.
  • The writers were taught how to write.
  • The articles were pre-SEO optimized and templated

That’s what you get with the SEO Content Kit

30 day money back guarantee, 100% risk free

My team is flying. We’re publishing 40 pieces a month and our organic traffic has grown from 3,000 to 44,000 per month in 7 months.


Head of Marketing

Fully Customizeable to Your Business

Our templates were designed to target keyword structures that are replicable to ANY business. All you need to do is edit the templates for your specific keywords

Clear Instructions For Even a Junior Writer

We’ve designed our templates so that even a junior writer with no experience could read them and start creating top 10% content in a matter of hours.

50 Plug-n-Play Full Templates

We cover the full range of keyword structures so you’re able to rest easy that your content worries are over.

This SEO Content Kit Will Transform Your Business

✅ Speed up content creation
✅ Increasing your rankings on Google
✅ Grow your business faster than competitors

With my SEO Content Kit you’ll be able to exception content – armed with a full template which is pre-optimized and based off our learnings from running 300+ SEO projects. You’ll be able to squeeze every last SEO drop from your content.

You’ll be guaranteed to create content faster without having to guess what the right thing to do is – because it’s already done for you.

30 day money back guarantee, 100% risk free

Game changer. Seriously sped up our workflows.
We pulled down our writer costs a lot – we don’t need to hire those expensive ones anymore.



And Free Bonuses So NOTHING Can Stop Your SEO Success

How to Write Exceptional Content

We’ve included a special masterclass guide, teaching your writers exactly how they can write exceptional content – following best practices such as BLUF (widely use by top sites)

Value: $297


Technical SEO Checklist & Publishing Guide

A complete checklist of every technical SEO task your developers need to do to your website and when publishing a new piece of content (we use this on 1000s of sites)

Value: $297


How to Optimize Articles With Google Search Console

Once you’re ranking you may need an extra SEO boost. This guide will teach you how to go inside Google Search Console and identify how to improve your content

Value: $297



Grab Your SEO Content Kit Now





50 Complete Content Templates
Bonus 1: How to Write Exceptional Content
Bonus 2: Technical SEO Checklist & Publishing Guide
Bonus 3: How to Optimize Articles with Google Search Console

Your purchase is protected by a 30 day money back guarantee. You are eligible for a 100% refund – no questions asked



Limited Availability

✔ SEO Content Kit
Video Lessons teaching how to use all templates & bonuses
SEO Audit of your whole site
FREE 7-Day SEO Support

This upgrade will not be available again

Money Back Guarantee

Buy the SEO Content Kit and we guarantee

Or, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

The SEO Content Kit Is Responsible for


This Is Your Last Chance





50 Complete Content Templates
Bonus 1: How to Write Exceptional Content
Bonus 2: Technical SEO Checklist & Publishing Guide
Bonus 3: How to Optimize Articles with Google Search Console

Your purchase is protected by a 30 day money back guarantee. You are eligible for a 100% refund – no questions asked



Limited Availability

✔ SEO Content Kit
Video Lessons teaching how to use all templates & bonuses
SEO Audit of your whole site
FREE 7-Day SEO Support

This upgrade will not be available again

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