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11 Twitter Ads Examples – Reviewed and Ranked

11 Twitter Ads Examples – Reviewed and Ranked

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On Twitter, things happen quickly. A single Tweet has a four times shorter shelf life than, for example, Facebook content. As a result, it would be disastrous to use the same direct-response techniques from AdWords.

So, before you start crafting your ad, learn about the keys to success on Twitter. We evaluated 11 Twitter advertising examples and rated them accordingly. Continue reading to comprehend essential Twitter best practices and discover practical advice that you can use right away.

Key Points

  • This article ranks promoted Tweets according to their type, creative content, headline, and ad text. Each of these Tweets is outlined according to its strengths and weaknesses and provides insights into what makes a successful Twitter ad.
  • We found the top three promoted Tweets to be NUOPTIMA, N26, and EU HaDEA. Common elements of success include effective targeting, a clear and visually appealing ad creative, and concise ad copy that includes questions, creates urgency, and presents a strong call to action.
  • The three lowest-ranking Twitter ads examples in this article are from S&P, Aspose, and Cohere AI. Poor formatting, unattractive or irrelevant ad creatives, and unclear calls to action affect the effectiveness of these Tweets. 

What Makes a Successful Twitter Campaign? 

Examples of Twitter ads that are presented out-of-context aren’t really helpful. So, stay with us for a few paragraphs while we look at six essential best practices to help you succeed in your next Twitter campaign.

Ad Creative

On Twitter, 97% of users focus on visuals. Hence, it is essential to ensure that there is a clear relationship between your picture and tweeted content, whether you’re utilising an image, GIF, video, or even a high-quality still from the video.

And while images are great, video is one of the most powerful and rapidly expanding creative media on Twitter. Twitter advises limiting your video to no more than 15 seconds for optimal results.

Keep It Brief

The most effective Tweets have between 50 and 100 characters. So, make sure your Tweet is concise, to the point, and concentrates on a single, distinct topic.

Ask A Question

What’s more engaging than a question? Twitter data shows that an ad with a question mark gets 25% more clicks.


Give consumers a cause to visit your website, download your app, or follow you right away. For instance, are you marketing a limited-time promotion or sale? Or are the first twenty individuals to respond to your Tweet or subscribe to your email eligible for a discount? Thus, focus on what makes you different from others and what you have to offer.

Strong Call to Action 

Be clear and straightforward regarding your desired action and explicitly say “follow us”, “click to read more”, or “reply with your favourite [insert here]”. This method is a solid practice for all marketing goals but is particularly crucial for following and engagement initiatives. If you struggle with writing a good script, hire a Twitter ghostwritng agency.

Avoid Exit Points

Whenever possible, avoid using hashtags and @mentions in your advertisement. Although enticing, these clickable chances draw attention away from your advertising and content. To keep your message laser-focused, simply provide one way out – like going to your website or app.

11 Best (And Worst) Twitter Ads Examples – Reviewed And Ranked

We’ve analysed and evaluated 11 promoted Tweets and ranked them based on our judgement. Let’s start with the best promoted Tweet example.


Does this look like an ad to you? Probably not. This Tweet is an excellent example of leveraging your expertise to promote a webinar.

Type of Ad

Promoting a Webinar Through a Personal Brand

Twitter Ad Creative

This ad has an intriguing creative that sparks interest. Once scrollers pause on the image, they immediately know that this post is about an SEO webinar that’ll teach you everything you need to know to defeat the giant in your industry. The fact that it’s free eliminates the barriers to entry and gets people to get a taste of the agency’s services with no strings attached.

Ad text

The use of native language and lowercase makes this ad look like a friend’s Tweet. If that by itself doesn’t convince you, then social proof will. Or the bold revenue promise.

At the same time, the ad text gets the targeting right from the start. It actively disqualifies non-customers and leads without a budget.

What else do we like about this Tweet? It clearly communicates the USP, the information is easy to take in, and no exit points could lead away from the ad. 

#2 N26

Another Twitter ad example from the book that convinces scrollers with not one but two strong calls to action.

Type of Ad

Promoting a Product Feature

Twitter Ad Creative

This ad creative says it all: using N26 allows you to lay back and smile, and managing your savings will be as easy as “drag and drop”. It further conveys that using the N26 app UI on the ad creative is a great way to build and support brand recognition.

Ad Headline

In three words, N26 communicates where clicking will lead you: to their monthly budget calculator. Although there’s no explicit CTA here, this headline is to the point and leaves no room for confusion.

Ad Text 

N26 starts this ad with a question. If your answer is affirmative, you’ll keep reading. Questions are a great way to foster interaction, such as retweets and shares, or get peoples’ responses to a Tweet.

The formatting is clear, and so are both calls to action. Another plus point: N26 uses emojis sensibly without making the ad look ridiculous.


A cheerful ad creative to support a not-so-cheerful matter. 

Type of Ad

Promoting Funding Opportunities

Twitter Ad Creative

This ad creative catches the eye with vibrant colours and a joyful allure. Only as you pause, the symbolism sinks in and, together with the text on the visual, make you realise that this is about cancer. 

Ad Headline 

Two words and an emoji make this call to action as clear as possible.

Ad Text

Well done! HaDEA did a great job at formatting this ad. It’s clear there are sufficient line breaks, so the numbers don’t overwhelm, and the little number emojis help differentiate the dates and deadlines from the number of calls and topics. All in all, these measures make the dense bits of information easier to digest.

The question at the beginning helps disqualify people outside HaDEA’s target group. Short sentences and relevant hashtags support possible sign-ups. Although we advised against using too many exit points in the best practice section of this article, in this ad, they serve as a source of information for interested applicants.

Applying for funding opportunities is clearly distinct from impulsive buying.

#4 LVRG Consulting

Another great ad example that looks like a personal Tweet at first.

Type of Ad

Promoting DM Giveaway

Twitter Ad Creative

This ad creative is a great choice. Why? There is a clear link between the ad promise and the content shown in the video. We got the speaker’s face in the bottom left corner and a convincing number of views right next to it.

Ad Headline 

No headline, no problem: we can find all the information we need in the ad’s creative and text.

Ad text 

Whoever stops scrolling at this post will immediately know whether this is for them. The ad does a great job targeting a clearly defined audience and discarding non-customers. They also allure with bold numbers and the classic freebie marketing strategy: offering a supposedly premium product or service for free to attract new customers.

No emojis here, but sensible line breaks and numbers that catch the eye. It’s all clearly laid out and easy to understand: you want the loom; you must help them promote their offer. A compelling Twitter ad example, we think.

#5 Apple

With this video ad, Apple does a great job promoting TV+ content. Let’s see which boxes they tick.

Type of Ad

Promoting a Service

Twitter Ad Creative

As humans, we are conditioned to recognise faces physiologically. Above all, a well-known face like Sebastian Stan is bound to be recognised. It helps that he’s attractive, too. What else does Apple do well? They repeat their logo throughout the ad. Amongst others, on the video.

Ad Headline

The headline is short, clear, and on-point, and gives consumers a valid cause to visit Apple’s website. 

Ad Text

Great hook! The first two sentence fragments are, well, sentence fragments, which is great as it splits up the message and makes it stick. These bits are concise, too, and intriguing.

However, mentioning all the Hollywood actors in this one Tweet is a bit overwhelming.

We get that Apple wants to give the impression that whatever they’re streaming is great. Too many hashtags and mentions make for too many exit points and increase the likelihood that people leave the ad and check out the linked accounts instead.

#6 Lidl

Lidl spent a big budget on this holiday season’s Twitter campaign to increase brand awareness. 

Type of Ad

Brand Awareness Campaign

Twitter Ad Creative

This image screams Christmas: green and red dominate the colour palette, there are snowflakes, and a bear in a Sweden jumper sits behind the advertised special offer. This bear is Lidl’s primary brand asset over the holidays, and they do a good job promoting it.

Ad Headline

Lidl could have placed a call to action to their special offer in this part of the ad, but they decided to repeat their campaign tagline instead. 

Ad Text

While the copy is clear and crucial data well-highlighted, we are left wondering what fin-tastic might mean. Nevertheless, this specific ad markets a limited-time promotion and successfully communicates a sense of urgency.

#7 Deity

A minimalist example of a Twitter ad that does well in a few points – and not so well in a few others. 

Type of Ad

Promoting a Whitepaper

Twitter Ad Creative

You might say this image attracts you with its minimalistic style, or you might call it bland. 

Besides personal preference, this ad creative manages to communicate the idea of composable commerce quite well and reiterates the call to action.

Ad Headline 

The alliteration is nice but doesn’t really stick. Using an actionable verb like “download” or “get” to repeat the call to action would have done better in this context.

Ad Text

The message is simple, unique, and manages to hook scrollers with a question at the beginning. This is good because anything that gets too complicated is easily overlooked on Twitter.

#8 Barclaycard

Do you have doubts about Forward credit? Barclaycard tries to remove them with this video ad.

Type of Ad

Promoting a Financial Product

Twitter Ad Creative

Video is a good thing on Twitter. On the one hand, it helps grab attention. On the other, we get the message even without reading the text. That helps because, in this ad, the text is not very reader-friendly.

Ad Headline

The headline is short and punchy but doesn’t actually say anything about the promoted product. Barclay simply used their tagline as an ad headline. Thus, one wonders where’s the call to action.

Ad Text

As mentioned earlier, the ad text could use some formatting. The sentences are too long, and there are no line breaks, emojis, and anything that would otherwise make it easy and fast for scrollers to take in the information.

#9 Cohere AI

CohereAI provides this ranking with a rather poor Twitter ad example. Let’s see why. 

Type of Ad

Promoting a Blog Post

Twitter Ad Creative

Images are usually a great way to stand out and attract attention. However, this image is rather generic and misses relating to the tweeted content. In other words, the image doesn’t mean anything and eventually is a large waste of space.

Ad Headline

The ad headline clearly states what the blog post is about. A more explicit call to action with an actionable verbal phrase like “see more” would have been nice and yielded a more significant impact.

Ad Text

This ad could use better formatting. Although there’s not much text overall, the sentences are too long and complex. Line breaks or clarifying emojis would make the information easier to read and dissect.

#10 Aspose

You wouldn’t expect this 90s ad on your 2023 Twitter timeline, would you?

Type of Ad

Promoting a Product

Twitter Ad Creative

This creative would be better off on a CD-Rom cover to install Windows 98 than in this Twitter ad. It’s pretty bland, and the different elements are arranged randomly. It makes you wonder that was this done by a designer or by one of the developers themselves.

Ad Headline 

Although a bit long, the ad headline describes the advertised product well.

Ad Text

The call to action in the first line is inconclusive and seems to drown in the rest of the text. This ad would have benefitted from shorter sentences and line breaks. 

Concerning the hashtags, they are not particularly trending, meaning they won’t do anything to increase exposure. In our opinion, they are just unnecessary exit points.

#11 S&P Global Market Intelligence

A big player with a small ad. 

Type of Ad

Promoting a Webinar 

Twitter Ad Creative


Ad Headline


Ad Text

On top of the fact that this ad misses out on the visuals and the headline, the text is very poorly formatted: We are dealing with one single sentence that spreads over three whole lines and basically buries the call to action. If you ever stop scrolling to read this, dissecting the information will take considerable time. As a Twitter user, you will most likely overlook this ad.

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