From Launch to Black Friday, 260% Increase MoM Email Revenue with 4.5% SMS Conversion.

From Launch to Black Friday, 260% Increase MoM Email Revenue with 4.5% SMS Conversion.

July 12, 2024


Email Flows


List growth Month on Month


UGC Email Flow

About Yawns

Yawns exists to improve your health and wellbeing. We spend more time sleeping than any other activity, which is why it is their first and foremost focus. The Yawns team are believers in the power of good rest, balance and real organic ingredients. Nature offers us powerful tools to sleep well, perform better and achieve anything we set our minds to. With a dash of science, they have composed the perfect range of supplements to help you sleep better and unleash your potential.

Launch Subscriber List Growth 

Nuoptima was brought in to help launch Yawns as a new brand in the supplement space, one of the more competitive niches. One of the key pieces to launching Yawns was creating a successful and scalable acquisition plan.

The Strategy

In order to push signups across all aspects of the shoppers journey we implemented three different acquisition methods. This ensures that any shoppers that show even the slightest interest will receive a message reminding them of all the great deals they can get by simply signing up. The forms we created are as follows:   

  • 2-step signup forms with 10% Welcome Discount
  • Product quiz
  • Exit-intent pop-up 

The main signup form on Yawn’s site starts with your standard welcome offer—10% off—with the second step offering additional discounts when you submit a phone number for SMS marketing. SMS proved to be relatively successful for Yawns where we typically see varying success for many brands. Subscribers who entered their phone number received a mixture of email and SMS messages across a 2 week period, this diversification of channels yielded a 5% conversion across SMS.

Creating these signup forms we knew that driving traffic with actual intent to buy—even if it was down the road—would be key to driving returning revenue. 

Welcome Series Video Walkthrough

Post-Purchase Messaging to build an engaged community

For Yawns, Nuoptima implemented 8 total email flows, five pre-purchase and four post-purchase.   

Welcome SeriesConvert users who have given their email but not purchased
Welcome QuizConvert users who have taken a product recommendation quiz but have not purchased
Abandoned BrowseEncourage users who browsed the product page, but didn’t add to cart, to revisit the product page and complete checkout
Abandoned CartEncourage users who added to cart, but didn’t complete checkout to visit and complete checkout
Abandoned CheckoutEncourage users who started checkout to now complete checkout
Instant UpsellAsk a user who has just placed order to add an additional item to their order before delivery goes out
User Generated ContentEncourage a user after order fulfillment to share content around the product for varying levels of discount.
Replenishment Product 1Encourage a user after 30 days to restock up on their previous order.
Replenishment Product 2Encourage a user after 30 days to restock up on their previous order.

The User Generated Content Flow

Yawns is a very social first brand with a focus on user generated content (UGC), what better way to collect content like this than by asking customers. We created sleek designs showcasing past UGC content with a scaffolded monetary offer for anyone who submitted a photo or video. Customers could submit a photo, video, or review for differing discount amounts. This flow saw a 61% open rate with an 10% response rate. This content was able to support Yawn’s social feed and also be of use across future email campaigns to show much needed social proof. 

The Instant Upsell

Unlike some of the other Instant Upsell flows that Nuoptima has implemented for brands, these emails are to cross-sell a specific product. Yawns offers supplements for Day and Night which makes it simple to craft messaging pushing their complimentary products. For customers purchasing one without the other they received a segmented email offering a discount on the other item. For those who had decided to bundle the products and save they received a general offer for their next order

With discounts for their second product of up to 30% off we were able to hit on average a 7.68% conversion on these emails with a 55% open rate. 

  • Image Gallery Yawns Post Purchase Emails:

Post Purchase Flow Email Gallery 

Bundle, subscriber and save 

As supplements are a daily product that build in your system, for the best results users should take them regularly. Knowing this we recommended Yawns to create bundles and a subscription option for shoppers.


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