Lyphe Case Study: Achieving 49.8K Monthly Organic Traffic in Highly Regulated Medical Cannabis Industry


Organic Traffic


Organic Keywords


Compliant Articles Written

About Lyphe

Lyphe is the largest clinic offering medical cannabis treatment in the UK. The company provides an online service where patients can receive their medical cannabis prescriptions from the comfort of their own homes. The process works as follows:

  1. Customers fill out an online eligibility form to check if medical cannabis is the right treatment for their condition.
  1. If the patient is eligible, they book a video consultation with a specialist doctor who will assess the patient and prescribe a suitable treatment plan.
  1. Once the prescription is written and approved, patients choose a nearby pharmacy to send the medical cannabis to.
  1. Patients who are close to finishing their first treatment can then book a follow-up appointment with their specialist doctor, who will review their progress, check if the prescription is working, and adjust the dosage if necessary.

Although more scientific studies are needed to prove medical cannabis is an effective and safe treatment, most medical professionals are starting to accept that cannabis may offer a variety of therapeutic effects. From reducing inflammation and pain to preventing muscle spasms and seizures, many patients have reported a drastic quality of life improvement.

As the clinic is fulfilled online, Lyphe wanted to increase brand awareness, grow organic traffic and gain new patients. The team reached out to NUOPTIMA to help them achieve this due to our extensive experience working in regulated and cannabinoid industries.

Lyphe decided to go with our basic SEO package, which includes 16,000 words of content, three highly authoritative backlinks, and technical SEO support.


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CEO & Founder


Head of Growth


Head of Clients


SEO Lead

Lyphes Team

Jonathan Nadler


The Results




Keywords on first page


High-quality backlinks

Since Lyphe’s new website went live in November 2022, we have yielded some impressive results, significantly enhancing its online presence and visibility. Our SEO campaign has generated a remarkable 1.375 million impressions so far, indicating a substantial reach and exposure in the digital space. Furthermore, Lyphe achieved a notable milestone by ranking for 3,260 keywords on the first page of search engine results, a clear indicator of the effectiveness of the strategies we employed. Additionally, the acquisition of 439 high-quality backlinks from reputable sources not only bolstered Lyphe’s search engine rankings but also established itself as a reliable medical cannabis dispensary. Below, we go into more detail about the results in our key SEO areas.

Organic Traffic

  • It took us only 12 months from the launch of the new site to achieve a monthly traffic average of 49,812.

Organic Keywords

  • Keywords ranking in positions 1-3 on Google search results shot up to over 1k between August and November 2023 and continue to rise.
  • As of November 2023, there were 2,248 unique organic keywords ranking 4-10 on the SERP results. This took the total keywords on the first page to an impressive 3,338.
  • Not far behind the 1st page, Lyphe has a decent 2,780 keywords on the 2nd page of Google. The total number of keywords ranking on the result pages stands at 21,804 in just 12 months of the new site launch.
  • They now have a total of 1.8k links from other websites pointing to targeted URLs.

How We Achieved These Results

Our cannabis SEO action plan for Lyphe focused on establishing the brand as a top medical cannabis authority, focusing on high-impact keywords for patient decision-making. We enhanced Lyphe’s online presence with terms like ‘medical cannabis clinic’ and ‘cancard UK application,’ aiming to boost revenue by positioning it as a market leader.

Our approach included developing compliant, authoritative content aligned with Food Standards Authority and Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency guidelines, crucial for maintaining regulatory adherence. We rigorously vetted content for compliance to avoid penalties and content removal.

We also optimized Lyphe’s website for better user experience and Google rankings, improving navigation, speed, and mobile responsiveness. Additionally, our targeted backlinking strategy from reputable medical and cannabis sources aimed to increase Lyphe’s domain authority and search engine visibility.

Keyword Research

Our keyword research strategy was a critical component of the SEO action plan for Lyphe, focusing on maximizing visibility in the medical cannabis domain. We aimed to comprehensively cover a range of keyword categories relevant to Lyphe’s services and target audience. Here’s how we approached each type:

Keyword CategoryObjectiveApproach
Medical Cannabis KeywordsRank high for all related keywords.Research and identify a wide range of keywords, from general to specific, including long-tail keywords.
Medical Cannabis for Specific ConditionsCover all ‘medical cannabis for [condition]’ keywords.Identify conditions treatable by medical cannabis and pair them with ‘medical cannabis’ in keywords.
Medical Cannabis + Location KeywordsCover all ‘medical cannabis + location’ keywords.Target local search by combining ‘medical cannabis’ with specific geographic locations.
Natural Remedies for Specific ConditionsCover all ‘natural remedies for [condition]’ keywords.Include keywords for natural or alternative treatments for various conditions, aligning with medical cannabis interest.

In implementing this keyword research strategy, we ensured that the content created was not only optimized for these keywords but also provided genuine value and information to the users. This approach was designed to establish Lyphe as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source in the medical cannabis field, thereby attracting and retaining a relevant audience.

Writing Compliant Content

In our efforts to create content for Lyphe, we faced a significant challenge – wanting to celebrate cannabis as a potential alternative medicine but not being allowed to make claims about its therapeutic effects against certain medical conditions. To address this, we developed a set of client-specific guidelines focused on writing, editing, and referencing, ensuring compliance with FSA and MHRA regulations.


Our strategy involved citing empirical evidence from reputable scientific journals. While direct medical claims were off-limits, showcasing studies and research findings was permissible. We carefully presented this evidence without drawing definitive conclusions, maintaining a balanced perspective. This approach was in line with regulatory standards, as it neither misrepresented the evidence nor made unsubstantiated claims about cannabis’s efficacy.

To avoid misinterpretation by regulatory bodies, we used caution in our language and included disclaimers. These disclaimers emphasized the need for more peer-reviewed research before drawing conclusions about the safety and effectiveness of medical cannabis for specific conditions or therapeutic benefits. For instance, in our article on Fibromyalgia, we meticulously referenced scientific literature, providing hyperlinks in a bibliography section at the end. This not only validated our content’s accuracy but also allowed readers to access the studies directly.

Here is a screenshot of how we approached referencing for the Fibromyalgia article: 

The scientific literature we referenced was listed at the end of the articles in a bibliography section. This validated the accuracy of our content and gave readers the opportunity to examine the evidence directly from the source. Below is an example from our article on Fibromyalgia:

Writing Process

Our method involved detailed briefings for our writers on handling medical cannabis content. The lead editor provided comprehensive guidelines and examples of compliant content. These steps aimed to minimize errors, thereby reducing the editing workload.


Despite preventive measures, perfection in initial drafts is unrealistic. Therefore, we implemented a rigorous editing process:

  1. Initial Review: Writers submitted their content to editors for the first round of editing, focusing on grammar and compliance.
  1. Revisions: Editors returned the content with comments, and writers made necessary amendments.
  1. Final Review: After amendments, the content underwent a last review. If further adjustments were needed, it was sent back to the writers.
  1. Expert Check: Lyphe’s experts conducted a final check. Any flagged issues resulted in further edits.
  1. Publication: Once fully compliant and approved, the content was published on Lyphe’s website.

There was a significant focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in the healthcare and cannabis sectors. This involved creating and sharing informative, relevant content that these sites would find valuable, thereby securing backlinks. Our approach was to target a diverse range of platforms, from industry blogs to healthcare news sites, ensuring a robust and varied link profile. This strategy was not only about gaining links but also about positioning Lyphe as a credible and authoritative voice in the medical cannabis field.

The impact of this backlink strategy was substantial. It led to improved search engine rankings for Lyphe, particularly for targeted keywords, by leveraging the authority of these external sites. Additionally, the articles containing these backlinks themselves ranked for relevant keywords, further increasing Lyphe’s online visibility.

The debate for many businesses is what growth channel they should prioritize: paid ads or SEO. But in regulated industries,  choosing SEO is a no-brainer for a few reasons:

  • Unlike paid ads, where you can be banned in an instant, you have security in knowing your investment into SEO will stand the test of time.
  • SEO is much simpler to implement than attempting to bypass ad restrictions from huge conglomerates like Meta and Google.
  • The return on investment (ROI) will always be better in the long term, as it’s extremely difficult to run paid ads profitably in regulated industries.

If Lyphe Were To Run Paid Adsโ€ฆ

If Lyphe were to run paid ads in the medical cannabis niche, they would need to create cloaking landing pages. This is an intermediary page that is clean of any mentions of cannabis or health claims with the intention of circumventing the restrictions platforms like Meta and Google enforce on regulated industries. The customer would click on the clean ad, which then leads to the clean cloaking landing page. After that, the customer has to click on another link that redirects them to the real landing page where they can purchase the product/service.

The problem with this method is that ads are usually expensive, as itโ€™s difficult to communicate the benefits of the product/service you are selling within the initial ad. Once they do proceed through the funnel, the potential customer is required to click multiple times to reach the end destination. In reality, most people will either ignore the ad, wonโ€™t have the patience for the journey, or will simply get confused about the offering once they reach the cloaking landing page. The end result is sky-high cost-per-click (CPC), low conversion rates (CVR) and poor return on ad spend (ROAS).

The other issue is an ethical one. Some consider cloaking landing pages to be a black hat tactic, as you are circumventing the algorithm to advertise a product that is clearly prohibited in the platformsโ€™ terms of service (TOS). And besides the point โ€“ even if you were to do ads successfully, it is highly likely that, eventually, the platform will catch you and ban your account.

The conclusion here is to stick with SEO for the long run โ€“ itโ€™s easier to implement, the outcomes will always be better, and you wonโ€™t have sleepless nights worrying if your ad account will be banned in the morning!


Our collaboration with Lyphe in the medical cannabis industry has been a resounding success, demonstrating the power of a well-executed SEO strategy in a regulated field. By carefully balancing compliance with engaging content, we’ve not only adhered to regulations but also sparked optimism among patients seeking alternative treatments. This approach, coupled with leveraging scientific research and clear disclaimers, has allowed us to safely explore the potential of medical cannabis without overstepping legal boundaries.

The results speak for themselves: since November 2022, Lyphe has seen a significant increase in organic traffic, with an average of 49,812 monthly visits. Our comprehensive SEO tactics have led to over 3,260 first-page keyword rankings, with more than 1,000 in the top three positions. The success extends to our backlink strategy, securing 439 high-quality links and enhancing Lyphe’s credibility and search engine rankings. This growth is a testament to our ability to navigate the complexities of SEO in a regulated industry.
For businesses seeking similar success, NUOPTIMA offers tailored SEO solutions to meet diverse needs. Book a call chat about how we can elevate your digital strategy and achieve remarkable results in your industry.

Cannadips Achieves 1200% Traffic Increase In Only 1 Month

About Cannadips

Cannadips is a CBD brand that has been in the EU market since 2016. The brand uses a unique pouch delivery method and tobacco and hemp product formulation that is free from nicotine and THC. The Cannadips team reached out to NUOPTIMA for expert SEO services after losing the majority of their traffic from transitioning to a new domain and website. Their goal was to recover the traffic from the old website/domain while simultaneously growing organic traffic metrics to generate new customers.

After discussions with the team, Cannadips opted for our Growth package, which includes, 25,000 words, 6 high-authoritative backlinks and technical support for merging the domain.


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CEO & Founder


Head of Growth


Head of Clients


SEO Lead

Cannadips Team

Case Mandel

CEO & Founder

Jen Pike


Action Plan

We formulated a three-pronged strategy to simultaneously recover and grow Cannadipsโ€™s audience within its target market.

  1. Republish high-ranking content from the old website

    Cannadips created a new website for the domain. During this process, all ranking pages from the old website were lost. We aimed to republish high-ranking content from the old website on their new website to recover lost traffic.
  1. Move ranking content from the second domain

    Cannadips also had a second domain,, which had numerous ranking pages. We aimed to consolidate this content on the new website to maximise results.
  1. Generate new traffic 

    To grow Cannadipsโ€™s audience, we aimed to generate new traffic by targeting high-yielding keywords where Cannadips had no prior history of SERP ranking.

Technical SEO: Merging Domains

Preparing For Content Migration 

We used Semrush to analyse the historical data associated with the old website and compiled a list of all the landing pages with a ranking history. As part of our SEO migration strategy, we repeated this process for, adding all landing pages to the list that were ranking presently. Using this list, we went through Cannadipsโ€™s content archive and found the content associated with each landing page ready for republishing on the new website.ย 


In accordance with the list of landing pages, we asked Cannadips to create new web pages on the new website that conform with the new content structure. If the new URL was different on the new website, we instructed the developer to create 301 redirects from the old page to the new page. Once the pages were created and we audited the developerโ€™s work, our team republished content from both the old website and domain. 

Other Technical Work 

We gave several recommendations for technical improvements to improve website speed and help engine spiders crawl and index Cannadipโ€™s site more effectively.

Content Management System (CMS)

We asked Cannadips to connect with Shopify CMS and create custom code to improve loading times. 

Meta tags

We advised producing meta tags for every important page so Google could understand want Cannadipsโ€™s content is about and show web pages in the appropriate search results.

Content delivery network (CDN)

We advised Cannadips to use CDN. Using a geographically distributed group of servers is an effective way of improving website speed.

Images formats

We instructed Cannadips on the optimal image types for different browsers to ensure the fast loading of photos and infographics.

Keyword Research 

We used two procedures to finalise new keywords for Cannadips to target:

  • We analysed our competitors using Ahrefs and compiled a list of keywords they rank for
  • We interviewed Cannadipโ€™s team to gain an understanding of the keywords their Ideal Customer Persona uses (ICP)

After we compiled an extensive list, we meticulously analysed the keywords to uncover the low-hanging fruit. We were specifically looking for keywords that had moderate to high search volume, matched the keywords Cannadipsโ€™s ICP uses and had a low to moderate keyword difficulty. 

Once we had whittled down the list, we prioritised bottom-funnel keywords (BOFU keywords). These are keywords that have a strong buying intent – we knew that if we could rank for these keywords quickly, Cannadips could generate new customers quickly.

Keyword Clustering

By employing a clustering methodology, we grouped a range of subtopics and produced blog posts that were designed to answer specific search queries associated with a target keyword. We ordered each cluster by priority, making sure we executed first on content pieces that would garner the best results. 


If you have a basic understanding of SEO, you will know it is a long-term growth channel. In most cases, it will take up to 6-months to see significant results, but only if you have been investing and producing content consistently.

With Cannadips, we tore up this script. In only 1 month of work, we were able to achieve some truly astonishing results. Below is a summary of the key milestones:

  • Recover organic keyword ranking from 100 to 2,700
  • Recover monthly traffic from 2,000 back to 26,000
  • Over 150 first page search results

Ranking Bottom Funnel Keywords

Below are the current organic positions on Google for various bottom-funnel keywords.

Keywords examplesPosition in Google USASearch Volume 
Cbd pouches12.2k
Cbd dips 11.4k
Cbd chew1450
Cbd snuf 1200
Cbd chewing dip3150
Cbd chewing tobacco 170
Cbd dip21.2k
Hemp pouch1100
Cbd pouch1150
Tobacco dip 14.3k


Cannadipsโ€™s SEO campaign is an exemplary demonstration of using technical SEO to merge domains and recover traffic from an old website. By being meticulous and systematic with our approach, we were able to reinstate their position within the CBD niche in just a few weeks. But Cannadips didnโ€™t want to remain stagnant in their old positions – they wanted to grow, too. 

By conducting in-depth keyword research and isolating bottom-funnel keywords with low keyword difficulty and good search volume, we were able to rank on Google for new positions quickly. And as a result, Cannadips were able to significantly improve all SEO metrics at their peak from the old domain in just one month.

FUL Scales From 0 to 44k Monthly Organic Traffic In 7 Months – Full Guide, Templates & Processes

0 to 44k

Organic Traffic


Domain Rating


Spirulina Drink

Cofounder of FUL Sara Guaglio, leaves a glowing review about her time working with NUOPTIMA.
From 0 to 44k organic visitors monthly in under 7 months

Bonus: Get the complete swipe file of all resources and processes used to take the FUL site from 0 to 40k organic monthly traffic by clicking

Want free organic traffic to your website but donโ€™t know where to start and how to get real results?

In this article, we will showcase a stellar SEO case study from NUOPTIMA – FUL and tell you exactly how we were able to get their brand-new website from 0 to 40k in traffic in less than 7 months. 

This wonโ€™t be just another case study that shows you the results and doesnโ€™t tell you how to get there – we will tell you exactly what we did, how we selected topics for blog posts and structured the articles, and even how many words we wrote to get the best possible Google rankings. 

This guide will tell you all you need to know to replicate the same results for your brand. So keep reading to learn how to do content marketing and SEO the correct way.

About the Client

FUL is a new spirulina sparkling beverage that has been on the market since 2021. The brand creates healthy flavoured fizzy beverages enriched with spirulina extract. FUL founders Sara, Christina and Julia, reached out to NUOPTIMA in their search for high-quality content marketing and SEO services. Their aims were to use SEO to drive more traffic to their website, spread brand awareness and generate new sales.

Thus, FUL decided to go with NUOPTIMAโ€™s Basic SEO package, which includes 3 monthly backlinks and 16,000 monthly words of content, and our team started working on the FUL website in January 2022.

Our Results

Our team started working on the FUL website in January 2022, and we were able to take their site from 0 organic traffic to nearly 44,000 average monthly visitors in just a few months. Keep in mind that this is completely FREE traffic!

If FUL were to purchase the same amount of traffic they get for free as a result of SEO through PPC ads, they would have to spend over $20,000 EVERY SINGLE MONTH. That’s a 5x ROI on their monthly SEO budget! And if they choose to stop paying for SEO services, they will still keep all of that traffic (unlike PPC ads which only bring visitors as long as you keep paying for them).

FUL also shows up in search results for nearly 18,000 keywords, and roughly 2,000 of those results are on the first page of Google. These are amazing results that are practically unheard of in SEO.

Potential Issues

So, youโ€™re probably wondering how we were able to achieve such terrific results.

Right from the start, NUOPTIMAโ€™s team identified several problems that we needed to take into account when putting together content and SEO strategies for FUL. 

New website

When we began working on the FUL, their website had only existed for 8 months. By SEO metrics, the website was quite young, which means it would require a lot more effort and time to start gaining keywords and improving positions on Google. This also meant that its domain authority was quite low, and this needed to be taken into account by our SEO team.

Domain change

When we began working with FUL, they told us about their plans to change the domain name of their website from to . Usually, a domain name change erases at least 3 months’ worth of SEO progress. But we were able to minimise the impact of the domain change. We explain what we did to help FUL get back to its original traffic volume and keyword numbers in just 2 weeks in the Technical SEO section of this guide.

Design update

The FUL team was planning to update the design of their website soon after starting working with us. We took this into account when formulating our SEO strategy, as significant website design changes can often have a negative effect on the websiteโ€™s rankings. 

Technical issues

Weโ€™ve noticed numerous technical issues on the FUL website after an initial technical audit, so we knew they would need to be addressed as soon as possible.

Free Tech SEO Audit

In some cases, a website’s technical set up can be the one thing stopping them from seeing a huge traffic increase. Hereโ€™s your chance to make sure youโ€™re not falling over at the first hurdle in our Swipe File.

SEO Content Strategy for FUL

Even though content creation is not the only aspect of SEO work, it has a very significant impact on the traffic volume and Google rankings of any website.

In fact, we have seen that content is the #1 lever you can pull to improve SEO results (provided you have a basic technical SEO setup). 

The more content you write, the more keywords that get indexed, the more traffic you receive.

And while NUOPTIMAโ€™s SEO strategies cover all parts of SEO, content creation is one of the key tools we use to promote websites. 

But we donโ€™t just come up with topics off the top of our heads – we take a data-driven approach to content marketing. Hereโ€™s how we created content for FUL step by step:

Put together a pool of potential topics

We began by compiling a large list of topics we could potentially cover in blog posts for FUL. Here are some of the sources we used:

  • Client interview. We interviewed FUL founders to get a clear understanding of their ideal customer persona (ICP) and then put together a list of queries these people may search for on Google.
  • Competitor research. Our team created a list of websites that sell products similar to FUL spirulina beverages and then used Ahrefs to see what keywords these websites rank for, what content they have on their website and how well that content performs. 

Brainstorming. We extensively brainstormed topics that FULโ€™s ICP may be interested in, as well as similar topics with low-difficulty keywords.

As a result, we were left with a long list of hundreds or even thousands of keywords that FULโ€™s ICP may be interested in. Hereโ€™s a screenshot that shows just a small fraction of all the keywords weโ€™ve collected during the initial stage of keyword research:

Create keyword clusters and assign them to topics

Once we had all the keywords, the next step was to group them by topic. As you can see from the screenshot above, some keywords on the list give good ideas for article topics. So the next step was to pick out keywords that relate to different topics and put them into groups. 

For example, looking at the screenshot above, you could search your list of keywords for โ€˜eatโ€™, โ€˜drinkโ€™, โ€˜doseโ€™, โ€˜cookโ€™, and โ€˜thyroidโ€™ and create smaller groups of keywords that contain those words. 

Here are some examples of keyword groups weโ€™ve put together for FUL:

The screenshot shows only a handful of keywords for each topic, but we generally strive to have at least 15-20 keywords in each group.

Free Keyword Clustering Tutorial

Get a live walkthrough of FULโ€™s keyword clustering carried out by our Head of SEO and our other free resources & processes that took FUL from 0 to 40k organic monthly traffic in our Swipe File.

And here are the articles our team created based on the keyword groups in the screenshot above:

And here are the results these articles are showing now in terms of organic monthly traffic, traffic value, and keywords.

How to select keyword clusters? 

Since FULโ€™s website was relatively new when we started working on it, it didnโ€™t have a lot of topical authority as far as Google and other search engines are concerned. Topical authority is one of the most important ranking factors Google uses to determine website rankings, especially in the health and wellness fields. Itโ€™s essentially a measure of authority, expertise, and trust a website has in its respective niche.

Please note that topical authority is different from the domain rating, which is a metric you can see on Ahrefs. Doman rating is a measure of the quality and quantity of backlinks a website has.

Topical authority is also exactly what can help your website rank above other highly reputable websites with huge DRs. For example, our article about chlorophyll water on FUL now outranks Healthline, Forbes, Cleveland Clinic, NBC News, and WebMD, which is an INCREDIBLE result for a website that was created just a few months ago.

We knew that if we tried going for highly popular (and thus incredibly competitive) keywords in our content, it wouldnโ€™t rank well even if we created stellar articles that were much better than the pages that currently rank on the first page of Google for the same search queries. Thus, we decided to use the clustering technique and start off by targeting low-difficulty keywords to build up topical authority over time and get Google to trust the FUL website on health and wellness-related topics.

Of course, one downside of this method is that most low-difficulty keywords have relatively low search volumes, meaning that there arenโ€™t a ton of people looking for those keywords on Google. But this is a trade-off you have to be willing to accept when promoting a new website. The key is to trust the process and remember that all this work will pay off in due time.

FUL naturally wanted to rank for highly relevant keywords such as โ€˜spirulina drinkโ€™. So to increase the chances of their site getting on the first page of Google for this keyword, we created articles that targeted clusters of closely related keywords such as โ€˜antioxidant drinksโ€™, โ€˜healthy soft drinksโ€™, etc.

For example, here is a list of the topics we covered in blog articles in the first month of working with FUL:

  • How To Drink Spirulina?
  • How To Take Spirulina For Weight Loss?
  • Top Sustainable Protein Sources
  • Where To Find Spirulina In A Grocery Store?
  • Best Antioxidant Drinks
  • Top Healthy Soft Drinks
  • Spirulina Uses And Benefits
  • Best Drinks For a Hangover

Today, the article about hangover beverages is the most visited page on FUL, which brings in over 16% of the total website traffic, with just over $4,000 in traffic value. This article ranks first on Google for the keyword โ€˜hangover drinksโ€™ and has over 600 other organic keywords on Google. Other pages are showing similar results.

The article we wrote for FUL shows up as the #1 result on Google right beneath sponsored ads.

This example is a great illustration of why SEO is such a good investment for a business. According to Ahrefs, DrinkDefense pays $0.90 per click when they run ads for the โ€˜hangover drinkโ€™ keyword. This keyword has a 3.1k average monthly search volume. Itโ€™s reasonable to assume that as the #1 result, FUL gets 40% of all clicks. This means that they win 1,240 clicks per month, essentially free of charge (except for the cost of the article). But if DrinkDefense is bidding on this keyword all the time and getting 40% of the search volume, they are paying $1,116 every single month just for this keyword! In the meantime, FULโ€™s article ranks for over 600 other keywords. Thatโ€™s insane!

A note on using Ahrefs

We find that itโ€™s most convenient to use Ahrefs to carry out keyword research, track your websiteโ€™s SEO progress, find competitors, conduct website audits, and much more. For example, to find out the keyword difficulty, volume, and traffic potential of a keyword, you need to open Ahrefs, go to the Keyword Explorer tab, and enter your keyword. 

You can see from the screenshot that the keyword โ€˜spirulinaโ€™ is considered to be โ€˜super hardโ€™ by Ahrefs, and a website would need to have over 270 backlinks to rank in the top 10 for this keyword. This is an impossible number for a new website like FUL, which is why we opted for much easier keywords in the beginning.

You can also scroll down the page to see keyword suggestions along with their respective search volumes. These can be very effective for thorough keyword research.

The secret to writing content that will rank on the first page of Google

Bonus: Get our internal writing guidelines that help FUL rank for hundreds of keywords in first position in our Swipe File by clicking

In-depth research 

Once weโ€™ve put together a list of topics we wanted to cover in the first few months of working with FUL and selected at least 20 relevant keywords that needed to be targeted in each article, our copywriting team got to work on creating blog content.

The key to creating content that will rank on the first page of Google is to write articles that are simply BETTER than all others in the top 10 Google results. 

And โ€˜betterโ€™ means providing more value to the reader.

Each piece of content you write for your website should give more relevant information than the posts that already reside on the first page of Google and answer the userโ€™s query in a more complete way. Remember, Googleโ€™s algorithms can tell if readers are happy with the content on a page and promote that page above others.

Before writing a piece of blog content, our copywriters analyse the top 10+ results for the target keyword on Google and determine what aspects of the topic are covered in each of those sources. They also cross-check these subtopics with the list of target keywords. 

Oftentimes, the keywords tell you what information needs to be included in the article, even if this information is not present in any of the top 10 results on Google. If users are searching for it, it needs to be included. 

Bottom line: Donโ€™t believe people who say that theyโ€™ve found a way to cheat the system by including a certain amount of keywords or using other tricks to make otherwise mediocre text rank on the first page. 

Sure, some of these tricks may have worked in the past, but Google is constantly updating and improving its algorithms to account for loopholes. Thus, the only correct way to do SEO is to improve the quality of your website for users, and this includes writing stellar content. 

The perfect article length for SEO

Thereโ€™s no set length requirement for SEO articles. The best way to determine the perfect length for a blog post is to analyse competing articles and ensure that your post is not shorter. Ideally, it should even be a little longer than the average post on the same topic. 

For FUL, weโ€™ve ended up creating articles that were 1,500-1,700 words on average. This meant that under the Basic SEO package, which includes 16,000 words of content, we were able to provide FUL with 8 high-quality articles per month. Blog content added up to 18,000 words, and the remaining 3,000 words were used to create 3 backlink articles every month. Curious to know why we spend 3,000 words on backlinks? Keep reading, weโ€™ll let you into the strategy. 

Optimal blog post structure

Once research for the article is complete, and the copywriter has all the information they need to create their post, they begin writing. All articles written by NUOPTIMAโ€™s writers adhere to a set structure. Weโ€™ve found that this structure helps blog posts get much more organic traffic. 


We always write the title of the article around a long-tail keyword to help Google understand what search intent this article could satisfy. The H1 should be different from the meta title.

Key points

This is a short section with 3 to 5 bullet points conveying the main ideas of the article. This section helps the reader see if our article will answer their question, and it gets us bonus points with Googleโ€™s algorithm by increasing the chances of the article getting onto Googleโ€™s Featured Results.

Right now, FUL has Featured Snippets, Sitelinks, and other Google Features on over 500 keywords in the United States alone. This gives FUL more Google real estate and improves click-through rates, which further pushes up the websiteโ€™s rankings.

Body of the article with H2s, H3s, H4s, etc. 

Each subheading should contain highly relevant keywords.

Short conclusion

Sometimes, our writers will include a short conclusion at the end of the article. But this is not always necessary as the Key Points section already serves as a summary of the article.


This section provides an excellent opportunity for the article to be featured in โ€˜Featured snippetsโ€™ or โ€˜People also askโ€™ sections on the first page of Google.

The key is to browse questions related to your keyword that appear in this section, select the ones that donโ€™t have very good answers, and answer them in the FAQ section.

For example, to find questions about โ€˜vegan drinksโ€™, we entered that keyword on Google, found the People Also Ask section, opened and closed the questions that appeared there a few times (this will give you more options to choose from) and selected questions that were relevant to our article or didnโ€™t have good answers.

You can also utilise this service to find questions, making sure to select People Also Ask, English language, depth 2, and your target country in the settings.

This is what the FAQ section will look like on your website.


Weโ€™ve found that itโ€™s much more effective to include text references to sources throughout the article and only list links at the end of the article in the References section.

Images and videos

Each article you post should be illustrated with images and/or videos. You can use your own images or buy them from a photo stock website. However, keep in mind that images that add value to the article work much better than generic pictures. 

Meta title and meta description

Each article should include a meta title which will appear only on Google. The title MUST be written around a long-tail keyword and be around 50 to 55 characters long. 

The meta description is another piece of data that will appear only on Google. It should include at least 2 keywords and take up around 150-160 characters.

Free Content Writing Guidelines

Get our internal guidelines that every single one of our writers use to ensure our content pieces rank in position 1 for Google in our Swipe File!

Examples of Content Weโ€™ve Created for FUL

Youโ€™ve already seen what topics weโ€™ve covered in the first month of working with FUL. But what about later months? You can check out all blog posts NUOPTIMAโ€™s copywriting team has written for their website in the FUL blog. But hereโ€™s a short overview of the types of topics weโ€™ve covered in their blog in the last 7 months:

  • All about spirulina (how to make spirulina taste good, where is spirulina grown, what is the best spirulina brand).
  • Alternatives to different types of unhealthy beverages (healthy soft drinks, healthy alternatives to diet soda, coffee alternatives for energy).

  • Answers to general questions about soft drinks (is diet soda healthy, best drinks for hydration, is soda bad for you).

  • Spirulina for various health conditions and diets (drinks for intermittent fasting, soft drinks for vegans, soft drinks for high blood pressure).

  • Topics related to chlorophyll and chlorella (where to buy chlorophyll water, how much chlorophyll water to drink per day, chlorella vs spirulina).

As of July, we have created 45 blog posts for FUL. Together, all pages in the blog bring in nearly 25,000 ORGANIC visitors every month, generating over $20,000 in free traffic! The pages also rank for over 12,000 keywords.

And these numbers increase every single day.

Of course, content is not the only part of SEO, so below, weโ€™ll briefly explain two other aspects of SEO that we handle for our clients – technical SEO and link building.

Bonus: Get a list of the questions we use to evaluate every single backlink, and a live walkthrough of our Head of SEO evaluating backlinks live in our Swipe File by clicking

A common (but outdated and often ineffective) SEO technique is to flood the website with hundreds or even thousands of low-quality backlinks. But you should never do this! Google can easily figure out that youโ€™re using this trick and punish your website for it. In fact, some black-hat SEO agencies even use low-quality backlinks to diminish the Google rankings of their competitorsโ€™ websites. 

The task of creating quality backlinks for FUL was made easier for our team by the fact that we have relationships with over 1,500 domains in various niches, including health and wellness. Weโ€™ve tested hundreds of websites and know how well backlinks from all of them perform.

However, we still use standard metrics to pick the best backlinks for our clients. Ideally, you want to find sites that have a high DR (domain rating) and a lot of traffic. The domain rating reflects the quality of the backlink profile of the website in question. At the same time, a high traffic volume doesnโ€™t just mean that the websiteโ€™s owner put a lot of effort into SEO. It means that Google believes that this site is useful, which is why it gives it higher rankings, therefore sending more people to visit it. 

There are also other factors to consider if youโ€™re looking to purchase backlinks. For example, you should check how many inbound and outbound links a website has. If this ratio is too skewed and the site has many more outbound links (which shows Google that the site was created to sell backlinks and not bring value to users), you should not purchase backlinks from it because they wonโ€™t do your site any good.

 Here are 3 examples of links weโ€™ve bought for FUL.

This domain has a domain rating of 76, which is very high, and over 43k monthly organic traffic.

This website has a domain rating of 70 and almost 20k monthly organic traffic, which is significant.

This site also has a very high DR of 64 and over 40k monthly organic website visitors.

Watch us evaluate backlinks live on video

If you paid attention to all the screenshots in this guide, you might be slightly confused at this point. After all, we told you that weโ€™re only buying 3 backlinks per month for FUL, and yet this screenshot we gave you at the beginning of the article shows that FUL has nearly 800 backlinks. So, where did they come from?

These backlinks came from two sources:

  • FULโ€™s PR efforts
  • Free backlinks as a result of quality content

Since the content weโ€™ve created for FULโ€™s blog has excellent positions on Google, lots of traffic, and great quality, they are now able to get lots of backlinks from a variety of websites free of charge. To date, FUL has received over 80 free backlinks.

This further shows Google, other website owners, and users that FUL is the authority when it comes to healthy beverages and spirulina.

Technical SEO 

NUOPTIMAโ€™s SEO team has strong technical expertise that helps not only to identify all issues with our clientโ€™s websites but also prioritise the few issues that will bring 80% of the result. Thus, we carry out comprehensive technical audits of every client website each week and determine which problems need to be addressed urgently. Here is an example of a typical audit.

Then we put together a detailed brief for the customerโ€™s development team to ensure proper implementation. 

Hereโ€™s an example of technical changes weโ€™ve requested FULโ€™s development team to make in our second month of working with this client.

Here are a few examples of the specific instructions we provide to the clientโ€™s development team on each issue:

Once everything is fixed on the clientโ€™s side, we conduct a repeat analysis of the website to check the results and update, creating a constant feedback loop.

Free Tech SEO Audit

In some cases, a website’s technical set up can be the one thing stopping them from seeing a huge traffic increase. Hereโ€™s your chance to make sure youโ€™re not falling over at the first hurdle in our Swipe File.

Moving to a new domain

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, FUL expressed their desire to move their website to a new domain a few months after we started working on their project. Normally, this move is very dangerous. A website can lose all of its traffic and positions if proper techniques arenโ€™t used during the move. But even when everything is done correctly, a domain move usually results in a loss of 3 months worth of growth. 

But we were able to do something thatโ€™s almost impossible.

By using 3 techniques, we were able to minimise the negative effect of the domain move. Here is what we did:

  • Create 301 redirects for every single page

A 301 redirect is a server response code that tells search engines that the page has moved to a new address. If you simply move a website to a new domain without creating these redirects, it will lose all of its rankings because Google will treat it as a completely new site which is a repeat of the old site. This means it will grow even slower than a brand-new site.

There are several ways to create these redirects. You can set them up at the domain registrarโ€™s or CDN Cloudflare levels, or create them on the server of the old website using the .htaccess file.

  • Add the new domain to Google Search Console

The next step was to add the new domain to the same Google Search Console (GSC) account as the old one. 

  • Re-configure Google Search Console

Once both domains were added to the same account, we notified Google that the old domain is moving in the Settings.

We also added a sitemap to the new website. 

As a result, FUL was back to its original website traffic just 2 weeks after the domain change. You can see it for yourself below!

How To Get Sales from SEO 

As great and effective as SEO is, thereโ€™s a significant chance that SEO techniques alone wonโ€™t significantly boost your conversion rates. This is because most people who find your website through search results are only at the top of the sales funnel, so you need to take steps and use different techniques to guide them down the funnel and convince them to purchase your product.  

This is why we put together a list of features FUL needed to implement on their website to improve conversion rates. This list included:

  • Conversion blocks throughout the articles
  • Internal backlinking
  • Contextual pop-ups that offer a 15% discount in exchange for the userโ€™s email or simply have a button leading the user to the product page

This allowed us to significantly increase the number of people who visit product pages after reading posts in the blog and boost conversion rates.

Future Strategies 

Since FUL has achieved excellent results with SEO, they are currently taking the next step in their marketing plan and setting up retargeting campaigns on Facebook. Their goal is to retarget people who have previously visited their blog or product pages, entice them back to the website with offers, and convert these visitors into customers. 

If youโ€™re struggling with targeting the right audience with your Facebook ads, SEO is a perfect solution that will allow you to get pre-qualified traffic for free and prevent you from wasting money on showing ads to people who are not interested in your product. By using this two-stage method, you will be able to find an audience that has already searched keywords your website ranks for and thus is interested in buying your product.


FUL is one of the most impressive SEO case studies NUOPTIMA has ever had. And itโ€™s not just us! A website that went from zero to 40k in organic traffic in only 7 months would be the crown jewel of any SEO agency.

And the best part is that we didnโ€™t use any tricks or loopholes to get here, which means that these results wonโ€™t disappear overnight when Google decides to change its algorithm and close yet another loophole.

It also means that you can use our process to get amazing results for your website too. So what are you waiting for? Start putting together a content strategy right now!

Bonus: Get the complete swipe file of all resources and processes used to take the FUL site from 0 to 40k organic monthly traffic by clicking


FUL Team

Julia Streuli

Co-Founder and CEO

Sara Guaglio


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SEO Lead

Pzizzโ€™s Traffic Skyrockets by 228% Resulting in 40x App Installs


Organic Traffic Increase


Organic Keyword Increase


Best Sleep Apps for iPhone

About Pzizz

Pzizz is a company that offers a unique solution to help people improve their sleep and relaxation. Their flagship product is a mobile app that uses a combination of soundscapes, music, and voiceover to create a personalised sleep and relaxation experience.

Pzizz’s app has been designed to address the growing need for better sleep and relaxation in today’s fast-paced world. By combining clinically-proven techniques with state-of-the-art technology, Pzizz provides an effective solution to help people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed and energised.

Their app is highly customisable, allowing users to personalise their sleep and relaxation experience to their unique preferences. Users can choose from a variety of soundscapes, music, and voiceover options, as well as adjust the volume, duration, and intensity of each element. The app also includes features such as a sleep tracker and a power nap mode to help users optimise their sleep and relaxation.

Their app has already helped millions of people around the world improve their sleep, and the company continues to innovate and improve their offerings to help even more people in the future.


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CEO & Founder


Head of Growth


Head of Clients


SEO Lead

Pzizz Team

Rockwell Shah

Chief Executive Officer

Brent Listner

Director of Marketing

Action Plan

When we first started working with Pzizz, there were concerns about irrelevant traffic to their website. Pzizz had noticed that despite high website traffic, their conversion rate was not increasing, indicating that the visitors to their website were not their target audience.

We began our analysis by conducting an in-depth SEO audit of Pzizz’s website, revealing that their website received significant traffic from irrelevant keywords. Their original content contained a lot of information on generic sleep topics, such as โ€˜fabrics for bedding,โ€™ โ€˜most comfortable mattresses,โ€™ and โ€˜sleeping pills.โ€™ This meant the visitors were not actually interested in downloading the sleep app, leading to a lack of conversions.

To address this issue, we devised a comprehensive SEO strategy that involved optimising Pzizz’s website for relevant keywords, creating high-quality content to engage with the target audience, and implementing technical SEO improvements to enhance the website’s user experience.

As a result of the SEO strategy, Pzizz experienced a significant increase in organic traffic from their target audience, leading to a surge in app downloads and an improvement in their ROI. Pzizz was now in a position to find people with sleep problems and position their sleep app as the solution.

Keyword Research

Our Head of SEO conducted a thorough analysis of Pzizz’s website using Ahrefs (an SEO tool) to identify relevant keywords that could drive bottom-funnel traffic to their website. During the analysis, we discovered that keywords related to iPhone apps had high intent and search volume and were relatively easy to rank for.

KeywordCurrent positionVolume
free sleep apps for iphone1600
best free sleep apps for iphone1100
sleep apps for iphone170
best sleep apps for iphone160
relaxing sounds to fall asleep to160
sounds for concentration3150
noises to help you sleep4250
sounds to help you sleep53900
productivity apps iphone5600
bedtime app iphone5350
best iphone apps for productivity5350
best iphone sleep tracker5150
best iphone apps productivity5150
sleep tracker app iphone6100
best ios sleep tracker6100

Bottom-Funnel Content

Bottom-funnel content for Pzizz is highly effective in driving conversions and increasing app downloads. One strategy we adopted was to create listicles that compare different types of apps available on the market. These listicles were optimised for relevant keywords such as “best sleep apps”, “top meditation apps”, and “compare sleep apps” to attract users who are actively searching for these types of apps.

By providing informative and comparative content, we have established the Pzizz brand as a reliable source of information for potential users. This has helped to highlight Pzizz’s unique features and benefits, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and more installs. With the right bottom-funnel content strategy, Pzizz effectively engages with potential app users and positions itself as a leader in the sleeping aid industry.

Sticky Banner

We implemented a sticky banner which proved to be an essential tool for promoting Pzizz’s website and app downloads. This banner stays fixed on the home page, ensuring maximum visibility and exposure. By using sticky banners, Pzizz can prominently display its call-to-action, encouraging visitors to download the sleep app.

Sticky banners are particularly useful for mobile users (Pzizz’s target audience) as it ensures the app download button is always within reach and doesn’t get lost in the content. This makes it easier for users to engage with Pzizz’s app and ultimately increases app installs.



Monthly Traffic Increase


Relevant Keyword Increase


App installs

The results of our SEO efforts for Pzizz have been impressive. With carefully calculated ROI from SEO, we can confidently estimate that the more content and pages we have on the website, the faster Pzizz grows. Based on current growth rates, we expect to have a 10x increase in traffic and installs in the next 5-9 months.

App installs

  • By tracking data from one sticky banner alone, we found that it drove around 150-200 installs per month. This number is likely an underestimate since some people may not click on the exact links.
  • We estimate that around 450 people landed on the blog, clicked on the Pzizz homepage, and then installed the app, resulting in another 150 installs. In total, we estimate that the SEO efforts have driven a minimum of 150 installs, with a potential 30% conversion rate.
  • To make SEO a profitable channel, we need to increase the number of installs by 10x, which is achievable since we were able to increase the number of installs from blog SEO traffic by roughly 30x in less than four months from the start of the project.

Organic Traffic

  • Organic traffic increased by 227% from 5,653 to 18,523

Organic Keywords

  • Organic keyword rankings in positions 1-3 have increased from 76 to 120

  • Organic keyword rankings on the first page have shot up from 343 to 980

  • Organic keyword rankings between 11-20 have gone from 488 to 1,697


Pzizz had been struggling to attract relevant traffic to its website and convert those visitors into app installs. We provided a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, including keyword tactics, carefully structured long-form content, banners, and strategic tracking to address this issue.

Thanks to our expertise, Pzizz was able to increase its website traffic by 160% and improve its conversion rates significantly. This helped the app to reach a wider audience and position itself as the go-to sleep app. 

The six-month project proved to be successful, with some remarkable results to show. However, there is still much more that can be done to improve their ROI from SEO efforts. One main area is implementing improved CRO techniques to encourage visitors to take action and convert them into app installs. By implementing our recommendations, we would predict a further 20% increase in app installs.

NUOPTIMA Picks The Perfect B2B Niches & Grows to 12k Organic Traffic in 6 Months


Organic keywords


Organic traffic



Nuoptima grows to 12k organic traffic in 6 months


NUOPTIMA is a growth agency. We have the capabilities internally to deliver nearly all online digital marketing services and have an expert team doing so. We typically acquire clients through word of mouth or referrals, given the quality of work we deliver. However, we have been thinking about utilising SEO to produce a steady stream of new clients. 

The difficulty of using SEO to find new digital marketing services is that the industry is very mature. Most digital marketing service keywords and niches are highly competitive. However, we tasked ourselves internally with searching for sub-niches where there may be an opportunity to acquire clients long term.

NUOPTIMA both acquires and grows brands and businesses


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Action Plan

After analysing various niches and thinking about the long term e-commerce space, we hypothesised that Amazon digital marketing services might be an interesting sub-niche. After analysing the competitive landscape, we quickly identified that most Amazon store owners only have a small pool of reliable service providers to buy from. 

We also analysed the SEO digital marketing space, hunting for sub niches, and what we found was incredibly interesting. There exists a wide host of sector-specific SEO niches, such as SEO for physiotherapists, which remain untapped.


Monthly words written

NUOPTIMA previously had very little topical authority in the Amazon niche. Our parent company, Alphagreen Group Limited, does buy Amazon brands, but this link is limited at best in SEO perspectives. Hence, we focused on creating high-quality Amazon-related content. A quick Google search reveals we now have 296 individual pages related to Amazon.

NUOPTIMAโ€™s web pages indexed by Google that mention the word Amazon

Those 296 pages are ranking for just under 2,000 keywords in the Amazon niche, in under 2 months. 

Keywords containing the word โ€œAmazonโ€ that NUOPTIMA is ranking for, segmented by geography

The long term goal is to rank for keywords such as โ€œAmazon Agencyโ€, which would routinely bring in high intent leads to NUOPTIMA.

Search statistics for the โ€œAmazon Agencyโ€ keyword

Content Writing for SEO Sub Niches

Given that NUOPTIMA already has high topical authority in the SEO niche, our focus was on building high intent landing pages for various sub-niches. We are in the process of systematically creating hundreds of pages targeted at specific verticals. Google has begun to index these keywords below.

With SEO, it is always key to first write the content and publish it as soon as possible. We want to maximise the time Google has to read, ingest and index our pages. After we work through our content backlog, we revisit the pages to improve UX/UI and behavioural factors. 

NUOPTIMA is beginning to rank their industry specific SEO landing pages

This is only the beginning of NUOPTIMAโ€™s SEO journey, but from current indexation leading indicators, the future looks bright. By ranking these pages organically, we expect to see materially lower customer acquisition costs; the below table highlights a cost per click of over ยฃ18 just for โ€œSEO for estate agentsโ€, which weโ€™re very likely to rank organically for.

Current indexed pages NUOPTIMA has created /seo-for-XYZ



Backlinks placed


Average domain rating

5 to 22

Domain rating 

Given our move into the Amazon niche, it was vital we married any new content with high-quality backlinks. Our process for identifying high-quality sites includes measuring the publisherโ€™s site quality. We analyse their inbound and outbound backlinks and identify how Google treats them. 

If we see a site is on the rise in organic traffic, itโ€™s a good indication that Google looks upon them favourably. It also means that acquiring a backlink from that site is highly valuable – in other words, itโ€™s an appreciating asset! 

Youโ€™ll notice weโ€™re heavily introducing Amazon-related anchors into our backlink profile to further signal our authority to Google.

NUOPTIMA is signaling to Google that they are a reputable Amazon agency. 

How a Cybersecurity Firm Generates 20 Quality Leads Per Month With SEO


Quality Monthly Leads




Average SEO Revenue

Customer Review

Award Nominated Case Study

Our cybersecurity case study was shortlisted in the Drum Awards, standing out among thousands of entries from international growth agencies. This recognition highlights just how effective and innovative our Microminder SEO strategy is in this highly competitive market.

About Microminder

Microminder, with over 35 years in the cybersecurity industry, has established itself as a leading IT and cybersecurity solutions provider. Focused on servicing the dental industry, they have built a reputation for understanding and tackling unique cybersecurity challenges, transcending beyond mere IT support to become strategic IT business partners.

Their service offerings are comprehensive, including Microsoft Cloud Solutions, robust cybersecurity measures, and VoIP Telephony. This array of services ensures clients not only maintain efficient IT operations but also stay safeguarded against the latest cyber threats, keeping them technologically advanced and secure.

The company’s strength is its team of experienced professionals who are committed to innovation and delivering cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. Microminder places a high emphasis on recruitment, training, and development, ensuring their team is at the forefront of the cybersecurity field. This dedication to excellence and continuous improvement makes Microminder a trusted partner in the cybersecurity landscape.


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SEO Lead

Microminder Team

Sanjiv Cherian


The Results


Total Ranking Keywords


Pages Ranking in the Top 100


Total Backlinks

The SEO efforts for the project yielded impressive results: a total of 122 backlinks were established, significantly enhancing the website’s authority and online presence. Additionally, the website now ranks for 2,700 keywords, demonstrating a broad and effective reach in search engine results. Out of these, 128 pages have achieved rankings within the top 100 search results, indicating a strong and widespread online visibility across multiple pages and topics. These improvements across key SEO areas now generate Microminder 20 quality leads every month.

Organic Traffic

  • Organic traffic went from an average of 13 when they first started working with us in July 2022 to an impressive 3,056 as of November 2023 – thatโ€™s 235x more visits from organic search.

  • Their organic traffic value skyrocketed to $14,601, a significant leap from the initial $106.

Organic Keywords

  • In July 2022, Microminder had no keywords ranking in positions 1-3. After 16 months of our SEO strategy, they now have 40 and growing. 
  • They now have 358 keywords ranking on the first page of search results. This is a fantastic result, considering when we first started working with Microminder, there was only 1.

How We Achieved These Results

In our SEO action plan for Microminder, we initially conducted a thorough analysis of their website’s structure, particularly after they transitioned to a new domain. We quickly identified a significant gap: the absence of dedicated landing pages for each of their service lines. This oversight was critical as it meant that Microminder was not effectively capturing service-specific search intent, leading to a loss of potential bottom-funnel traffic.

Our plan involved several key steps to help address this:

  • Development of Service-Specific Landing Pages: We advised Microminder on the creation of distinct landing pages for each service they offered. This strategy was aimed at capturing targeted search queries specific to their diverse services like Microsoft Cloud Solutions, cybersecurity, VoIP Telephony, rental, and consultancy.
  • Content Creation and Optimization: Recognizing the importance of content in SEO, we focused on producing technical yet engaging content. This content was meticulously crafted to include service-level keywords, ensuring that it would rank well in search engine result pages (SERPs) and attract the right audience.
  • Collaboration with the Design Team: We worked closely with Microminder’s design team to ensure that the new landing pages were not only optimized for search engines but also for conversion rate optimization (CRO). Our goal was to make these pages not just discoverable but also compelling and user-friendly, encouraging visitors to engage with the services offered.
  • SEO and CRO Optimization: In our collaboration, we emphasized the importance of balancing SEO with CRO. We guided the design team on best practices for both, ensuring that the pages were structured and designed to perform well on Google while also providing a seamless and persuasive user experience.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Improvement: Post-implementation, we set up a system for ongoing monitoring and analysis of the performance of these landing pages. This allowed us to make data-driven decisions and continuous improvements, ensuring that the pages remained effective over time in both attracting and converting potential clients.

By implementing this comprehensive SEO cybersecurity strategy, we went all out to significantly increase Microminder’s organic traffic, generate leads, and grow their average monthly revenue.

High Ranking Keywords

In our SEO campaign for Microminder, we focused on elevating their rankings for critical cybersecurity keywords, including: “penetration testing,” “OT security solutions,” and “cyber security company.” Our strategy involved comprehensive keyword analysis and optimization of website content to enhance relevance and authority in these areas. This targeted approach led to Microminder achieving high search rankings for these key terms, significantly boosting their online visibility and business inquiries and demonstrating the effectiveness of focused SEO in the competitive cybersecurity industry.

Here is an example of some of Microminder’s top-performing keywords in the SERPs:

uk cyber security companies140
cyber security companies dubai130
vulnerability assessment and penetration testing companies in dubai130
uk pen testing companies240
pen testing companies usa220
top pen testing companies uk330
internet security company4450
top pentest companies490
digital security companies470
vulnerability assessment company430
security solutions companies5150
cybersecurity software companies570
security operations center checklist530
pci penetration testing vendors520

Technical Content Writing 

For Microminder, a client required to demonstrate a top level of cybersecurity expertise, we recognized the need for content that is both accurate and engaging. To achieve this, we formed a specialized content team, combining technical knowledge with writing skills, to ensure the delivery of top-quality, industry-relevant content. This consisted of the following:

  • 1 Head of SEO
  • 1 Lead Editor
  • 1 Senior Content Writer
  • 1 Content Writer
  • 1 Cybersecurity Consultant

With the challenge of competing against established brands, we focused on building topical authority for Microminder. Our strategy was to create informative and comprehensive pages, positioning Microminder as a credible and authoritative source of cybersecurity information on Google, capable of outranking even the most prominent competitors. This included producing service pages, listicles, and blogs.

To maintain the highest standards of quality and accuracy possible, we also implemented the following rigorous editing process:

Initial Draft ReviewWriters created the initial draft focusing on technical accuracy and engagement. The lead editor then reviewed it for technical and readability standards.
RevisionsModifications were made based on the lead editor’s feedback to align with Microminder’s standards and guidelines.
Secondary ReviewThe lead editor conducted a second review, focusing on minor adjustments for publication readiness.
Expert ReviewMicrominder’s cybersecurity experts verified technical accuracy and industry relevance. Final changes were incorporated.
PublicationThe approved content was published on the landing page to engage and inform Microminder’s audience.

Below are some examples of the blog topics we covered, showcasing our ability to translate complex cybersecurity topics into clear, informative, and engaging content.

Landing Page SEO and CRO Optimisation

When developing cybersecurity content for Microminder’s service-specific landing pages, we adopted a bespoke approach. Each landing page was carefully crafted to highlight the unique features of the respective service, requiring close collaboration with the design team to ensure content and design coherence.

Our strategy for Microminder focused on creating service pages optimized for both search engine rankings and conversion efficiency. Recognizing the importance of bottom-funnel traffic, we emphasized conversion-oriented design and copy, including strategically placed call-to-action (CTA) elements. This approach resulted in landing pages that effectively engaged visitors, guiding them towards desired actions such as inquiries or sales.

To illustrate the effectiveness of our approach, we have included screenshots showcasing one of  Microminder’s top-performing landing pages below. These visuals highlight the specific sections of the Penetration Testing Services landing page, demonstrating how our content strategy was implemented in accordance with the site’s overall design and functionality.


Over 16 months, our team at NUOPTIMA worked closely with Microminder to revolutionize their online presence, achieving remarkable results in traffic, keyword rankings, and overall digital authority.

Microminder’s organic traffic saw an astronomical increase, resulting in a significant organic traffic value of $14,601, up from a mere $106. This growth was not just in quantity but also in quality, as they now get 20 leads every month with a website ranking for 2,700 keywords and 128 pages in the top 100 search results.

Contact NUOPTIMA today to learn more about our SEO services and how we can help you replicate similar results.

How We Closed ยฃ90k & Got 568 Qualified Leads To Attend A Month-Long SEO Webinar Series

Generating leads for an agency on demand is hardโ€”especially for the type of clients we love working with. 

Since weโ€™re selling an ยฃ18k to ยฃ45k contract (thatโ€™s between ยฃ3.5k to ยฃ7.5k per month for a minimum of 6 months), itโ€™s challenging to find qualified leads. The best ones came from brands that know what they want and are actively searching for SEO assistance. Likewise, we also had strong leads come through referrals from our network.  

Hereโ€™s the thing. Most of these leads already had two things going for them. They either knew who we were already or understood the value of SEO and were seeking support from an agency like us. 

We had to think about this realistically. What was holding us back from signing client after client? Considering the impressive results weโ€™ve achieved with our clientele, we trusted our service was providing what we knew it could. So, since our close rate is 30% on proposals, we hypothesised our issue was to do with getting people to knock on our door.

What Limitations Were We Facing?

We knew that outbound prospecting for SEO is very hard. There are many things that must be right timing-wise for a business to consider SEO as a growth channel. So, itโ€™s imperative we position ourselves as the obvious choice when they are ready. 

As you can see, this highlights a clear limitation for our growth potential. Our ability to scale is tied to our brand awareness. 

Fortunately, we have lots of drip-feeding strategies to combat this, such as attending events and running workshops. However, this is a long-term approach. We wanted a quick catalyst to get a bunch of new leads through the door.

We needed to get crystal clear on what was stopping businesses from coming to us for growth support rather than us reaching out to them. Weโ€™ve already emphasised some of the pain points above, including the need for strong brand awareness. More than this, though, through our efforts to onboard brands, we realised many of them had one thing in common. The decision-makers (CEOs, CMOs, and marketing leads) didnโ€™t fully understand or grasp the true value of doing SEO work. 

Education and SEO awareness are monumental in attracting new clients, thus, indicating another pain point in our strategy. So, what else did we identify?

  • SEO is expensive and perceived as a โ€œspammyโ€ word, which fundamentally means people donโ€™t truly understand it.
  • Over 60% of people, when asked, believe SEO takes 3-6 months to generate results (which is true for new sites), so businesses need to be confident in investing upfront. However, many donโ€™t know how to predict if their SEO tactics are working until months down the line, potentially costing them thousands. 

These are just some things that could be stopping leads from getting through our door quickly. So, hereโ€™s what we did.

We decided a webinar series would be an effective way for us to speak to hundreds of people in one go, increase their awareness of us, and show our authority in the space. It gave us a chance to teach the correct way businesses should think about SEO and for us to create our own category. 

We developed this hugely successful cohort-based program, giving away our valuable internal strategies and educating decision-makers on why SEO is so important. We revealed the types of results they could achieve, how to execute a top 1% SEO strategy and how to interpret leading indicators to communicate their probable ROI. 


We were astounded by the success of the SEO Accelerator. During the program, we never asked people to enquire with us or try to sell at any point. This was really important for us. The objective of the webinar series was never to close revenue; it was always to educate and increase awareness. With that in mind, here are a few noteworthy statistics that weโ€™re extremely proud of: 

  • 568 attendees
  • ยฃ90k in closed contract value
  • ยฃ200k pipeline contract value

The best bit? This is all INBOUND.

We were able to provide practical, tangible solutions to common SEO problems. Instead of directly selling our services, we demonstrated our knowledge and proficiency in this area. Building this trust between our brand and the wider community is huge in building long-term relationships in the industry and developing a positive reputation for ourselves. 

How Did We Do It?

The execution came around, and we knew we had to get this right. Sure, we wanted to boost our brand awareness and promote our services, but the priority was to showcase our unique expertise. Demonstrating this was the key to establishing a strong, genuine brand and positioning ourselves as specialists. The SEO Accelerator had to provide authentic, sincere, and practical advice. Businesses might not have trusted us with their growth if it didn’t. 

The core idea of the SEO Accelerator was to educate investors, marketers, VCs, and founders about SEO, its potential, and how to predict ROI. We decided it would be a four-week cohort-based course. The reason behind this decision was definitely lacklustre. We guessed that four weeks would give us as much exposure to our ICP as possible while covering our core topics in enough detail. 

We view SEO as having four pillars. So, after some deliberation, we decided on four key topic areas to cover over four sessions: Strategy, Backlinks, Content, and Technical. 

Within these, we explored the following:

  • How to plan, model, and execute an expert SEO strategy
  • Core content lessons, including how to structure SEO pieces, perform keyword research and rank in position #1
  • Demystifying technical SEO and helping brands understand when itโ€™s time to invest and communicate priorities with the tech team
  • Finally, everything they need to know about securing backlinks, how to use them and when they are useful

After coming up with the idea of an SEO Accelerator, we gave ourselves a 3-week deadline to sort out the logistics since the webinar was not our only business priority. Alongside creating and marketing this intensive program, we had to run the business and service our existing clients. After the initial 3-week setup, we had 4 weeks to market the event.

Preparing for the Launch in 3 Weeks

Setting up a high-converting landing page

In those first few weeks, our main goal was to set up a landing page to collect leads and tease attendees about what was in store. We knew it had to have a killer headline and loads of social proof, so we turned to our market research to guide us.

From our sales calls, we knew people cared about having ample traffic and that SEO is at the top of their mind right now due to increased CACs on Facebook. It was clear that we could highlight SEOโ€™s cost-effectiveness and demonstrate how it can save money across the board. 

Ultimately, we created the headline, “Learn How To Increase Your Siteโ€™s Organic Traffic by 20k & Cut Your CACs Permanentlyโ€.

We could have gone with 100k or 50k as the enticing figure, but we had an exact case study that took a website from 0 to 20k, making it even more believable. Even if we had a website that went to 100k in organic traffic, it seems a bit far-fetched. We wanted to be realistic; our buyers are sophisticated and donโ€™t fall for crazy stats.

Acing this landing page was crucial to getting businesses interested, so we had to make every line captivating, encouraging them to read the next. 

Using social proof to showcase our leadership in this category 

Next, we focused our efforts on evoking as much social proof as possible. We reached out to our network and any companies we had done SEO for, had ever created proposals for or had given free SEO advice.

Weโ€™re good at what we do, so testimonials came flying in, and many companies were happy for us to use their logos. With these, we created a wall of logos and leveraged each relationship as a teaser to get more.

This additional layer of social proof proved to people who didnโ€™t know us that we were worthy of their time and attention. Moreover, it created a sense of demand and solidified our expertise.

Creating a seamless sign-up process

Creating an exceptional sign-up process was a crucial step, and it took us about a week to work out. Weโ€™re not going to reinvent the wheel here, so we turned to some proven strategies for guidance. Firstly, knowing about the insane success of Harryโ€™s referral mechanism, we knew we wanted a referral loop. 

For context, Harrys captured more than 15,000 emails on day one of their campaign. By the end of the week, they had skyrocketed their numbers, getting to an astounding 100,000 emails. Their initial launch relied on email capture, and the referral system was at the very heart of it. For every friend referred, people would receive a free product. They used the idea of gamification as people tried to earn as much free product as they could. They took various steps, such as installing a visual aid to track each โ€œplayersโ€ progress, and by the end of the campaign, referrals accounted for 77% of the total campaign sign-ups, which was 65,000 people. This is an example of how powerful a good referral system can be, which is why we knew this was crucial to our own sign-up process.

Furthermore, the team didnโ€™t want the price to be an objection to people signing up for the webinar; thus, we made it free and more accessible. Our goal was to increase reach, not make money on the front end. However, to not diminish the value, we used the words โ€œapply for access,โ€ similarly to how Reforge has โ€œApplyโ€ on a $2k coaching course. Considering how much value we planned to pack into this course, we wanted the Accelerator to feel exclusive. 

We had to make sign-up seamless to maximise reach. Although we couldโ€™ve built an in-house referral tool, the team tested loads of referral SaaS tools to save time. The verdict? Honestly, they were subpar at best. Most had poor UI and were way too difficult to use. 

We eventually chose one that let us do something similar to Harrys and provided milestone rewards. Every time a user signed up, they would be redirected to /refer-friend, giving them access to a free technical SEO audit and lifetime access to the recordings if they referred a certain number of friends.

The results were wild. 27% of all our sign-ups were referrals, and this is why:

  • People like to access free stuff
  • (More importantly) the SEO Accelerator provides free education with fantastic social proof backing it. Itโ€™s only natural that you want to be the person telling your team to sign up.

The landing page also called out personal avatars, telling readers which sessions are suitable for which employee titles. So if youโ€™re a CMO, you could invite a content writer to attend the 2nd session. Additionally, we clearly stated how each person (investor, marketer, and founder) benefits from attending the SEO Accelerator.

Deciding our most suitable growth channels

Our secondary goal during this preparation period was to define our growth channels for acquiring attendees. We wanted to ready all the creative marketing assets as soon as possible so we could push our course over the 4-week marketing period with minimal delays.

Fortunately, we already knew our audience lived on LinkedIn, so we decided we would do a lot of organic posting. Since we didnโ€™t want to budget too much marketing expense on this, we avoided running LinkedIn ads as they are known to be costly.

We were yet to run any ads on social platforms for our SEO services, so we thought offering a free SEO Accelerator would introduce us effectively. We decided weโ€™d run on Facebook & Twitter initially, but halfway through planning, we also added TikTok to our schedule.

Alongside organic posting on LinkedIn and ads across other social platforms, we also decided to do the following:

  • Partnerships ended up becoming an essential channel and drove immense results
  • We have some members in our team who are experienced in Cold Email and had a bunch of inboxes already warmed up. This was a good opportunity to target some key accounts.
  • We also tried a tool that let us DM Reddit users at scale, but weโ€™ll share more on this later.

Now we knew the channels, we had to create a bunch of static creative assets optimised for Twitter and Linkedin.

We didnโ€™t have much time to run assets across Facebook Ads, so we crafted one creative piece. It had a thumb-stopping hook and a few different versions for opening messaging. We managed to shoot it on an iPhone over 1.5 hours. Our brilliant video editing team finished it by adding subtitles and some quick animation.

So in those 3 weeks, we were planning and creating like crazy, accomplishing our major goals, including:

  • Spun up a landing page with loads of social proof
  • Decided on our growth channels
  • Designed all the creatives we needed to execute

Marketing the SEO Accelerator in Record Time

The groundwork was set; now, we had 4 weeks to market this event and make it a success. In this next section, weโ€™re diving into how we executed our marketing plan and got people excited for our sessions. 

Developing a killer organic LinkedIn posting strategy

Instead of posting from a company page, we utilised the 3 personal profiles of Alexej Pikovsky, Viktor Bartak, and Aman Ghataura. We leveraged each network and found these would perform better than company profiles as we already had a good rapport with our audiences. 

The SEO Accelerator was huge for us and encompassed a company-wide effort. We wanted to make our social strategy seamless and cohesive where possible. So, we used all the free resources we could find on Twitter and LinkedIn to optimise a profile. Then, we set about creating a guide for our whole team to do it too. 

We needed to create a post formula that enticed readers in and converted well. Naturally, we analysed all the top SEO influencers to work out which of their posts performed the best. We found some obvious patterns with hooks, using big numbers, and leveraging case studies for social proof (as you can see literally everything is social proof). 

Initially, we followed a similar pattern with our first handful of posts, changing the necessary sections for our case studies. Eventually, we developed a simple framework of writing out all the pains our Ideal Customer Persona feels about doing SEO and what we would have to say to make them curious enough to alleviate that pain.

For instance, people feel a genuine pain that writing SEO-optimised content is hard and demanding. With this in mind, our post hook was โ€œHere are the 7 changes we made to our blog pieces that helped us win Featured Snippets 34% more oftenโ€.

After identifying all the pain points our audience experienced, we created posts for each one. We aimed to link hooks to real case studies, used supporting graphics as proof, and posted them across all our profiles over the 4-weeks leading to the Accelerator. Astonishingly, organic LinkedIn posting generated around 25% of our sign ups. 

Testing ads on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok

The results from our ad strategy took us by surprise. We ran the same ad across Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and TikTok, over the course of 4 weeks. Some were a success, and others were a learning curve, to say the least.

  • Facebook gave us a Cost Per Sign Up of around ยฃ12
  • Youtube gave us a Cost Per Sign Up of around ยฃ50
  • TikTok didnโ€™t work at all (we think we didnโ€™t have the right creative)
  • Twitter traffic was incredibly cheap and had huge engagement metrics but resulted in a tiny amount of sign ups. We were very, very surprised by this outcome.

Facebook yielded the best results overall, but it was clear that ads didnโ€™t impact sign ups as much as you may think.  

Cold emailing decision-makers

As we had a lot of in-house expertise in cold emailing, we took a very specific route. We ran cold email campaigns targeting CEOs, CMOs, and Head of Growths of companies that had raised money from investors in the last 18 months.

In total, we hit up around 1000 leads, generating around 30 direct sign ups (excluding referrals). Thatโ€™s 3% which turned out to be pretty good, especially when you compare it to other cold email campaigns. For instance, our book-a-call rate for an SEO cold email lead gen campaign was abysmal the last time we tested (close to 0.2%), so this was performing 15x better.

The reason we attributed to this was because we were offering free value upfront. In fact, these 30 leads were incredibly valuable. This was us targeting with spears and getting in front of 30 new accounts which are qualified buyers from a budget and decision-maker perspective.

Reddit cold DM automation 

When we made the decision to use Redditโ€™s cold DM automation as one of our growth channels, we already had a few predictions. Firstly, weโ€™re a team of growth hackers, weโ€™re keen to try out new tools and jump on emerging trends where we can, so naturally, we knew this would just be a bit of fun! We had low expectations and werenโ€™t convinced it would generate any significant leads (but weโ€™re all for being proved wrong and finding a new tool).

Considering this, why would we invest our funds and time into a potentially useless tool? Well, hereโ€™s the thing. The Reddit Cold DM tool is something that may work today but could easily become banned tomorrow. It doesnโ€™t fit the ethos of Reddit, nor does it work with the platform. Itโ€™s a short-term tactic / hack, but itโ€™s likely to fizzle out long-term once enough people realise the potential of this tool. So, there was no time like the present to give it a go.

We paid ยฃ500 to use the tool and send out 250 Reddit DMโ€™s a day. We targeted all the users who mentioned SEO-related keywords in some specifically chosen SubReddits. We messaged a total of 4000 users and had a 7% reply rate. Of these, 4% or 160 were positive replies, resulting in 38 sign ups. Truthfully, this was probably our lowest quality acquisition channel.

Running partnerships 

The final method to get users was to run partnerships. Our marketing was working, and within a week, we had passed 200 high-quality sign-ups. These were VC-backed founders, startups, marketers, and scaleups. A really valuable audience.

With this, we leveraged the social proof to gain partnerships with organisations we were friendly with. We approached them offering a chance to gain awareness in front of this acquired audience in exchange for them running an email shout-out to their audience. Consequently, no money was exchanged. 

It was important that companies we reached out to had similar audiences to ours to ensure there was mutual benefit. These targeted partnerships easily pulled in additional 150 sign ups.

The Final Verdict: Did Our Hard Work Pull Off?  

The focus of the SEO Accelerator was to expand our brand’s reach and show off our expertise. We wanted to generate relevant, quality leads and start converting them into clients. To do this, we had to address why companies werenโ€™t knocking on our door and demonstrate how we could solve their pain points. However, did it pay off? What was the real result of this program? 

Interestingly, a lot of our network saw our promo for the SEO Accelerator. In fact, our first closed deals came up from people in our network as they became aware we were an SEO agency and reached out to us for a proposal. To put it plainly, this was easy revenue; we closed quickly.

Moreover, we were gaining massive reach through the LinkedIn algorithm and engagement. Alongside this, our profiles were optimised, so cold buyers, who happened to be looking for an SEO agency, stumbled upon our profiles and booked calls inbound. Again, revenue closed even before we had started the SEO Accelerator. With that said, partnerships easily became one of our favourite growth channels, and itโ€™s something weโ€™re going to double down on in the future.

Finally, throughout the Accelerator, attendees were booking calls on our website through our Calendly form to gain more insight into how they can work with us. We had successfully demonstrated our prowess and ability. We never pitched or tried to sell but simply showed off our case studies, and the clients came inbound.

Bonnet – EV Charging App – Organic Traffic Erupts 10x to 16.3k in Only 10 Months


Monthly Organic Traffic


Monthly Organic Keywords

Best EV App

1st Page Search Results

About Bonnet

Bonnet is a mobile app that solves the issue of locating and using charging points for electric cars across the UK and Europe. Traditionally, electric car owners must download multiple charging network apps – each with unique EV charging location maps and individual e-wallets for payment.

This process can be inconvenient and annoying for EV owners, as they need to switch between apps to locate the nearest charging station and then pay using the app of the relevant charging network. If itโ€™s a new charging network that the customer hasnโ€™t used before, they would have to download the app of the charging network, sign up and add a payment method.

Bonnet recognised this issue and designed an all-in-one solution. Their app conveniently allows you to locate thousands of charging stations across the UK and Europe from a range of charging networks and pay from one e-wallet.

Bonnet came to NUOPTIMA wanting to organically grow brand awareness and increase app installs and subscriptions amongst electric car owners. They needed help fulfilling a large-scale SEO strategy that covered both onsite, offsite and technical SEO.

The team decided to go with the growth package, which includes 25,000 words of content,  6 40+ DR backlinks and full technical support.


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CEO & Founder


Head of Growth


Head of Clients


SEO Lead

JoinBonnet Team

Patrick Reich

Co-founder & CEO

Rebekah Kane

Digital Marketer

Action Plan

Bonnet wanted to increase organic exposure, but they also needed to convert visitors into installs and subscriptions. To fulfil these goals, we needed to prioritise bottom-funnel keyword structures and create content that would keep visitors engaged and convert them into new customers. This work would also require Bonnet to restructure parts of their website and create a range of new pages. Thus, we also needed to provide detailed instructions for Bonnetโ€™s development team to ensure technical work was executed correctly.

Once bottom-funnel search intent had been fulfilled, we needed to create informational blog content to build topical authority, gain brand awareness and increase organic traffic. Blog content topics would be prioritised by conversion rates estimations – content with a higher chance of converting new customers would be written and published first. Additionally, Bonnet hadnโ€™t yet created a blog section on their website, so we needed to provide Bonnetโ€™s development team with the best practices for technical implementation.

Finally, we would optimise off-page SEO. We would publish content on a range of websites with high domain authority and relevance to the EV niche to improve Bonnetโ€™s domain rating. This would help our content pieces rank higher and quicker for target organic keywords. 

Keyword Research 

Our Head of SEO did a deep dive on Ahrefs (SEO tool) to find what bottom-funnel keywords could be targeted. We were soon to notice the bottom funnel keyword structure โ€˜electric car charging + locationโ€™. These keywords (see image below) had great intent, were high in keyword and search volume and were relatively low in ranking difficulty. These attributes fitted our action plan strategy perfectly and gave us the best chance of generating new installs in subscriptions quickly.

For blog content, we found a range of interesting middle-funnel topics and marked them as second in priority. Content for these pages would be started straight after we fulfilled the content for the topics above. Topics such as โ€˜London hotels with electric car chargingโ€™ and โ€˜London malls with electric car chargingโ€™ were tailor-made for listicle-type articles such as โ€˜Top Ten Hotels With Electric Car Chargingโ€™.

We also found some interesting search intent around free electric car charging. While less of a priority due to lower buying intent, we knew we could rank highly for keywords around this topic if we created a UK map with free charging points. And although it was unlikely this would generate new installs and subscriptions, it would generate brand awareness and topical authority due to the high search volumes around this topic.

Technical Work

Before we started writing content, fixing any technical issues that could negatively impact ranking was crucial. To avoid overwhelming Bonnetโ€™s developers, we drip-fed the team technical tasks – starting from the highest priority. So the first document we provided was the must-fixes before we engaged in any SEO work. Below is a summary of the tasks we provided:

  • Add meta titles and descriptions to existing content

We noticed Bonnet hadnโ€™t added meta titles and descriptions to their range of existing content pieces on their website. These are crucial for getting pages indexed and ranked on Google. We listed all the URLs where we noticed this issue and asked Bonnet to create meta titles and descriptions for each.

We also provided guidance on what makes a good meta-description by comparing bad and good examples with explanations. Common mistakes include not adding a call to action (CTA), no emotional pull, and stuffing with long-tail keywords.

  • Fix 404 links and delete pages that are no longer needed

A couple of Bonnetโ€™s pages had 404 errors, which meant they could not generate organic traffic for this content. We listed the URLs and asked Bonnetโ€™s development team to fix the technical implementation so Google could index these pages.

Bottom-funnel Content

We added a map with all charging station locations at the top of the page for all the bottom-funnel pages that followed an โ€˜EV charging station + locationโ€™ keyword structure. This was the ideal method for fulfilling search intent – Google would see customers engaging and spending time on pages and reward us with a higher ranking.

Below the map, we included a section promoting Bonnetโ€™s app. This was designed to convert visitors into installs and subscriptions. Including this section at the top provided a higher chance that the visitor would read this section and find out more about Bonnetโ€™s product offering. We can say with high certainty that most visitors would be qualified (own an electric vehicle) due to the intent of the search term and werenโ€™t aware there was an available solution for charging and payment through one app.

The rest of the page’s content was focused on owning and charging a vehicle in the relevant location. This provided more colour on the history of EVs in that location, information on new charging stations being installed, upcoming legislation and regulation of emissions and any other pertinent information. Providing visitors with a detailed overview of the plans for EV in a specific location helped us fulfil search intent and rank for the target and associated keywords.

All pages also included a conversion block for downloading the app.

38 to 44

Domain Rating Increase

Offsite SEO is crucial for improving your website’s trustworthiness with Google. The more third-party websites in your niche that refer to you, the higher the chance Google will rank your content for target keywords.

For Bonnet, we needed to attain new backlinks from publishers with high domain authority in the Car, EV and technology niches. To achieve this, we contacted a range of relevant publishers and asked if we could write an article for their website with a link insertion back to Bonnetโ€™s website. As we have built relationships with thousands of publishers across many industries, we could gain high authority and niche-specific backlinks quickly. 

In ten months of working with Bonnet, we have attained 60 new backlinks from this work (not including organic backlinks). And as a result, Bonnetโ€™s domain rating has increased from 38 to 44 – an indication that this work has had a significant, positive impact on Bonnetโ€™s website’s trustworthiness.



Monthly Organic Traffic


Monthly Organic Keywords


1-3 Position Organic Keywords

After ten months of working with Bonnet, we have achieved some amazing results. All SEO metrics have taken a significant upward trajectory and are on course to cement Bonnet as one of the leading, most well-known EV apps on the market. Below is a summary of some of the key results:

Organic Traffic

  • Organic traffic has increased from 1,193 to 16,398

Organic Keywords

  • Organic keyword rankings in positions 1-3 have increased from 7 to 187
  • Organic keyword rankings in positions 4-10 have increased from 11 to 919

Organic Traffic Value

  • Organic traffic value has increased from $272 to $10,411

Referring Domains

  • Referring domains have increased from 332 to 498
  • Domain rating increased from 38 to 44

New Positions For Bottom-Funnel Keywords

  • We started ranking for a variety of bottom-funnel keywords relevant to charging apps, charging networks and charging point locations.
KeywordNew PositionTraffic 
ev charging app uk1100
best ev charging app1200
electric car charging apps180
best app for electric car charging uk150
ev charging apps uk1150
best ev charger app180
ubitricity charging station313,000
ev charging app3100
source london charging5700
source charging points6100
ionity charger map750
how do you pay for electric car charging8200
electric car charging points brighton860
ionity chargers uk map890


This client has supercharged their organic performance in just ten months by blending and executing offsite, onsite and technical SEO. They achieved this through consistent content publishing, regular technical audits and high-domain backlink production.

We first focused on creating content on bottom-funnel topics, achieving first-page ranking for several high-buying intent keywords. We simultaneously wrote content on high-volume topics with less buying intent to create brand awareness and improve topical authority. Additionally, we increased Bonnetโ€™s domain authority by sourcing credible backlinks from publishers with high-domain ratings. As a result, Google is now categorising Bonnet as a trustworthy source of information in the EV niche – proliferating traffic across most pages. 

Bonnet is on course to position itself as the top EV charging app on the market. But there is still hard work to be done – we will continue to strategise, create great content, rank for new keywords and ensure Bonnet achieves its north star goal of becoming industry standard.

HR SaaS, Zelt, Achieves 300%+ Traffic Growth + 500 Organic Keywords With Just 10 Backlinks In 1 Month!


Editorial Backlinks


Traffic Growth


Additional Organic Keywords

Zelt witnessed about 300% traffic growth in just a month of SEO

About Zelt 

Zelt is a growing B2B agency that specialises in people management services. Its HR software named after itself,, is a digital interface through which employers connect with employees to discuss and/or send everything from tasks to documents, payments, feedback and more. 

Just like any startup, Zelt struggled to build brand awareness and keep their sale pipelines filled during its initial months of operation. To attract more clients, we strongly believe that cultivating a websiteโ€™s visibility score is a no-brainer strategy. Thus, when Zelt management reached out to us at NUOPTIMA, a B2B SaaS SEO agency, for assistance, we absolutely understood the assignment. Our specialists began sketching up our online marketing solution for Zelt with the intention to raise as much traffic as possible by simply creating relevant and reputable backlinks. allows businesses to manage different HR services in one place

Responsible NUOPTIMA Team

Viktor Bartak

Head of SEO


Lead Editor

Action Plan

The goal for Zelt was to upgrade its prior stream of marketing tactics to further improve the siteโ€™s authority and boost brand awareness. So we aimed to create 10 editorial backlinks and get them published on highly reputable sites whose DR is no less than 60. 

Marketing agencies everywhere often argue that buying lots of low-quality backlinks is the key to ranking faster. But the reality is that focusing on QUANTITY alone can be wildly detrimental to a websiteโ€™s credibility and reputation. In fact, this tactic is very outdated and often ineffective. Hereโ€™s the deal when you pay more attention to the number of backlinks than their effectiveness. If Google finds out that your content lacks relevance and accuracy, it is unlikely that your website will be considered useful to the readers. This makes ranking for numerous yet poor-quality backlinks oftentimes problematic. To ensure the success of our SEO campaign, we made QUALITY our top priority for each backlink we wrote. 

Content Strategy


Editorial Backlinks

Our strategy was to rank for high-intent B2B keywords on Google. So we developed and published a total of 10 editorial backlinks, whose anchor texts were unique, strategic (specifically related to the landing page), relevant (all in the same niche) and reputable. To help increase the siteโ€™s authority, we made sure that each backlink was placed on reliable websites, targeting an average Domain Rating of 62. 

We started writing backlinks for Zelt in June and stopped the month after to give Google enough time to crawl and index organic keywords properly. With thorough and powerful SEO efforts, it did not take long before we began seeing substantial growth in traffic. Our approach was effective in increasing the siteโ€™s traffic by over 300%. And even if we paused writing and publishing backlinks, Zelt was still able to get an additional worth of 500 organic keywords, and it didnโ€™t stop there!

Below are some example backlinks we wrote for Zelt under the B2B niche. 

What is the Role of the HR Department in an Organisation?

6 Best Talent Acquisition Strategies for HRs in 2022


Interestingly, Zelt experienced a three-fold traffic growth despite our approach of placing only 10 quality backlinks. We placed the backlinks on the first 2 pages in the Google search Console report below, which gained the most traffic: 

Top pages increased traffic by 815 and 89 under 1 month

And the most impressions:

Top pages almost doubled up impressions in less than a month

There were also significant changes in ranking positions for organic keywords outlined in the below image. 

Top organic keywords levelled up positions in the SERP

Quolum – SaaS Money Saving Experts – Organic Traffic Jumps Up 3x In Only 4 Months


SEO-Optimised Words Written


Organic Traffic Increase


Organic Keyword Increase

About Quolum

Quolum is a full-stack SaaS procurement platform which allows companies to manage their SaaS subscriptions more efficiently, reducing the time and resources required to ensure minimum spend. The platform is designed to integrate with existing quality management systems and provides a centralised, cloud-based solution for managing contracts, invoices, and used logins.

Quolumโ€™s mission is to provide companies with a modern, digital solution that simplifies SaaS subscription management, enabling companies to focus on running their businesses rather than SaaS payments and renewals. Quolum’s platform is built on the latest SaaS requirements, including a payment card option, subscription management, strategic sourcing, security and compliance. 

Quolum’s team is committed to providing exceptional customer service and support, focusing on building long-term partnerships with their clients. The company’s founders and management team bring decades of experience in SaaS procurement and are dedicated to making Quolum the most cost-effective solution on the market.


Responsible NUOPTIMA Team

Viktor Bartak

SEO Lead

Liza Mazharova

Lead Editor

Ellie Louise Des Baux


Charlotte Vinall


Quolum Team

Sanjay Krishna


Action Plan

When we first started working with Quolum in November 2022, despite having a well-designed website, they struggled to attract the desired level of traffic. We identified the need for more landing pages and content.

Our Head of SEO and Lead Editor swiftly put a plan in place to create high-quality service pages and long-form blog content to attract the people actively searching for SaaS tools. This also led to the SEO strategy of creating SaaS tool comparison articles, which have proven very popular and improved traffic and keyword ranking.

Keyword Research

We conducted a comprehensive analysis of Quolum’s website using Ahrefs, an industry-leading SEO tool, to identify relevant keywords that could help drive targeted traffic to their website. Our analysis revealed that keywords related to comparing SaaS tools had high intent and search volume and presented a significant opportunity for Quolum to have high SERP results.

We also found that the competition for these keywords was relatively low, making it easier for Quolum to rank highly for them. By incorporating these keywords into Quolum’s content, we improved their search engine rankings and drove more traffic to their site.

KeywordCurrent positionVolume
stripe vs plaid1200
divvy vs brex1100
brex vs divvy190
ramp vs brex2350
brex vs ramp2250
negotiating saas contracts250
plaid vs stripe3350
saas compliance370
saas contract negotiation350
ramp vs divvy550
stripe plaid6350
plaid stripe6250
stripe and plaid6150
vendor management saas680 pricing670

Bottom-Funnel Content

Creating effective bottom-funnel content is essential for Quolum to drive conversions and increase interest in their SaaS management, payment, sourcing and security solutions. We developed a strategy to create informative and engaging content to help highlight Quolum’s unique features and benefits.

One strategy we adopted was to create listicles that compare different SaaS tools and contacts available on the market. These listicles were optimised for relevant keywords such as โ€œstripe vs plaidโ€, โ€œbrex vs rampโ€, and โ€œsaas contract negotiation” to attract users who are actively searching for these types of solutions.

By providing informative and comparative content, we have established the Quolum brand as a reliable source of information for potential clients. This helped to highlight the need for Quolum’s SaaS management services, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and more interest in their cost-saving solutions.

A backlink strategy was also implemented for Quolum to improve its search engine rankings and drive more relevant traffic to its website. By acquiring high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites relevant to SaaS, Quolum has improved its website’s domain authority and increased its visibility in SERPs. 

Additionally, the backlinks have served as a form of endorsement or recommendation from other websites, which helps build trust and credibility with potential clients. This is especially important for Quolum, as trust and credibility are critical factors in the highly regulated and compliance-focused SaaS industry.



Monthly Traffic


Relevant Keyword


Relevant Backlinks

Organic Traffic

  • Organic traffic increased 3x from 1,027 to 2,947 in only 4 months.

Organic Keywords

  • Organic keywords ranking on the first page have shot up 168%.
  • We acquired topical and relevant backlinks leading to an average domain rating of 50.


Quolum faced challenges in attracting organic traffic to its website and converting those visitors into leads. To address this issue, we developed a comprehensive content marketing strategy that included keyword optimisation, carefully structured pages, articles and strategic tracking.

Thanks to our expertise, Quolum increased its website traffic and improved its keyword ranking by 168%. This helped Quolum reach a wider audience and position itself as a leading SaaS sourcing and management provider.

Although the past four months have been successful, more can be done to improve Quolum’s ROI from SEO efforts. One area for improvement is implementing improved conversion rate optimisation (CRO) techniques to encourage visitors to take action and convert them into leads. By implementing our recommendations, we anticipate a further increase in traffic and lead generation for Quolum.

MarketFinance, Fintech Giant Raised Over ยฃ500m Increases Organic Traffic by 250% over COVID


Traffic increase


Traffic value


Unique visitors

Market Finance saw a 250% increase in organic traffic with NUOPTIMA

About Market Finance

Market Finance is a British finance and invoicing lender. They were the first company to allow businesses to borrow against outstanding invoices and raised over ยฃ500m from VCs and incumbent banks such as Barclays and Santander.

Market Finance approached NUOPTIMA when they saw the huge growth, the CBD marketplace, was undergoing as NUOPTIMA scaled the internal content team. We were engaged during COVID to help launch new financial products and ensure they capitalised on the changing search patterns from consumers, including bounce back loans.

MarketFinance is the leading fintech for invoice financing in the UK


Market Finance Team

Zubair Mohammad

Head of Marketing

Robyn Schuleman

Content and Editorial Lead

Responsible NUOPTIMA Team

Viktor Bartak

SEO Lead

Isobel O’Sullivan


Isabelle Day


Katie Lestner


Action Plan


Months engagement 


COVID waves

NUOPTIMA has worked with the Market Finance team for nearly two years. During this time, the SEO goals have changed as the UK has come in and out of COVID waves. As a result, financial regulation also adapted, which meant there were a regular new wave of financial products that Market Finance could offer.

Given SEO can sometimes take 3-6 months to see effects, it was imperative that we worked closely with the Market Finance team to predict the need for future financial products and write content in advance of search traffic.




Average domain rating

Market Finance regularly generates authoritative press links from a strong PR team. Therefore, NUOPTIMA focused on building relevant links from sites that were contextually relevant. To Google, contextual links are highly valuable and help drive the correct rankings to your domain.

NUOPTIMA focused on building links in the Business and Financial industries 

As a result, Market Finance saw a 3.2x increase in referring domains throughout our engagement. During this time, we have also garnered a strong roster of financial and business publications, relevant for a wide variety of B2B segments.   

3.2x increase in referring domains for Market Finance

Content Writing


Words written


Articles written 

After analysing the competitive Fintech SEO space, hunting for the green space opportunities and meeting business needs, we regularly presented high-quality content plans for the Market Finance team. Every few months, the team would batch approve and discuss the content for the following months before our writers began.

Content plans varied from being covid-related and timely to highly technical pieces focusing on the intricacies of financial products.


By MarketFinance

5 Ways Covid-19 Has Accelerated Software Development


By MarketFinance

What is Hybrid Work and Will it Work for My Business


By MarketFinance

How to Apply for CBILs


By MarketFinance

5 Types of Alternative Funding for SMEs

As a result of the content writing and backlinks, Market Finance saw a 250% increase in organic traffic. 

Huge 250% increase in organic traffic when working with NUOPTIMA

Technical SEO

We also conducted one-off in-depth SEO audits for Market Finance as they transitioned their website and blog. This involved our SEO specialists spending 2 to 3 days taking a complete deep dive into the Market Finance site and producing an actionable report. This was a 39-page report for their development and content team. It also included a strategy session to discuss any open questions. 

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