Drive More Customers and Revenue with Cybersecurity PPC Services

We’ll create and manage targeted PPC campaigns for your Cybersecurity company that delivers exceptional returns

Does this look like you?


Looking to drive more traffic and sales for your Cybersecurity business

B2C Marketer

Wanting to boost your online sales and revenue with targeted Cybersecurity PPC campaigns

B2B Marketer

Struggling to generate leads and sales with your current PPC campaigns

Challenges of Cybersecurity PPC

Click Fraud

Click fraud poses a significant challenge to cybersecurity in PPC campaigns, as attackers continuously generate fake clicks on ads to drain budgets and skew analytics data.

Ad Hijacking

Ad hijacking is a malicious practice where cybercriminals impersonate legitimate ads and redirect users to fraudulent websites, causing campaign performance to suffer and potentially harming brand reputation.

Data Breaches

Data breaches can occur during PPC campaigns, exposing sensitive customer and company information, leading to significant financial and reputational damage.

Account Takeovers

Account takeovers are a cybersecurity challenge in PPC campaigns, where attackers gain unauthorized access to ad accounts, modify campaigns, and even steal funds, causing considerable disruptions and financial losses.

 Important Cybersecurity Business PPC Metrics

Lead Generation Rate:

Measure the number of new leads generated from marketing campaigns targeting cybersecurity professionals and organizations.

Conversion Rate:

Track the percentage of potential cybersecurity customers who take the desired action, such as purchasing a product or signing up for a service.

Customer Acquisition Cost:

Calculate the cost of acquiring a new cybersecurity customer, including marketing expenses, sales efforts, and other related costs.

Customer Lifetime Value:

Estimate the total revenue a cybersecurity customer will generate for your business over the duration of their relationship with your company.

Churn Rate:

Monitor the rate at which cybersecurity customers cancel or do not renew their subscriptions, which can indicate customer satisfaction levels and potential revenue loss.

Market Share:

Analyze your company’s share of the total market for cybersecurity products and services, which can indicate brand strength and growth potential.

Brand Awareness:

Assess the level of recognition and familiarity your cybersecurity brand has among potential customers, which can impact lead generation and conversion rates.

Typical results

96North Candle Brand Grows 4x from $300k to $1.2m Revenue at 12% TACOS

Rob Sloan
Growth Manager
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Icy Bear Spends £12K on PPC to Generate £165K at 13X ROAS

Sara H.
E-commerce General Manager
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How we work

Step 1

Discovery & Research

We’ll thoroughly analyse the Cybersecurity industry and your competitors to identify growth opportunities and areas for improvement.

Step 2

Strategy & Execution

Our team will develop and implement a tailored PPC strategy, including keyword research, ad copy creation, targeting and bidding, and ongoing optimisation.

Step 3

Measurement & Analysis

We’ll track and analyse campaign performance, provide regular reports and use data-driven insights to refine and improve your PPC strategy.

Drive more leads and hit your revenue targets with Cybersecurity PPC services without wasting time or budget.

Free Video PPC Audit for Your Cybersecurity Business

We’ll identify key areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations to boost your PPC campaigns and drive more customers and sales.


Can you guarantee specific results for my Cybersecurity business’s PPC campaigns?

While we cannot guarantee specific results, we use a data-driven approach and best practices to improve campaign performance and drive more leads and sales over time.

How do you ensure that my Cybersecurity PPC campaigns are targeting the right audience?

We conduct in-depth research on the Cybersecurity industry and your competitors to identify your ideal customer and develop a targeted PPC strategy that reaches the right audience at the right time.

What types of Cybersecurity PPC campaigns do you offer?

We offer a variety of PPC campaigns, including search ads, display ads, social media ads, and remarketing campaigns, that are tailored to your business goals and budget.

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