Top SEO Experts in London

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Are you seeking the crème de la crème of SEO expertise in the vibrant city of London? Look no further! In this guide, we will reveal the finest 13 experts who possess the skills and knowledge to catapult your website to new heights. From boosting search engine rankings to driving organic traffic, these professionals have mastered the art of optimising online presence. Join us as we explore the leading SEO experts in London, ensuring your business achieves remarkable digital success.

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Viktor Bartak
  • Company: NUOPTIMA
  • Specialisation: SEO Consultancy, Content Marketing, and Growth Strategy
  • Experience: Over 15 years 
  • LinkedIn Profile: /viktor-bartak/


Meet Viktor Bartak – The SEO Mastermind

Welcome to Viktor Bartak’s corner – the man who orchestrates the SEO symphony at NUOPTIMA. With over 15 years of hands-on experience in SEO and content marketing, Viktor is the driving force behind NUOPTIMA’s success and the key to unlocking your digital growth. 

A Bit About Viktor 

Viktor isn’t your everyday consultant. No, no! He’s a specialist – a maestro in the world of SEO. With a proven track record of amplifying online visibility, driving organic traffic, and catapulting sales through top-tier strategies, Viktor is the SEO consultant that you didn’t know you needed. 

His approach is holistic, tackling everything from technical SEO and backlink building to crafting persuasive content. And it’s all underpinned by data-driven insights and innovative thinking, which he’s honed over the years. He’s a staunch believer in making data talk, using analytics to forge bespoke SEO strategies that are as unique as your business.

A Peek Into Viktor’s Capabilities

Over the years, Viktor has worked with a myriad of businesses, from local service providers to public companies, across both B2C and B2B markets. His SEO wizardry has driven brands to achieve seven figures in sales and exceeded B2B SQL quotas, making him the SEO consultant that you can trust to deliver results.

Working With Viktor

Working with Viktor is akin to joining a partnership. He’s not just a consultant as he becomes an extension of your team, a true collaborator who will take time to understand your business, its special needs and challenges and craft an SEO game plan that’s just right for you. 

A single conversation with Viktor can be the difference between an ordinary online presence and an extraordinary one. He’ll objectively assess your SEO needs, provide a fair quote, and present a plan backed by growth expectations and key performance indicators (KPIs). 

Once on board, expect regular communication, thorough data reporting, and a transparent working relationship. It’s a hands-on approach, one that makes your success, his success.

How to Collaborate with Viktor?

Ready to embark on your SEO journey with Viktor? It’s as simple as clicking the contact button. Share your business aspirations and challenges, and let Viktor weave his SEO magic.

Start making your online presence felt, and experience the NUOPTIMA difference with Viktor Bartak!


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Sam Underwood
  • Company: Independent Consultant 
  • Specialisation: Technical SEO and Content Strategy
  • Experience: Around nine years 
  • LinkedIn Profile: /sam-underwood/


Sam Underwood excels in interpreting the intricacies of search engine algorithms and utilising this knowledge to improve website rankings. He carefully analyses website architecture, discovering opportunities for further augmentation and enhancing user experience. By undertaking comprehensive audits, Sam ensures that websites are technically sound and primed for search engine success.

In addition to his technical proficiency, Sam is an expert in developing content strategies that captivate and engage audiences. He realises that high-quality content not only drives organic traffic but also fosters brand loyalty. Sam conducts thorough keyword research, determining relevant topics and developing content to target specific search queries. By blending creativity with data-driven insights, he helps brands create compelling material that resonates with their audience.

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Joshua George
  • Company: ClickSlice
  • Specialisation: Local SEO and Link Building
  • Experience: Working since 2015
  • LinkedIn Profile: /joshua-george-90078276/


Joshua George thrives in the realm of local SEO, where he excels, surpasses, and shines at streamlining websites for location-based search queries. He recognises the importance of targeting specific geographic regions and tailoring operations accordingly. By handling thorough keyword research and implementing on-page optimisations with a local focus, Joshua ensures that businesses rank prominently in local search results, attracting targeted traffic and driving conversions. Furthermore, Joshua employs innovative link-building tactics, such as guest posting, influencer outreach, and content partnerships, to establish strong backlinks that drive organic traffic and improve internet discoverability. With his expertise, Joshua helps in building a robust virtual presence that stands the test of time.

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Deepak Shukla
  • Company: Pearl Lemon
  • Specialisation: E-commerce SEO and Lead Generation
  • Experience: Around eight years 
  • LinkedIn Profile: /deepakseoexpert/


In the volatile domain of e-commerce SEO, Deepak Shukla involves a broad methodology to enhance the web-based existence of stores. He focuses on fine-tuning product descriptions, meta tags, and site architecture to improve rankings and increase traffic. Moreover, Deepak is a master in lead generation, leveraging his expertise in SEO to create tailored methods that capture and nurture leads. He employs innovative tactics, such as content marketing, email campaigns, and conversion rate optimisation (CRO), to help businesses generate a consistent stream of high-quality leads. Deepak’s expert approach ensures that brands not only achieve visibility but also convert visitors into paying customers.

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Itamar Blauer
  • Company: Independent Consultant 
  • Specialisation: SEO Copywriting and Keyword Research
  • Experience: Over five years 
  • LinkedIn Profile: /itamarblauer/


Itamar Blauer’s mastery of copywriting lies in his ability to combine persuasive writing techniques with SEO best practices. He crafts engaging content that attracts both search engines and readers. By managing comprehensive keyword research, Itamar identifies relevant search terms and strategically incorporates them into the content, ensuring maximum noticeability. Essentially, he delves deep into the search landscape to uncover valuable keyword opportunities that align with the brand’s objectives. Itamar’s rigorous take involves analysing search volumes, competition, and user intent to classify the most effective keywords for attaining targeted traffic.

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Kevin Gibbons
  • Company: Re:signal
  • Specialisation: SEO and Content Marketing
  • Experience: Working since 2003
  • LinkedIn Profile: /kevingibbons/


Kevin Gibbons of Re:signal has redefined the relationship between SEO and content marketing. His approach is refreshingly dynamic, capitalising on the symbiosis between engaging content and an effective optimisation methodology. At Re:signal, Kevin combines these two worlds, harnessing the power of captivating narratives to bolster the ranking. Kevin’s approach is multidimensional, an intelligent blend of technology and creativity that optimises the digital footprint of brands. His extensive career has seen him navigate diverse industries, enhancing his understanding of market dynamics and user preferences. Simply, Kevin is not just an expert; he’s an artist in the field of SEO and content marketing.

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Luca Tagliaferro
  • Company: Independent Consultant 
  • Specialisation: Comprehensive SEO and Organic Growth
  • Experience: Over six years 
  • LinkedIn Profile: /luca-tagliaferro-509b709/


Luca Tagliaferro covers all facets, from directing exhaustive website audits and finding areas for improvement to developing customised optimisation plans. He possesses a keen eye for detail, assiduously analysing on-page elements, meta tags, keyword usage, and website structure to enhance the organic ranking and achieve targeted traffic. Additionally, Luca’s technical proficiency extends to optimising website speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and implementing structured data markup for enhanced search engine visibility. He possesses solid know-how in backlink analysis, link-building techniques, and off-page optimisation techniques, leveraging these skills to build authoritative and relevant backlinks that boost website authority.

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Daniel Foley Carter
  • Company: SEO-Audits.IO
  • Specialisation: Penalty Recovery and SEO Consulting
  • Experience: Working since the 1990s
  • LinkedIn Profile: /daniel-foley-assertive/


Daniel Foley Carter places great emphasis on penalty recovery as he assists corporations in diagnosing and rectifying issues that have led to ranking penalties. He conducts in-depth audits to pinpoint areas of improvement, such as toxic backlinks, thin content, or keyword stuffing. By implementing strategic recovery plans, Daniel guides ventures towards regaining lost web-based exposure and establishing a solid foundation for future growth. In addition to his penalty recovery expertise, Daniel offers complete SEO consulting services. He collaborates closely with businesses, discerning their individual goals and challenges, and devises tailored blueprints to boost their virtual presence. 

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Lukasz Zelezny
  • Company: Independent Consultant 
  • Specialisation: SEO Audits and Training
  • Experience: Around 20 years 
  • LinkedIn Profile: /seomanagerlondon/


Lukasz Zelezny conducts thorough SEO audits, where he meticulously analyses every aspect of a website’s performance. From technical issues to on-page content development, he leaves no stone unturned. By highlighting areas for improvement, Lukasz provides actionable recommendations that enable the advancement of search engine rankings and achieve long-term success.

Furthermore, Lukasz is renowned for his exceptional training programs. Through interactive workshops and personalised coaching sessions, he empowers businesses and brands to develop in-house expertise. With a passion for knowledge-sharing, Lukasz equips clients with the skills and tools necessary to execute effective strategies independently.

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Tamer Michael
  • Company: Tree Post Agency 
  • Specialisation: SEO Strategy and CRO
  • Experience: Over 10 years 
  • LinkedIn Profile: /tamermichael/


Prioritising SEO strategy development, Tamer Michael collaborates closely with enterprises to understand their objectives, niche market, and industry landscape. By conducting thorough competitor analysis and audience profiling, Tamer formulates customised frameworks that align with specific goals and deliver long-term success. Additionally, Tamer excels in CRO, leveraging his knowledge to refine websites for maximum conversions. He undertakes in-depth user experience analysis, identifies conversion barriers, and implements calculated improvements to elevate website performance and increase conversion rates.

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Tom Crowe
  • Company: Independent Consultant 
  • Specialisation: Technical SEO and Website Performance Optimisation
  • Experience: Over eight years 
  • LinkedIn Profile: /tom-crowe-freelance-seo-specialist-london/


From crawlability and indexation to site speed and structured data, Tom Crowe ensures that websites are adjusted to meet search engine requirements. By implementing technical best practices, such as modifying robots.txt, XML sitemaps, and canonical tags, Tom upgrades website profile and crawlability, leading to improved organic rankings. Furthermore, Tom is passionate about website performance maximisation. He knows that user experience is a key factor in achieving success. Through careful analysis of website elements, such as page load times, image compression, and caching, Tom ensures that websites load quickly and efficiently, providing users with a seamless browsing experience.

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Yaser Ayub
  • Company: Yaser UK
  • Specialisation: Local SEO and Google Business Profile Optimisation
  • Experience: Working since 2019
  • LinkedIn Profile: /yaserayub/ 


Yaser Ayub ensures that organisations appear prominently in local map packs and localised search results, attaining targeted traffic and attracting potential customers from the surrounding area. By leveraging his knowledge of local citation building, review management, and localised content production, Yaser helps brands dominate their local market. In addition, Yaser excels in developing Google Business Profile listings. He ensures that profiles are fully updated with accurate information, compelling descriptions, and relevant categories. By maximising the potential of Google Business Profile, Yaser helps ventures enhance their internet noticeability, attract customer reviews, and stand out in local search results.

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Dawn Anderson
  • Company: Bertey
  • Specialisation: SEO Training and Data Analysis
  • Experience: Over 13 years
  • LinkedIn Profile: /msdawnanderson/


Through her interactive workshops and personalised coaching sessions, Dawn Anderson empowers businesses to navigate the ever-changing SEO realm with confidence. She covers a wide range of topics, including keyword research, on-page optimisation, technical SEO, and content strategy, ensuring that brands have a solid foundation for success. Furthermore, Dawn excels in utilising data analysis to uncover valuable insights that inform vital decisions. With her keen analytical mindset, she delves deep into data sets, uncovering patterns, trends, and opportunities. By incorporating advanced tools and methodologies, Dawn helps businesses to internalise their audience, identify content gaps, and fine-tune their strategies for maximum impact.


In the dynamic domain of digital marketing, London stands tall as a hub for exceptional SEO expertise. From the bustling streets of this vibrant city emerge a multitude of experts, armed with unparalleled knowledge and skills to propel brands to new heights. With their purposeful designs, precise enhancement techniques, and a finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving search algorithms, these experts serve as the guiding lights for success. Whether you seek to dominate the rankings, expand your web-based visibility, or attract organic traffic, London’s experts have the power to transform your cyber presence. The time is ripe to embark on this transformative journey and witness the remarkable results that await you. Trust in London’s SEO experts to steer you towards internet-based triumph, where your success story becomes an indelible part of the city’s rich tapestry of achievements.

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