Online Vape Shop Hits 621%+ Increase in Leads 


Increase in Total Revenue


Increase in Leads


Keywords in Top 3 Positions

Screenshot displaying that Vape Juice has generated a staggering 621.4% increase in leads since collaborating with NUOPTIMA.

About Vape Juice

Vape Juice is a B2C vape marketplace selling all kinds of vape-related products, including e-liquid, nicotine salts, and vape coils and tanks. They sell their products through their website as well as a brick-and-mortar store.

Vape Juice approached NUOPTIMA for professional assistance with optimizing their website. They had lost a substantial amount of traffic due to inventory issues, such as products going out of stock on their site, and had consequently lost positions in search engine results pages (SERPs). Their primary aim was to get their traffic back up to 100,000 organic monthly visitors.

A screenshot of the website homepage of Vape Juice.


Responsible NUOPTIMA Team

Image of NUOPTIMA’s logo.
Image of George Ilich, Head of Business Development & Clients at NUOPTIMA.

George Ilich

Head of Business Development & Clients 

Image of Adrijana Palatinus, SEO Lead at NUOPTIMA.

Adrijana Palatinus

SEO Lead

Image of Nada Petrovic, Off-Page SEO Lead at NUOPTIMA.

Nada Petrovic

Off-Page SEO Lead

Action Plan & Implementation

After learning about Vape Juice’s challenges with online performance, we came up with the following deliverables:

  • 20 backlinks to be produced per month;
  • Ongoing consultancy services.

We also carried out extensive search engine optimizations of their website. Here is some of the key work we conducted:

  • A thorough technical audit. This included speed optimizations to make sure that web pages load as quickly as possible, increasing the chances of a user staying on the Vape Juice website.
  • Comprehensive on-page optimizations. We also administered a lot of work on the client’s website, including but not limited to:
    • Title tag and meta description optimizations on various parts of the site, such as on collection pages and blog articles;
    • Enhancements to collection page content, including the content below headings and products and in-depth keyword research;
    • Adding internal links to content to help search engines better understand Vape Juice’s site, as well as to help visitors navigate the website and find content more easily;
    • Disavowing backlinks through a manual examination. We discarded any harmful links that were pointing toward the client’s website to stop their ranking from being negatively affected by low-quality backlinks.


Vape Juice invested in our services in October 2023 and our work with them is still ongoing as of the time of writing (August 2024). Since they started collaborating with NUOPTIMA, we have produced several significant results for the vape brand.

Let’s unpack these impressive results in detail.


To begin, let’s consider Vape Juice’s lead metrics. Leads, also known as key events or conversions, are actions that you wish a visitor to conduct on your website. This could range from signing up for a newsletter subscription to making a purchase. In the case of Vape Juice, key events tracked were signups to a mailing list and finalized purchases.

In the image below, we have data that compares two time periods; the 11 months before we started working with them (31st October 2022 – 30th September 2023) versus the last eleven months of collaboration (1st October 2023 – 30th August 2024): 

Screenshot from Google Analytics displaying a 621.4% increase in leads and a 456.3% increase in total revenue for Vape Juice.

We can see that Vape Juice’s leads have improved dramatically, with a 621.4% increase! 

We can also see in the same screenshot that their total revenue has increased by a staggering 456.3% when comparing these two timeframes!


Next, let’s look at their keyword rankings. Keywords are terms that are embedded within content to improve search engine rankings for those phrases. The screenshot from Ahrefs below shows that when we started working with them in October 2023, they had 985 keywords ranking in the top three positions:

Screenshot from Ahrefs demonstrating that when Vape Juice first started collaborating with NUOPTIMA in October 2023, they had 985 keywords in the top three positions.

If we fast forward almost 11 months to August 2024, this figure has substantially increased: 

Ahrefs screenshot displaying that Vape Juice now ranks for 2,184 keywords in the top three positions, representing a 121.726% increase compared to October 2023 at the start of our collaboration.

Now, they have 2,184 keywords in the top three prime positions, which denotes a whopping 121.726% increase! Plus, they rank in first position for highly relevant keywords, including “vape juice” and “vape juice online.” 

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic refers to website visitors who land on a site from unpaid sources. As earlier mentioned, Vape Juice’s primary aim was to get their traffic back up to 100,000 organic monthly visitors. 

When we began our work in October 2023, the client had organic traffic of 41,571:

Screenshot showing Vape Juice’s organic traffic as 41,571 in October 2023.

After less than 11 months of collaboration with NUOPTIMA, Vape Juice’s organic traffic has improved by a remarkable amount. As of the end of August 2024, they have organic traffic of 164,869, which represents a 296.596% increase:

Screenshot showing Vape Juice’s organic traffic in August 2024 as 164,869, a 296.596% increase from October 2023.

Furthermore, this means that we have not only met their primary goal of getting back to 100,000 organic monthly visitors, but we have surpassed this figure by a significant amount.

Total Clicks & Impressions and Average CTR & Position

Let’s now turn our attention to total clicks, total impressions, average click-through rate (CTR), and average position. The image below is from Google Search Console, and it shows data from two different periods. The bottom figures are from 30th April 2023 – 31st October 2023 compared against 1st March 2024 – 29th August 2024 at the top (the period during which NUOPTIMA has been working for the client):

Screenshot from Google Search Console showing how total clicks, total impressions, average CTR, and average position have all improved for the client since enlisting our services.

There have been improvements across all four metrics. Let’s break the results down:

  • Total Clicks: This reflects the number of times visitors clicked on the site’s URL from search results. This metric has improved from 335K to 668K, a 99.403%% increase! Therefore, a lot more users are clicking onto the site from SERPs than before.
  • Total Impressions: This is the amount of times Vape Juice’s web page appeared on users’ search results. We can see it has gone up from 17M to 23.8M, which equates to a 40% increase! This implies that Vape Juice is appearing more frequently in SERPs or for a wider range of queries.
  • Average CTR: This measures the mean percentage of users who click on Vape Juice’s site’s link in SERPs. Their CTR was 2%, and now it has increased to 2.8%, which is a 40% improvement! This means that a higher percentage of users are clicking onto the client’s site from search results.
  • Average Position: This metric is the average ranking of the site in search results. Again, we can see that this has also improved. The client now has an average position of 13.4 compared to 19.3 before, a jump of almost six positions. This means they are appearing higher up in SERPs, helping to grow their visibility online.

Referring Domains 

Referring domains refers to the number of external websites from which Vape Juice has at least one backlink. In October 2023, the client had 1,280 referring domains:

Screenshot showing that Vape Juice had 1,280 referring domains in October 2023.

Over the course of NUOPTIMA’s partnership with the client, we can see that their referring domains have more than doubled to reach 2,834 by August 2024:

Screenshot illustrating that Vape Juice has more than doubled their referring domains by August 2024 to 2,834.

Domain Rating 

Finally, let’s review Vape Juice’s domain rating. This figure illustrates the strength of their backlink profile. Websites that have a high domain rating have a better chance of ranking well in SERPS, drawing organic traffic, and growing their online visibility.

In October 2023, at the start of our work, Vape Juice had a domain rating of 47, as shown below:

Screenshot showing Vape Juice’s domain rating as 47 in October 2023.

By the end of August 2024, their domain rating is 65, an improvement of 18:

Screenshot displaying Vape Juice’s domain rating as 65 by August 2024.


Throughout this case study, we have demonstrated how our services have helped Vape Juice generate many impressive results in under 11 months of collaboration. First and foremost, we accomplished their primary goal of reaching (and far exceeding!) 100,000 organic monthly visitors. Furthermore, we have also improved numerous other key metrics, including leads, total revenue, top-ranking keywords, average CTR, referring domains, and more. 

As we continue our work with Vape Juice, we aim to keep producing substantial results for the vaping brand, catapulting them into further and greater online success.

Influencer Agency Gets 1,780% More Leads in 9 Months


Increase in Leads


Keywords in Top 3 Positions


Organic Traffic Increase

Screenshot displaying a 1,780% increase in leads for The Influencer Marketing Factory in nine months of collaboration with NUOPTIMA.

About The Influencer Marketing Factory

The Influencer Marketing Factory is a global agency helping brands craft successful influencer marketing campaigns on top social media platforms, including TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

They approached NUOPTIMA as a newly launched agency in 2023, seeking our expertise to help position them as an authority in the realm of influencer marketing. Their primary aim was to become an international resource for influencers seeking work as well as companies looking for influencers.

A screenshot of the website homepage of The Influencer Marketing Factory.


The Influencer Marketing Factory Team

Image of The Influencer Marketing Factory’s logo.
Image of Alessandro Bogliari, CEO of The Influencer Marketing Factory.

Alessandro Bogliari


Image of Emily Brook, Senior Marketing Manager of The Influencer Marketing Factory.

Emily Brook

Senior Marketing Manager

Responsible NUOPTIMA Team

Image of Alexej Pikovsky, CEO and Founder of NUOPTIMA.

Alexej Pikovsky

CEO and Founder

Image of George Ilich, Head of Business Development & Clients at NUOPTIMA.

George Ilich

Head of Business Development & Clients 

Image of Adrijana Palatinus, SEO Lead at NUOPTIMA.

Adrijana Palatinus

SEO Lead

Image of Nada Petrovic, Off-Page SEO Lead at NUOPTIMA.

Nada Petrovic

Off-Page SEO Lead

Image of Saba Gül, Content Team Manager and Lead Editor at NUOPTIMA.

Saba Gül

Content Team Manager and Lead Editor

Action Plan & Implementation

To help The Influencer Marketing Factory become an authority in influencer marketing, our primary goals were:

  • Produce six articles (12,000 words) per month for the client’s site;
  • Build four high-quality backlinks (5,000-6,000 words) per month on authoritative domains;
  • Conduct technical monitoring to ensure all technical aspects of their website are optimized and running smoothly;
  • Create and implement a multilingual content strategy to cater to a wider, global audience, including content translation, content localization, and sitemap creation and link building for different languages/regions;
  • Keyword tracking and reporting to effectively monitor keyword performance;
  • Provide comprehensive SEO reports to give the client summaries of their overall search engine optimization performance.


The Influencer Marketing Factory and NUOPTIMA’s collaboration began in August 2023 and is still ongoing as of the time of writing (July 2024). Since hiring our services, we have generated numerous impressive results for the client. 

Let’s unpack some of the key results we have garnered for the influencer marketing company.


Let’s first consider key events (conversions). These are actions that you want a user to carry out on your site, such as clicking a button, filling out a form, or making a purchase. The image below from Google Analytics shows how The Influencer Marketing Factory’s conversions have improved by a staggering 1,780% for forms submitted between 1st August 2023 – 14th May 2024 compared to the period before we began working with them:

Screenshot from Google Analytics displaying a 1,780% increase in key events (forms submitted) for The Influencer Marketing Factory.

This second screenshot from Google Analytics shows the progress of the tracked key event of visits to their “thank you” page. This webpage appears when a user fills out the main form on their website through which they get new customers. Between 1st August 2023 – 14th May 2024, they received 1,095 visits to their “thank you” page. This is compared to zero visits before they enlisted our services:

Screenshot from Google Analytics showing the client received 1,095 visits to their “thank you” page, compared to zero visits before collaborating with NUOPTIMA.

From these screenshots, we can also see that numerous other metrics have improved from our efforts, including:

  • Users: This displays the number of people who engaged with the client’s website. We can see that users increased by 721.69%.
  • Sessions: This is a period during which a user interacted with The Influencer Marketing Factory’s site. Again, there has been a significant increase of 785.9%.
  • Engaged Sessions: This is a session that lasted longer than 10 seconds, involved a key event, or had at least two pageviews. This figure improved by 759.28%.
  • Event Count: This metric represents the number of times an event was triggered on the client’s site. For all events, an increase of 757.92% was recorded.

Keyword Ranking

Next, let’s consider The Influencer Marketing Factory’s keyword performance. Keywords are terms that are added to content to improve search engine rankings for those terms. On 1st August 2023, just as our collaboration began, the client ranked for only 30 keywords in positions one to three. These keywords were not particularly relevant or high converting, such as “who created capcut,” as can be seen in the screenshot from Ahrefs below:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing that the client had just 30 keywords ranked in top positions in August 2023.

By 20th May 2024, nine and a half months after hiring our services, The Influencer Marketing Factory had 89 keywords in the top three positions. These keywords were mainly bottom-funnel, high-converting, and highly relevant to their services, such as “influencer marketing agency” and “tiktok influencer agency.” This reflects an increase of 59 keywords in top positions:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing that the client had 89 keywords ranked in top positions in May 2024, nine and a half months after hiring our services.

When we started working with the client, they ranked for 2,946 keywords, as can be seen in the below screenshot:

Screenshot illustrating that the client ranked for 2,946 keywords when NUOPTIMA started working with them.

By mid-May 2024, The Influencer Marketing Factory ranked for 4,080 keywords, representing a 38.4929% increase over the course of nine and a half months:

Screenshot showing that the client ranked for 4,080 keywords by mid-May 2024, denoting a 38.4929% increase.

Organic Traffic

The next metric to consider is organic traffic. This refers to visitors who land on the site from unpaid sources. At the start of our collaboration in August 2023, The Influencer Marketing Factory generated organic traffic of 3,852, as shown in the Ahrefs screenshot below:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing the client’s generated organic traffic of 3,852 in August 2023.

Fast forward to May 2024, and their organic traffic is much higher, with a figure of 7,563, representing a dramatic 96.2886% increase compared to when we started working with them, meaning that many more visitors are organically discovering and landing on the site:

Ahrefs screenshot showing that the client had 7,563 organic traffic in May 2024, a 96.2886% increase compared to when we started working with them.

Let’s now turn our attention to The Influencer Marketing Factory’s backlink profile. The Ahrefs screenshot below shows how the client’s profile has improved from November 2023 to May 2024:

Screenshot from Ahrefs displaying the client’s backlink profile, showing improvements across the board, including backlinks and referring domains.
  • Backlinks: These are links from a page on one website to another. As illustrated above, the client gained 2,700 new backlinks over the six-month period in question. Increasing backlinks is important for improving ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) as they are essentially votes of confidence or endorsements from other websites.
  • Referring Domains: This metric refers to the number of websites linking back to the client’s site. We can see that The Influencer Marketing Factory has gained an impressive 595 new referring domains, helping to solidify them as an authority and trusted source in influencer marketing.

Total Clicks and Total Impressions

Finally, let’s consider The Influencer Marketing Factory’s total clicks and total impressions. The screenshot from Google Search Console below shows how these metrics have changed from 13th July 2023 – 13th December 2023 compared to 14th December 2023 – 14th May 2024:

Screenshot from Google Search Console showing a 32.0463% increase in total clicks and a 19.7278% increase in total impressions.
  • Total Clicks: This denotes the number of times users clicked on the site’s URL from SERPs. This figure has improved from 25.9K to 34.2K, a significant 32.0463% increase. This suggests that a lot more users are clicking through to the site from SERPs than previously.
  • Total Impressions: This refers to how many times a client’s web page showed up on users’ search results. Again, this figure has improved from 2.94M to 3.52M, a 19.7278% increase. This result suggests that The Influencer Marketing Factory is appearing more frequently in search results or for a wider range of queries.

Closing Thoughts

Through NUOPTIMA’s comprehensive efforts, The Influencer Marketing Factory has greatly improved their authority in the influencer marketing space. We have generated numerous impressive results for the client, including substantially increasing leads, keywords, organic traffic, and backlinks. As our work with them carries on, we look forward to continuing to support their growth through our expertise, guiding them toward greater success.

Microminder Cybersecurity Generates 150,000% Keywords Increase in 23 Months


Increase in Keywords


Keywords in Top 3 Positions


Organic Traffic Increase


DR Points Gained

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing that Microminder now ranks for 4,503 relevant keywords, a 150,000% increase in 23 months.

About Microminder Cybersecurity

Microminder Cybersecurity provides strategic consultancy as well as custom information security solutions to topnotch governments and enterprises. Their services include, but are not limited to, bespoke penetration testing, supply chain security, cloud security posture management, and dark web monitoring.

They approached NUOPTIMA because they were looking to position themselves as a leading cybersecurity company in the UK and beyond. Microminder’s ambition was to establish their presence in other countries, such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

A screenshot of the website homepage of Microminder Cybersecurity.


The Microminder Cybersecurity Team

Image of Microminder Cybersecurity’s logo.
Image of Sanjiv Cherian, CEO of Microminder Cybersecurity.

Sanjiv Cherian


Responsible NUOPTIMA Team

Image of NUOPTIMA’s logo.
Image of Alexej Pikovsky, CEO and Founder of NUOPTIMA.

Alexej Pikovsky

CEO and Founder

Image of Aman Ghataura, Head of Growth at NUOPTIMA.

Aman Ghataura

Head of Growth

Image of George Ilich, Head of Business Development & Clients at NUOPTIMA.

George Ilich

Head of Business Development & Clients 

Image of Nada Petrovic, Off-Page SEO Lead at NUOPTIMA.

Nada Petrovic

Off-Page SEO Lead

Image of Saba Gül, Content Team Manager and Lead Editor at NUOPTIMA.

Saba Gül

Content Team Manager and Lead Editor 

Action Plan & Implementation

To help Microminder Cybersecurity achieve their goals, we came up with the following action plan:

  • Craft six off-site backlinks (approximately 6,000 words) per month;
  • Produce between four to six on-site articles (roughly 7,000 words) each month;
  • Conduct keyword tracking to monitor keyword performance;
  • Carry out technical SEO checkups to ensure that all technical aspects of the Microminder site are optimized;
  • Compile SEO reports to summarize the client’s search engine optimization performance;
  • Create landing pages for different services on their website to better educate Microminder’s audience about their services, helping to convert prospects into paying customers;
  • Conduct a comprehensive SEO audit to evaluate how effectively the client’s site is optimized for search engines;
  • Undertake historical optimization of certain pages, reviving existing content to ensure it is current, accurate, and aligns with modern search engine algorithms.


Microminder Cybersecurity enlisted our services at the beginning of August 2022, and our collaboration is still ongoing at the time of writing this case study (July 2024), almost two years later. In this time, we have produced significant results for the client, helping to position them as a leading cybersecurity company.

Below, we share some of the key results we have generated so far for Microminder.

Keyword Ranking

Firstly, let’s consider Microminder’s keyword ranking performance. Keywords are terms that are incorporated into content to enhance search engine rankings for those terms. 

When they began working with us, the client was ranking for just three keywords on their entire website:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing that when Microminder began working with us, they ranked for just three keywords on their entire site.

Fast forward to July 2024, after almost two years of collaboration with NUOPTIMA, and they are now ranking for a staggering 4,503 keywords, representing an incredible 150,000% increase:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing that Microminder now ranks for 4,503 keywords as of July 2024, representing an incredible 150,000% increase!

Furthermore, Microminder are now ranking highly for many relevant keywords. They now have 125 keywords ranking in the top three positions, including first position for terms such as “cybersecurity companies in dubai,” “cybersecurity dubai,” “it security companies in dubai,” and “cybersecurity companies in uae,” helping to establish their presence in the United Arab Emirates, as per their primary ambition:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing that Microminder now has 125 keywords in the top three positions as of July 2024.

Organic Traffic

Next, let’s assess their organic traffic. This metric refers to visitors who land on Microminder’s site from unpaid sources. At the beginning of our collaboration in August 2022, Microminder generated organic traffic of just 14:

Screenshot showing that at the beginning of our collaboration with Microminder in August 2022, they had generated organic traffic of 14.

After 23 months of working with us, their organic traffic has increased significantly by July 2024 to 5,333, a huge 37,992.9% increase. This means that many more users are now naturally discovering and landing on their website than before:

Screenshot showing how Microminder’s organic traffic has increased to 5,333 by July 2024, a 37,992.9% increase.

In terms of Microminder’s backlink profile, the screenshot below shows how this has improved drastically over the past two years:

Screenshot showing how Microminder’s backlink profile has drastically improved over the past two years.
  • Domain Rating (DR): This is a website authority metric representing the strength of a site’s backlink profile. Microminder’s DR has increased by a massive 42 points. 
  • Backlinks: These are links from a page on one site to another. The cybersecurity company has gained 791 new backlinks over the past two years. Increasing the number of backlinks is vital for optimizing ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), as they are seen as votes of confidence from other sites.
  • Referring Domains: This term refers to the number of sites linking back to the Microminder site. We can see that this figure has improved by 254! This huge improvement helps position them as an authority in the realm of cybersecurity.

The graph below better illustrates how, in the time working with us, Microminder’s referring domains have consistently and steadily increased:

Graph showing how Microminder’s referring domains have steadily and consistently increased throughout our collaboration.

Moreover, the map below shows how these domains originate from a wide range of countries and continents, showcasing how Microminder is successfully expanding their presence across numerous geographies and regions, which was their main goal when enlisting our services:

Map highlighting the wide range of geographies that Microminder’s domains originate from, showing how we have helped them establish a more global presence.

Total Clicks, Total Impressions, and Average Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Finally, let’s turn our focus to Microminder Cybersecurity’s total clicks, total impressions, and average CTR. Below is a screenshot from Google Search Console that displays data from the last six months (January – July 2024) against the previous six months before that, showing improvements across the board:

Screenshot from Google Search Console showing how Microminder’s total clicks, total impressions, and average CTR have all improved.
  • Total Clicks: This reflects the number of times users clicked on the website’s URL from SERPs. This figure has increased from 12.6K to 31.9K, a considerable improvement of 153.175%! This means that many more users are clicking through to Microminder’s site from SERPs than in the previous period.
  • Total Impressions: This denotes how many times a client’s web page appeared on users’ search results. This figure has also increased from 3.25M to 4.33M, a 33.2308% improvement. This suggests that the client is appearing much more often in search results or for a more extensive range of queries.
  • Average CTR: This metric measures the average percentage of users who click on a site’s link in search results. This figure has almost doubled compared to the previous period, from 0.4% to 0.7%, illustrating that a much higher percentage of users are clicking through to Microminder’s site from SERPs.


This case study showcases how Microminder Cybersecurity’s collaboration with NUOPTIMA over the past 23 months has garnered many positive results and has been a highly successful partnership. Through our specialized SEO for cybersecurity companies, we have helped them achieve their primary goal, which was to position themselves as a leading cybersecurity company, not just in the UK but beyond. We have also improved many other metrics, including keyword ranking, organic traffic, and their backlink profile. As our work with the client continues, we look forward to further expanding their reach globally and strengthening their authority even more in the realm of cybersecurity, working to bring them even more business success.

Marketplace Increases Conversion 3.4x in 121 Days


Increase in Conversions


Increase in Organic Traffic


Increase in Top Ranking Keywords

Screenshot showing how The Happiest Hour generated a 324.31% increase in conversions after just four months of enlisting NUOPTIMA’s services.

About The Happiest Hour

The Happiest Hour is a platform that connects its users with pub events and offers throughout Australia. This service is available via its website as well as an app.

They approached NUOPTIMA as they wished to improve their online performance. The global pandemic resulted in an initial loss of traffic as people were forced to stay home and pubs were closed. Furthermore, they witnessed a decline in traffic in the middle of last year (2023) due to a website rebuild.

The Happiest Hour wanted an external consultant to examine their website with a fresh pair of eyes. They were seeking expertise with multi-listing and marketplace SEO to help them appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) for thousands of pages with dynamic search entries.

A screenshot of the website homepage of The Happiest Hour.


The Happiest Hour Team

Image of The Happiest Hour’s logo.
Image of Joonas Karppinen, CEO and Co-Founder of The Happiest Hour.

Joonas Karppinen

CEO and Co-Founder

Image of Louis du Pisani, Growth Lead at The Happiest Hour.

 Louis du Pisani

Growth Lead

Responsible NUOPTIMA Team

Image of NUOPTIMA’s logo.
Image of Aman Ghataura, Head of Growth at NUOPTIMA.

Aman Ghataura

Head of Growth

Image of Adrijana Palatinus, SEO Lead at NUOPTIMA.

Adrijana Palatinus

SEO Lead

Image of George Ilich, Head of Business Development & Clients at NUOPTIMA.

George Ilich

Head of Business Development & Clients 

Website Performance Before Hiring NUOPTIMA

To give a clearer idea of the issues faced by The Happiest Hour, let’s consider their website performance before enlisting our services in December 2023.

As mentioned, the client had a website rebuild in the middle of 2023. The SEO migration resulted in a loss of pages, specifically pages that targeted the keyword “specials [locations],” such as “specials Melbourne” and “specials Sydney.” This stopped them from being able to rank for their target keywords. 

The screenshot below shows their lost pages (the gray URLs):

Screenshot showing The Happiest Hour’s lost pages as a result of their SEO site migration.

Due to these lost pages, they also lost all their keyword rankings, which is illustrated below:

Screenshot showing how The Happiest Hour lost all of their keyword rankings after SEO site migration.

Moreover, most of the client’s pages had been redirected, which also resulted in a substantial loss of pages:

Image showing a huge proportion of redirects on The Happiest Hour’s website.

The Happiest Hour was understandably concerned with these issues, so a few months after the website rebuild, they enlisted NUOPTIMA’s services in December 2023 for professional insight and assistance.

Action Plan & Implementation

After gaining a clear understanding of the client’s issues, our expert team at NUOPTIMA set out an action plan and carried out a wide variety of fixes, including technical SEO, on-page SEO, and content optimizations. Let’s break down the various steps we undertook, the aim behind each step, the actions involved, and their consequent effects:

Steps NUOPTIMA ConductedGoalActions InvolvedImpact
Redirect IssuesTo ensure that all site traffic is directed to the most current and secure version of the website, i.e., “HTTPS,” not “www.”We implemented 301 redirects across various old and unsecured versions of The Happiest Hour’s URLs to unify and secure the site’s URL structure.The implemented redirects prevented split-page rank and secured all site entries. This boosts SEO integrity and increases user trust.
Sitemap IssuesTo clean and optimize the sitemap for better crawling efficiency. We reviewed and trimmed invalid URLs from the sitemap.
We included valid orphan pages in the sitemap and established internal links to integrate them into the site structure.
We removed or redirected non-indexable and outdated URLs.
This enhanced site crawling and indexing, which facilitated better content discovery by search engines, such as Google.
Site Architecture &  User Experience (UX)To improve site navigation and UX.We redesigned homepage sections to prominently feature “Trivia Nights” and “Events” with direct calls-to-action (CTAs).
We modified the “/specials” page to prioritize list views over map views with toggle functionality.
We enhanced overall navigation by making entire venue cards clickable.
These fixes improved user engagement and increased session durations, directly contributing to lower bounce rates and higher conversions.
In-Depth Keyword Research & Content StrategyTo gain rankings and improve visibility for the “Specials” page.We conducted deep keyword research and carefully crafted a content strategy.
Based on our keyword research and content strategy, we introduced a clean URL structure specifically tied to cities, specials types, and weekdays (instead of the client’s filtered URLs).
This increased organic traffic and improved rankings for the “Specials” pages, resulting in higher visibility and engagement from targeted audiences.
Page Titles & Meta DescriptionsTo optimize meta tags to better target primary keywords and improve click-through rate (CTR).We revised page titles and meta descriptions to meet the necessary length and relevance standards.This resulted in increased visibility and CTR from SERPs.
H1 Heading OptimizationTo strengthen on-page SEO by optimizing header tags.We corrected and implemented unique and relevant H1 tags across all pages.This improved content structure, which facilitated better UX and search engine comprehension.
Not Found (404) ErrorsTo address and minimize the impact of 404 errors.We restored valuable missing content and implemented 301 redirects or 410 statuses where appropriate.This step reduced user frustration and prevented ranking losses as a result of broken links.

By meticulously following these steps, the client’s website experienced significant improvements in both UX and overall SEO performance. 


The Happiest Hour invested in NUOPTIMA’s services in December 2023 and still does as of the time of writing (June 2024). Since enlisting our help, we have managed to achieve impressive results for the client, which has helped improve their online performance.

Let’s break down some of the key results our agency has generated to date.


First, let’s consider their key events (conversions). A key event is something that you would like a user to do. For instance, this could be making a purchase or clicking a button. For The Happiest Hour, this metric refers to “first opens,” an event triggered when a user launches their app for the first time after installation. The screenshot below shows key events from when the client first enlisted NUOPTIMA’s services compared to four months after collaboration began. We can see that there has been a staggering 324.31% increase from organic search:

Screenshot showing a 324.31% increase in conversions for The Happiest Hour after four months of hiring NUOPTIMA’s services.

Organic Traffic

Next, let’s assess organic traffic data. Organic traffic refers to visitors who land on the site from unpaid sources:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing the impressive increase in organic traffic for The Happiest Hour since collaborating with NUOPTIMA.

This screenshot above from Ahrefs illustrates how we have skyrocketed The Happiest Hour’s organic traffic. The first line on the left represents the start date of our collaboration, and the second line represents the start of our audit implementation. 

Let’s break down the numbers:

Screenshot showing The Happiest Hour has witnessed an increase of 78.54% in organic traffic and an increase of 109.4% in engaged sessions from organic search over a four-month period.

In December 2023, The Happiest Hour generated organic traffic of approximately 6.6K. Fast forward to April 2024, and this number has increased to almost 12K visitors. This represents an impressive increase of 78.54% in organic traffic over the four-month period. 

Also, there is a significant increase in engaged sessions. These are sessions that last longer than 10 seconds, have at least two screenviews or pageviews, or have a key event. Compared to the same period, engaged sessions from organic search on the client’s site are up by 109.4%!

This data indicates that NUOPTIMA’s SEO and UX enhancements have led to a more visible, engaging, and user-friendly site, driving substantial improvements in traffic and user engagement.

Total Clicks, Total Impressions, and Average SERPs Position

Now let’s analyze some other key results we garnered for The Happiest Hour between December 2023 and April 2024:

A screenshot from Google Search Console demonstrating The Happiest Hour’s improved website performance from total clicks, total impressions, and average search results position from December 2023 - April 2024.
  • Total Clicks: This represents the number of times users clicked on the site’s URL from SERPs. We can see that there has been an increase in total clicks from 6.61K to 12.3K, an 86% increase. This indicates that many more users are clicking through to the site from SERPs.
  • Total Impressions: This metric refers to how many times a client’s web page appeared on users’ search results. This figure has almost doubled from 515K to 920K, representing an almost 80% increase. This result suggests that The Happiest Hour is appearing more frequently in search results or for a broader range of queries.
  • Average Position: This illustrates the average ranking of your site across SERPs. The Happiest Hour’s average position in search results has improved from 17.6 to 14.9. This improvement in ranking positions indicates better visibility in search results, which typically leads to an increase in both clicks and traffic.

Keyword Rankings

Finally, let’s see how the client’s keyword rankings have changed from December 2023 versus April 2024:

Screenshot showing keyword rankings for The Happiest Hour in December 2023, when NUOPTIMA started the project.
Screenshot showing keyword rankings for The Happiest Hour in April 2024, four months after they hired NUOPTIMA’s services.

The number of organic keywords has increased from 14,354 in December to 19,516 in April, an increase of over five thousand! Organic keywords are words used in SEO to attract free traffic.

There are also 175 keywords in the top three positions as of April, compared to 65 in December. That is a whopping 169% increase!

Furthermore, the number of keywords ranking in positions four-10, 11-20, 21-50, and 51-100 have nearly all increased, improving the site’s visibility across a broader range of search queries.


This case study has demonstrated how our expert team at NUOPTIMA has achieved impressive results for The Happiest Hour across a range of metrics, including conversions, organic traffic, and keyword rankings. Consequently, our client is now enjoying much better visibility online and improved site performance, helping them to increase their business’s reach and success. As our work with The Happiest Hour continues, we look forward to continuing to generate further results for them, supporting them in supercharging their business growth.

FaaS Platform Generates 223% Increase in Leads in 89 Days


Increase in Leads


Keywords in Top 3 Positions


Increase in Organic Traffic in 3 Months

Screenshot from Google Analytics demonstrating a 223.21% increase in leads in 89 days for Bezos.

About Bezos

Bezos is a Fulfillment-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform that provides e-commerce brands with fulfillment and logistics solutions. This means that they assist online businesses with the storing, picking, boxing up, and delivery of their inventory. 

They approached NUOPTIMA because they were looking to increase their organic traffic from core markets, namely the EU, UK, USA, and Australia. Additionally, they wanted to optimize visibility and boost lead generation in these key regions and markets.

A screenshot of the website homepage of Bezos.


Bezos Team

Image of Bezos’s logo.
Image of Freddy Bruce, Head of Growth at Bezos.

Freddy Bruce

Head of Growth

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Initial Action Plan & Implementation

Bezos enlisted our services in February 2023 and is still doing so today (as of May 2024). In this 15-month period, we have carried out numerous comprehensive optimizations and strategies to improve their online performance. 

Our initial plan of action was to implement technical SEO tactics to improve their site’s crawlability and ranking opportunities. Here is a rundown of some of the core technical SEO work we carried out:

  • Added sitemap link to footer: Our first port of call was to add Bezos’s sitemap link to the footer menu of their website. This is important to include as it provides site visitors with a visible and easy-to-access tool to help them navigate the site, and it assists with crawlability. 
  • Removed unnecessary pages: We advised Bezos to remove specific web pages from their site if they were unnecessary, as it is a good SEO practice to remove or update content that does not provide value.
  • Fixed links in sitemap.xml: Their main web address is “,” but all links in the XML sitemap pointed to “” By addressing this, we could better optimize the site’s visibility.
  • Stopped HTTPS pages internally linking to HTTP pages: If an internal link on a site leads visitors to an HTTP URL, browsers generally display a warning about it being a non-secure page, negatively affecting site authority as well as user experience. Therefore, we adjusted the internal links on affected pages so that they pointed to HTTPS versions.
  • Resolved issues with redirect chains: Redirect chains can slow down page loading speeds and complicate internal linking for crawlers so, where possible, we resolved these issues to improve efficiency and accessibility.
  • Optimized meta tags: This involved removing unwanted words from meta descriptions, ensuring all pages had meta description tags, and making sure they were of an appropriate length. We also optimized titles and H1s, making sure there were not any missing or duplicates, were logical, and that the primary keyword had been inserted where appropriate.
  • Enhanced page speed: Many pages on Bezos’s site had a slow loading time, which is detrimental to SEO efforts as well as conversions. Our team identified issues for those pages, such as poorly organized code structure, unoptimized images, and a higher use of JavaScript. We successfully resolved these issues and increased the site’s page speed.

After concluding our technical SEO work for Bezos, we then began producing high-quality content based on in-depth keyword research and a content strategy we created for the first 12 months of organic traffic development. Our aim behind this content strategy was to target keyword clusters that would provide authority to the client’s site while simultaneously combining informational and transactional keywords to increase both organic traffic and conversions.

Action Plan & Implementation for Q2 2024

For Q2 2024, we decided to increase our monthly word count deliverables for Bezos. For the first 12 months of collaboration, we provided a monthly allocation of 13,000 words, which equates to roughly five to seven articles and six backlinks each month. The new strategy for Q2 means we increased our offerings to 19,500 words monthly, a 1.5x increase, so we can now produce seven to 10 highly relevant articles monthly, allowing us to improve both our content output and coverage.

Also, one of our main aims for Q2 2024 is to improve the quality of leads from the US and Australia. To achieve this and penetrate these markets efficiently, we focused on using high-converting keywords for developing content that generated leads from these markets, ensuring our strategy correlates with the local audience’s search behaviors and preferences.

Unlike previous content strategies, which were primarily focused on informative keywords and traffic acquisition, we have integrated a different approach toward terminology for Q2. This new approach ensures that bottom-of-the-funnel leads reach Bezos’s site, addressing content gaps and generating more qualified traffic. By establishing high-quality keyword rankings, we better position the client in their niche and optimize their overall SEO performance.


Throughout our work with Bezos, we undertook numerous steps to provide them with an effective strategy, including technical SEO, thorough keyword research, content planning and creation, and continuous optimizations to achieve the biggest possible impact. As our approach is data-driven, we have been able to adjust our tactics according to various metrics and feedback (a vital aspect of good SEO). 

By following our action plan and tweaking it accordingly, we were confident that Bezos would see a substantial increase in traffic and lead quality on their site. Let’s take a look at some of the most significant results we have gained for the FaaS platform.


One of Bezos’s primary goals is to boost lead generation. The image below shows data on their key events (conversions). A key event is something you want a user to do, such as click a button or make a purchase. In Bezos’s case, this is filling out a form. We can see that there has been a significant 223.21% increase in conversions from January 25th – April 23rd, 2024, compared to the previous period of October 26th, 2023 – January 23rd, 2024 (we have only measured these dates because Bezos did not have conversions prior):

Screenshot displaying a significant 223.21% increase in conversions for Bezos.


One of the primary keywords we targeted for Bezos was “UK fulfillment service,” a term highly relevant and desirable to the client. Their ranking position for this keyword was 45 on May 22nd, 2023, as seen in the screenshot below:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing the keyword “UK fulfillment service” at position 45 on May 22nd, 2023, for Bezos.

The next image shows the current ranking position of the highest ranking Bezos page — “” — that generates the most leads to their site by ranking for this keyword. We worked to increase the keyword rankings for the page as well as the keyword through detailed on-page SEO, content optimization, and high-quality backlinks to this page. The screenshot shows the page has reached position six in SERPs, demonstrating a substantial 39-position increase in keyword ranking:

Screenshot from Google SERPs showing Bezos’s highest ranking page currently at position six for the keyword “UK fulfillment service.”

Furthermore, the overall amount of keywords increased from 2,635 to 5,200 in the last 12 months. This means that Bezos ranks for 5,200 keywords in the top 100 organic search results. They also have 69 keywords in the most desired top three positions:

Screenshot showing that Bezos now ranks for 5,200 keywords and has 69 keywords in the top three positions.

Another one of Bezos’s aims is to increase their organic traffic (visitors landing on the site from unpaid sources). In May 2023, they had 157 unique visitors per month coming from organic searches on SERPs:

Image showing Bezos’s monthly organic traffic as 157 in May 2023.

By May 2024, this figure has notably increased to 4,267 monthly unique organic visitors, accomplished through our on-page SEO work, keyword research, content strategies, and acquisition of high-quality backlinks on authoritative domains:

Screenshot showing Bezos’s monthly organic traffic as 4,267 as of May 2024.

Moreover, Bezos’s organic traffic increased by an impressive 2,600 within a three-month period, and we can see this metric continuing to increase at a rapid rate:

Screenshot displaying Bezos’s organic traffic increasing at an impressive rate, with a 2,600 increase within three months.

Next, let’s consider organic pages. These are web pages on Bezos’s site that appear in SERPs without being paid for placement. In May 2023, the client had 67 indexed organic pages:

Screenshot showing that in May 2023, Bezos had 67 organic pages.

Fast forward to May 2024, and Bezos now has 373 organic pages, displaying stable and steady growth over the course of our collaboration:

Screenshot showing that as of May 2024, Bezos has 373 organic pages.

Finally, let’s analyze data regarding clicks and impressions. Clicks refer to the number of times users click on the site’s URL from SERPs, and impressions show how many times a web page from Bezos appears in users’ search results. Again, we can see there is a marked improvement over 12 months. In May 2023, Bezos generated 10 clicks and 4,316 impressions:

Screenshot from Google Search Console showing that Bezos generated 10 clicks and 4,316 impressions in May 2023.

By May 2024, both of these metrics have increased significantly, with 126 clicks and 17,522 impressions:

Screenshot from Google Search Console showing that Bezos generated 126 clicks and 17,522 impressions in May 2024.

Over the course of 13 months, we have created 96 backlinks — links from a page on one website to another — for Bezos. Below, you can see a portion of the backlinks NUOPTIMA built for the client on reputable sites, helping to drive better conversion growth and rankings:

Image showing some of the 96 backlinks NUOPTIMA built for Bezos.

The creation of these backlinks helped increase Bezos’s domain rating (the strength of a site’s backlink profile) from 25 to 53, a dramatic improvement. This is considered an extremely valuable asset for the client as it has a higher authority than its competitors. We can see Bezos also has 916 backlinks coming from 292 referring domains — sites linking back to their site — that empower and strengthen the domain rating metric:

Screenshot from Ahrefs displaying Bezos’s impressive domain rating of 53, as well as 916 backlinks and 292 referring domains.

Effects of Google’s March 2024 Core Update

Google’s March 2024 Core Update rocked the search industry with its sudden and significant changes to its search algorithms, negatively affecting many websites that were penalized or even de-indexed as a consequence.

However, throughout this update, Bezos’s website remained stable, as shown below:

Screenshot showing how Bezos’s site remained stable throughout Google’s March 2024 Core Update, demonstrating NUOPTIMA’s value.

This demonstrates the value of our comprehensive strategies, including our content strategy, and how we managed to bring stability and continued growth to the client even through turbulent and unpredictable times.


Throughout this case study, we have shown how our team at NUOPTIMA has assisted and continues to assist Bezos in improving their website performance, including their lead generation, organic traffic, and visibility. Through our efforts, the client is now generating much better results and continues to grow, catapulting their business into greater success.

Bleuet Sees 5,100%+ Increase in Website Visitors


Increase in Users


Increase in Conversions From Organic Traffic


Keywords Ranking in Positions 1-3

Screenshot showing Bleuet’s staggering 5,1071.1% increase in website visitors since enlisting NUOPTIMA’s services.

About Bleuet 

Bleuet is an e-commerce brand offering bras, undergarments, and everyday apparel to tween and teen girls. 

Bleuet approached NUOPTIMA for assistance because they were witnessing low traffic, few conversions, and little engagement from customers. On top of this, they were also failing to rank for their desired keywords. 

A screenshot of the website homepage of Bleuet.


Bleuet Team

Image of Bleuet’s logo.
Image of William (Bill) Rietz, Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer at Bleuet.

William (Bill) Rietz

Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer

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Action Plan & Implementation

Upon gaining an in-depth understanding of Bleuet’s challenges online and what they wished to improve, we came up with the following set of deliverables:

  • 9,000 words of content in total each month;
  • Four monthly backlinks on relevant sites with a domain rating of at least 40.

We crafted on-page content for Bleuet because, first and foremost, it would provide more value to users. This included category pages, such as “Tween Bras” and “Sustainable Gray Bras,” to better organize the products they offered to customers, making it easier for them to find what they are looking for. 

We also developed numerous blog posts for parents, such as “A Step-By-Step Guide for Moms: How to Buy a Training Bra for Your Daughter,” and blog posts for young girls, such as “A Teen’s Guide to How to Wash a Bra” to educate the reader and increase the site’s value. This also positioned Bleuet as a point of authority in the realm of young girls’s apparel.

Plus, we created four monthly backlinks placed on high authority sites in their niche, such as parenting and lifestyle websites, which helped to improve Bleuet’s authority, credibility, and overall visibility. 

In addition, we also undertook:

  • Full-scale keyword research to help them target and rank for their dream keywords;
  • Work to upgrade their overall site structure;
  • A detailed technical audit and weekly technical SEO monitoring.


Our work with Bleuet began in July 2023, and since the beginning of our collaboration, we have seen significant improvements in their site’s online performance.

Firstly, let’s consider their monthly organic traffic, the number of monthly visitors that land on the site through unpaid sources: 

A graph showing how Bleuet’s monthly organic traffic increased from 1,300 in July 2023 to 8,181 in April 2024, a 529.308% increase.

In July 2023, their monthly organic traffic was 1,300. As of April 2024, this figure has increased to 8,181, which equates to an impressive 529.308% increase!

If we analyze their users, event count, checkouts, and conversions, we can again see significant improvements across all four metrics:

A graph illustrating that Bleuet’s users, event count, checkouts, and conversions have all improved since working with NUOPTIMA.
  • Users: This metric indicates the number of individual users who have visited Bleuet’s site. As of April 2024, the count is 291K, which represents an extraordinary 5,107.1% increase compared to the previous period! 
  • Event Count: This figure refers to the number of events tracked on Bleuet’s site. Events can be anything from button clicks to form submissions to page views, depending on what the site owner has decided to track. The graph demonstrates an impressive 354.6% increase to 4.2M events. 
  • Checkouts: This number represents the number of times a user completed a checkout process, such as making a purchase, or completed a significant action, such as signing up for a subscription. We can see that there has been a highly notable 504.1% increase to 37K checkouts.
  • Conversions: Finally, let’s look at conversions from all channels. This metric refers to the number of times users took a desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase, depending on the goals of the site. The graph shows an increase to one million conversions, a significant 3,361.1% increase. This indicates that the site is attracting more visitors, but it also suggests that Bleuet’s site is extremely effective at convincing these visitors to take action.

Let’s look now at conversions from organic traffic and total revenue:

A screenshot from Google Analytics displaying a 9,109.02% conversion increase from organic traffic and a 7,200.79% improvement in total revenue.

We can see that Bleuet has witnessed an exceptional 9,109.02% increase in conversions just from organic traffic and a 7,200.79% increase in total revenue from working with NUOPTIMA.

Finally, let’s consider Bleuet’s organic keywords, shown in the two graphs below. Organic keywords are used in SEO to attract free visitors. The first graph represents the number of organic keywords they ranked for in July 2023, and the second illustrates the number of organic keywords they ranked for in April 2024:

Image showing the number of keywords Bleuet ranked for in July 2023, prior to collaborating with NUOPTIMA.
Image showing the number of keywords Bleuet ranked for in April 2024 after several months of collaboration with NUOPTIMA.

In July 2023, Bleuet ranked for 1,124 keywords in total. By April 2024, this number had increased to 2,419, more than double. However, they did not only see an improvement in the number of keywords ranked overall. They also saw an increase in the number of keywords ranking in positions one to three. Before working with us, this figure was 30. By April 2024, this had improved significantly to 258 keywords ranking in top positions.


This case study demonstrates how NUOPTIMA went above and beyond in resolving Bleuet’s challenges, including helping them achieve significantly more traffic, conversions, and engagement. Furthermore, we also got them ranking for many more keywords, including their desired keywords. As a result, Bleuet is now witnessing enhanced online visibility and interest, helping the business to expand, grow, and enjoy greater success.

eCom Brand Hits 3x ROI & 165% Organic Traffic Increase in 180 Days


Increase in Purchases


Increase in Total Revenue


Increase in Organic Traffic

Screenshot from Google Analytics demonstrating a 144.92% increase in purchases and $120,321.03 increase in total revenue (139.78%) for Hidden Botanics since enlisting NUOPTIMA’s services.

About Hidden Botanics

Founded in 2019, Hidden Botanics provides sustainable dried and preserved wedding flowers to customers through its website. To date, their handmade flowers have been purchased by almost 50,000 brides. 

Hidden Botanics approached NUOPTIMA back in September 2023 as their website was underperforming in comparison to major competitors despite reaching promising spots within search engine results pages (SERPs). We found that their site structure was not optimized, which resulted in slow loading speeds, negatively affecting search engine optimization (SEO) as well as overall user experience (UX). 

Hidden Botanic’s competitors, meanwhile, had intensified efforts to optimize their websites, putting the client at a distinct disadvantage, which highlighted to us the need for strategic improvements in site optimization as well as SEO practices in order to improve their performance online.

A screenshot of the website homepage of Hidden Botanics.


Hidden Botanics Team

Image of Hidden Botanics logo.
Image of Cagla Cantimur, Founder of Hidden Botanics.

Cagla Cantimur


Image of Mert Cantimur, Chief Executive Officer at Hidden Botanics.

Mert Cantimur

Chief Executive Officer

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Action Plan & Implementation

Upon learning about the challenges faced by Hidden Botanics, we came up with the following set of deliverables:

  • An in-depth kick-off audit;
  • Technical monitoring and fix requests;
  • 15,000 words of content in total each month;
  • Five monthly backlinks on relevant sites with a domain rating of at least 40;
  • Five hours of developer support per month;
  • Monthly tracking reports.

In order to improve their content and site structure, one of their key issues, we undertook several effective tasks, including:

  • Promoting new media content within a “Featured Media” section on the homepage;
  • Linking to educational content, such as tutorials and videos, from relevant product pages to add value and supercharge the customer shopping experience; 
  • Updating and optimizing meta tags on all existing category pages to improve SEO;
  • Adding insightful text at the bottom of each existing category page to further inform the customer about Hidden Botanics’s offerings;
  • Creating 13 new category pages — such as “Cream Dried Flowers” and “Dried Daisy Flowers” —  complete with meta tags and insightful text at the bottom of the page to better organize their site;
  • Producing dedicated blog pages, such as “Elegant Wedding Hairstyles With Dried Flowers” and “How to Store Dried Flowers,” to educate audiences, add value to the site, and be seen as a point of authority.


Hidden Botanics invested in NUOPTIMA’s services from September 2023 until March 2024. In that time, we achieved impressive results that accelerated their online performance.

The screenshot below demonstrates how NUOPTIMA helped Hidden Botanics achieve 3x ROI! We helped generate a whopping 144.92% increase in purchases and $120,321.03 in total revenue (139.78% increase) since they enlisted our services:

Screenshot from Google Analytics demonstrating a 144.92% increase in purchases and $120,321.03 increase in total revenue (139.78%) for Hidden Botanics since enlisting NUOPTIMA’s services.

The graph below illustrates their website performance between 20th August 2023 – 20th September 2023 (prior to our collaboration) compared to 20th March 2024 – 20th April 2024 (after our collaboration):

A screenshot from Google Search Console demonstrating Hidden Botanics’s improved website performance since investing in NUOPTIMA’s services.

Total clicks represent the number of times users click on the website after seeing them appear in search results. As we can see, Hidden Botanics’s website received 2.79K clicks in the period before using our services and 3.73K clicks after. This represents a 33.6918% increase.

Meanwhile, if we look at the total impressions — which is the number of times a web page from Hidden Botanics appeared on users’ search results — we can again see a marked improvement. In the August to September 2023 period, they received 131K impressions, and in the March to April 2024 period, this figure was much higher at 340K impressions. This is a 159.542% increase!

Finally, for average position, the mean ranking of the site in search results, we can see it has improved from 17.7 to 15.8, a 9.71429% increase.

Let’s now look at data collected from Google Analytics:

Screenshot from Google Analytics showcasing Hidden Botanics’s improvements in users, sessions, conversions, and total revenue since working with NUOPTIMA.
  • Users: This metric refers to a person who has visited the site. We can see that their number of users has increased by 222.41% since working with us.
  • Sessions: This illustrates the number of visits the site has from new and returning users. This metric has also increased, this time by 189.05%. 
  • Conversions: This is when a site visitor completes a desired goal, such as buying something or filling out a form, and there is an increase for Hidden Botanics of 76.86%.

If we consider the number of referring domains Hidden Botanics has as of April 2024, compared to September 2023, we can again see a positive change:

Graph showing a marked increase in referring domains from 127 in September 2023 to 329 in April 2024.

Referring domains are the number of external websites from which Hidden Botanics has one or more backlinks. In September 2023, they had 127 referring domains. By April 2024, this figure had increased to 329, a 159.055% increase.

And finally, let’s consider their change in organic traffic — the number of visitors who land on the site from unpaid sources. Before hiring NUOPTIMA, their organic traffic was 3.5K. By April 2024, at the end of our work for Hidden Botanics, we can see this metric has increased by a significant 165.714% to reach 9.3K!

A graph representing Hidden Botanics’s increase in organic traffic from September 2023 (3.5K) to April 2024 (9.3K).


This case study has illustrated how NUOPTIMA has effectively optimized Hidden Botanics’s performance online. We have improved numerous important metrics by significant amounts, including number of purchases, total revenue, total clicks, total impressions, average position, referring domains, and organic traffic. We achieved this by optimizing their website and site structure and improving their SEO practices. As a result, they are now enjoying a much better-performing site that is garnering increased interest from potential customers and stacks up against the competition, helping their business grow and thrive.

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Dentist Hits 6x Increase in Leads in 180 Days


Scheduling Forms Filled




Local Keywords in Top 10 Positions

Screenshot from Google Analytics illustrating Denver Dentures and Implants’s 569.44% increase in the number of scheduled appointments after enlisting NUOPTIMA’s services.

About Denver Dentures and Implants

Denver Dentures and Implants is a specialized dental surgery based in Colorado, USA, focusing exclusively on dental implants, dentures, and extractions.

They approached NUOPTIMA because they wanted improvements made to their website performance. The primary challenge they faced was that they were not ranking for desired keywords online and, as a result, were not generating as many leads as they had hoped. Denver Dentures and Implants enlisted our professional services to help them optimize their keyword targeting in order to improve the site’s standings in search engine results pages (SERPs) for certain keywords, increasing online visibility, brand awareness, and, ultimately, clients.

A screenshot of the website homepage of Denver Dentures and Implants.


Denver Dentures and Implants Team

Image of Denver Dentures and Implants logo.
Image of Dr. Austin Davis, Chief Marketing Officer at Shared Practices Group.

Dr. Austin Davis

Chief Marketing Officer

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Action Plan & Implementation

To help Denver Dentures and Implants achieve their desired results, we knew that we would need to conduct thorough keyword research, implement keyword mapping, and produce an optimized content strategy for on-page content as well as backlinks. 

Our deliverables were:

  • An in-depth kick-off audit;
  • Technical monitoring and fix requests;
  • 9,000 words of on-page content each month;
  • Six monthly backlinks (3,000 words);
  • Three hours of developer time per month;
  • Monthly tracking reports.

Keyword Strategy

At NUOPTIMA, we understand the importance of a strong local keyword strategy for certain industries, including dentistry. By successfully ranking for local keywords, Denver Dentures and Implants would be more likely to appear in local searches for dental implants, dentures, and extractions, tapping into an interested and geographically relevant demographic.

To achieve this, our goal was to rank their website for local keywords, such as:

  • “dental implants in denver”;
  • “dental implants denver co”;
  • “dentures denver co”;
  • “denver implants”;
  • “best dental implants denver.”

Not only did we achieve this — through keyword-optimized content and keyword mapping throughout the site —  but we managed to rank their site for 32 local keywords in top 10 positions in total (six of these ranked in the top position):

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing Denver Dentures and Implants ranking in the top 10 positions for 32 local keywords.
Screenshot from Ahrefs again showing Denver Dentures and Implants ranking in the top 10 positions for 32 local keywords.

Prior to collaborating with us, in September 2023, Denver Dentures and Implants had three keywords in the top three positions:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing the three keywords Denver Dentures and Implants ranked in top positions for prior to working with NUOPTIMA.

As of the end of our collaboration in April 2024, the business now ranks for 11 desired keywords in the top three positions. We also improved the ranking of one of their existing keywords, “denver dentures,” from second to first position:

Screenshot from Ahrefs showing the 11 keywords Denver Dentures and Implants now rank in top positions for after collaborating with NUOPTIMA.

Content Strategy

As part of our content strategy, we crafted keyword-rich web pages to optimize the value of their website. These included: 

  • Service pages for each of their provided services, such as “Immediate Full Dentures in Denver” and “Full Mouth Dental Implants in Denver,” in order to better highlight and explain their offerings;
  • Informative blog posts that addressed common pain points and questions, such as “Types of Dental Implants Explained: A Comprehensive Overview” and “How Long After Dental Implants Can I Eat Normally?,” positioning Denver Dentures and Implants as knowledgeable and a point of authority;
  • Creating and placing 47+ backlinks on relevant websites with a high domain authority, helping to improve the clinic’s credibility and visibility. 

Website Performance After Collaborating With NUOPTIMA

Denver Dentures and Implants invested in our services from September 2023 until April 2024. As a result of our comprehensive keyword and content strategies, we were able to substantially improve their online performance across numerous metrics. Let’s now explore in detail how their site performance has improved from our professional services: 

Screenshot from Google Analytics illustrating Denver Dentures and Implants’s 569.44% increase in the number of scheduled appointments after enlisting NUOPTIMA’s services.
Screenshot from Google Analytics demonstrating Denver Dentures and Implants’s 43.14% increase in calls since collaborating with NUOPTIMA.

These first two screenshots demonstrate how we significantly increased the number of leads for Denver Dentures and Implants by 6x! 

Within the seven months of working with us, they saw a 569.44% increase in the number of scheduled appointments (241 scheduling forms were filled out). Moreover, they also saw an impressive increase in the number of calls: a 43.14% increase (73 calls).

Let’s now consider some other significant results we garnered for the practice:

Note: This data conveys metrics of the company from August 2023 (08/01/2023 – 08/31/2023) compared against the same metrics collated from mid-March to mid-April 2024 (03/20/2024 – 04/20/2024).

A screenshot from Google Search Console demonstrating Denver Dentures and Implants improved website performance from total clicks, total impressions, and average search results position from August 2023 - April 2024.
  • Total Clicks: This metric refers to the number of times users clicked on the site’s URL from SERPs. We can see that this figure has increased from 161 to 298 total clicks, equating to an approximate increase of 85.1% since investing in our services.
  • Total Impressions: This illustrates how many times a web page from Denver Dentures and Implants appeared on users’ search results. In August, total impressions were 21.4K. This increased by roughly 150.9% to 53.7K!
  • Average Position: This metric illustrates the average ranking of your site across Google SERPs, and once again, we can see great results. The average position of the site has risen from 35.8 to 22.1, an improvement of 38.3%. This means the website’s search result ranking got significantly better.

And, if we analyze the data from Google Analytics, we can see that conversions have gone up by 333.33% on desktop and 171.43% on mobile since we began working with Denver Dentures and Implants. A conversion is when a site visitor completes a desired goal, such as making a purchase or filling out a form:

A screenshot from Google Analytics showcasing Denver Dentures and Implants’s site improvement in terms of conversions since they started working with NUOPTIMA.

As we have shown through this case study, Denver Dentures and Implants is now in a much better position after using our services. We have managed to rank them for numerous desired keywords — including local terms — efficiently optimized their site, and have vastly improved their performance on SERPs. This means they can now enjoy increased brand awareness, credibility, and visibility online, helping to drive growth to their specialized dental practice.

Interested in Dental SEO Services?

Shopware, SaaS E-Commerce Platform, Jumps 40 Positions to 2nd for Target Keyword in 90 Days


position keyword ranking


words delivered


high-quality backlinks

Screenshot from Google SERPs showing Shopware ranked in the second position for target keyword “b2b e-commerce software,” a jump of 40 positions in just 90 days.

About Shopware

Shopware is a versatile e-commerce SaaS platform from Germany designed for businesses of all sizes to create online stores. It is one of the leading platforms in the market, generating over $70 million annual recurring revenue (ARR). 

Shopware approached NUOPTIMA, looking to improve the keyword ranking positions of several of their web pages and increase their traffic. The overall aim was to rise in search engine results pages (SERPs) and garner more footfall for their site.

A screenshot of the homepage of Shopware, a leading e-commerce platform.


Shopware Team

Image of Shopware’s logo.
Image of Viktor Khliupko, Solution Architect at Shopware US.

Viktor Khliupko

Solution Architect at Shopware US

Image of Hendrik Breuer, Content Manager at Shopware US.

Hendrik Breuer

Content Manager at Shopware US

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SEO Lead

Action Plan & Implementation

Our primary goals and objectives were:

  • Improve keyword ranking positions for three primary keywords;
  • Optimize meta tags and conduct on-page content audits;
  • Produce 27,000 words of content;
  • Build 15 backlinks from high-quality sites to target pages.

Our overarching aim was to improve the keyword ranking positions for three of Shopware’s web pages — one landing page and two blog articles — and to optimize their traffic. We decided to focus on one keyword for each of these pages and improve rankings for that keyword, as well as optimize ranking for the entire page for all ranking keywords.

To achieve these results, we changed the title tags, meta descriptions, and on-page content for the three pages. We injected fresh content into each page, incorporating keywords that we wanted to focus on getting better ranking positions for (as well as their variations). We used those keywords as anchors throughout our internal linking strategy. With Shopware’s top-performing article pages, we also decided to integrate internal linking within them to the three focus pages where relevant.

On top of this, we also crafted 13 articles that were published on Shopware’s website. Each of these articles included highly valuable information and was produced with a close focus on clusters related to e-commerce. For instance, titles included “Eleven Pro Tips on How to Increase E-Commerce Sales,” “Drive Growth with a Proper E-Commerce Development,” and “E-Commerce Insights: Unlocking Customer Behavior Secrets.” In these 13 articles, we also added internal links to the three core pages in our strategy. The original goal was to produce 9,000 words each month. We ended up delivering 34,154 words across the 13 articles, exceeding the initial target by over 7,000 words.

In terms of off-page SEO, we crafted a link-building strategy that involved including our focus keywords as anchors and placing backlinks on extremely relevant websites with a high domain rating (average rating of 67), impressive organic traffic (ranging up to 4.9 million visitors), and with a focus on the USA target market. We originally aimed to produce five monthly links over three months. In total, we created 16 high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites.

To get a greater understanding of the impressive results we achieved for Shopware, let’s look at each of the three web pages we optimized.

Landing Page: Digital Sales Rooms – Results

An image of Shopware’s “Digital Sales Rooms” landing page.

For Shopware’s “Digital Sales Rooms” landing page, we focused on the keyword “digital sales room.” The page’s previous ranking position for this keyword in January 2024, before we began optimization, was 21.8 on Google search results. Its current ranking position, as of April 2024, is now eighth, displaying a 13-position increase since we began our targeted efforts:

Screenshot from Google SERPs displaying Shopware’s page in the eighth position, displaying a 13-position increase since NUOPTIMA assisted with optimization efforts.

Now, if we analyze the total impressions of Shopware’s “Digital Sales Rooms” page over the past three months, we also see a marked increase:

Screenshot from Google Search Console illustrating the increase in impressions and clicks on Shopware’s “Digital Sales Rooms” landing page since NUOPTIMA assisted with increasing traffic.

As we can see, since NUOPTIMA’s work with Shopware began, the “Digital Sales Rooms” landing page alone has received almost 14,000 impressions and almost 100 total clicks. 

And, if we compare the organic traffic to this page from February 2024 against the traffic to this page in April 2024, we once again see a clear improvement:

Screenshot showing Shopware’s average organic traffic on the “Digital Sales Rooms” page as one from 29 January - 4 February 2024.
Screenshot showing Shopware’s average organic traffic on the “Digital Sales Rooms” page as 20 from 22 - 23 April 2024.

Shopware’s average organic traffic in February was just one, yet after nearly three months of growth marketing support from NUOPTIMA, this increased to 20 by April. 

Perhaps most impressively, we have greatly enhanced their overall keyword performance for this landing page. As can be seen in the screenshot below, NUOPTIMA managed to achieve increased rankings for six keywords, including our targeted keyword by six positions and introduced eight entirely new words to the page’s ranking portfolio. Now, the “Digital Sales Rooms” page ranks for a total of 15 keywords in the USA:

Screenshot from Ahrefs displaying Shopware’s keyword performance for their “Digital Sales Rooms” landing page.

Blog Article: E-Commerce Automation – Results

An image of Shopware’s “E-Commerce Automation” blog article.

For Shopware’s “E-Commerce Automation” blog article, we worked to improve the rankings of the keyword “e-commerce automation.” In January 2024, the page’s ranking position for this keyword was 60, yet by mid-April, we had increased this by a staggering 56 positions and reached fourth place on Google search results:

Screenshot from Google SERPs displaying Shopware’s blog article in the fourth position, displaying a 56-position increase since NUOPTIMA assisted with optimization efforts.

Now, if we look at the overall page performance of the “E-Commerce Automation” blog page over the three months, we can see that it has experienced over 24,000 total impressions thanks to our efforts:

Screenshot from Google Search Console illustrating the increase in impressions and clicks on Shopware’s blog article “E-Commerce Automation” since NUOPTIMA assisted with increasing traffic.

Next, let’s look at the page’s organic traffic in February 2024 compared to April 2024. We again see an impressive change, this time from an average organic traffic of one in February to 55 by April:

Screenshot showing Shopware’s average organic traffic on the “E-Commerce Automation” page as one from 29 January - 4 February 2024.
Screenshot showing Shopware’s average organic traffic on the “E-Commerce Automation” page as 55 on 22 April 2024.

If we look at the keyword performance of this blog article, we can see that it ranks for 32 keywords in the US market, 10 new keywords have begun ranking for the page, and 15 of the keywords improved their ranking positions. Our target keyword, “e-commerce automation,” made a significant jump of 45 positions from 62nd up to 17th in Google search results:

Screenshot from Ahrefs displaying Shopware’s keyword performance for their “E-Commerce Automation” blog article.

Blog Article: The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms – Results

A screenshot of Shopware’s “The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms” blog article.

For this blog page, we targeted the keyword “b2b e-commerce software.” Shopware’s ranking position for this keyword was 42nd at the end of January 2024. However, after NUOPTIMA’s optimization efforts, this increased by 40 positions to reach the second position as of April 2024, demonstrating the effectiveness of our keyword targeting techniques. Below, we can see a screenshot of the “The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms” blog page in second position for the focal keyword on Google:

A screenshot from Google’s SERPs showing the “The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms” blog article in second position for the target keyword “b2b e-commerce software,” a 40-position increase since NUOPTIMA started assisting Shopware.

If we analyze the blog page’s performance since January 2024, we can see it has been steadily growing traction. It has garnered 125,000 impressions between January and April and a total of 110 clicks:

Image from Google Search Console illustrating the total clicks and impressions for “The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms” blog article page since Shopware hired NUOPTIMA’s services.

Even more impressively, if we compare the average organic traffic of the page from February to April, we see an increase in organic traffic from 30 in February to 430 in April, a staggering increase! Plus, the page now has three referring domains rather than one:

Screenshot displaying Shopware’s average organic traffic for “The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms” blog article page as 30 from 29 January - 4 February 2024.
Screenshot displaying Shopware’s average organic traffic for “The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms” blog article page as 430 on 22 April 2024.

If we consider the article’s keyword performance, we can see it now ranks for over 130 keywords. Plus, our target keyword “b2b e-commerce software” has jumped 31 positions:

Screenshot from Ahrefs displaying Shopware’s keyword performance for “The Best B2B E-Commerce Platforms” blog article.


As we can see from this case study, NUOPTIMA’s content marketing tactics and SEO strategies have resulted in increased visibility and authority for Shopware. Some of our best results include significant improvement in keyword positioning and going above and beyond with our content and backlink-building goals. To summarize:

  • We achieved improved rankings for our three focal keywords, reaching up to second position on Google SERPs;
  • Succeeded in optimizing meta tags and improving content through on-page audits;
  • Exceeded our target of 27,000 words of content and produced 34,154 words across 13 pieces (this is 7,154 words extra);
  • Built 16 strong backlinks from authority sites, helping to strengthen the SEO performance of Shopware’s website.

These accomplishments demonstrate NUOPTIMA’s dedication to achieving results for our clients through the use of innovative SEO techniques and solid content production. 

How Oto Health Tech 2.5x’d Traffic in 6 Months


Organic Traffic


Total Impressions


Total Clicks

Customer Review

About JoinOto

JoinOto, a leader in the health tech industry, specializes in innovative tinnitus coaching. Founded by military doctors and supported by top tinnitus care specialists, the company offers expert guidance for managing tinnitus. Their approach combines personal experience with professional expertise, aiming to help thousands overcome tinnitus challenges.

The company provides personalized coaching and an app featuring techniques like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and soundscapes. These evidence-based programs are designed by experts, including award-winning audiologist Anna Pugh and renowned ENT consultant Jameel Muzaffar, to improve the quality of life for those with tinnitus.

At the forefront of tinnitus research, Oto collaborates with Cambridge University and Lindus Health to develop advanced teletherapy methods. This commitment to research ensures their leadership in providing cutting-edge tinnitus support and therapy.


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CEO & Founder


Head of Growth


Head of Clients


SEO Lead

JoinOto Team

Edmund Farrar


Lili Miller

Content Director

Lola Rose Donohoe

Junior Developer



Organic Traffic


Total Ranking Keywords


Pages Ranking in the Top 100

As a result of our SEO efforts, the website achieved remarkable outcomes. Their site’s organic traffic saw a significant increase, reaching 5.2k visitors. This boost in organic traffic was a direct result of improved visibility and planned strategies.

In terms of keyword performance, JoinOto’s website showed a substantial presence across search engines, with a total ranking of 4.8k keywords. This wide range of ranking keywords is indicative of the effective keyword strategy and content optimization implemented.

Furthermore, the website’s content strength was evident, with 99 pages ranking in the Top 100 search results. This achievement highlights the success of our content and technical SEO approaches in enhancing the site’s overall search engine presence and authority. These results collectively demonstrate the effectiveness of the SEO campaign in elevating JoinOto’s digital footprint and reaching its target audience more effectively.

Organic Traffic

  • We saw a 40% boost in organic traffic between the start of the contract in June 2023 and November 2023. This pulled the average estimated monthly traffic to 5.2k plus. 

Organic Keywords

  • Keyword performance in 1-3 positions has gone from 69 to 176, which equates to a 2.5x increase. 
  • JoinOto has improved its authority and increased its quality referring domains by 38% over six months.
  • The total number of links from other websites pointing to their website went up to 1.2k.

How We Achieved These Results

Oto’s target customer base is primarily composed of individuals who are either long-time sufferers of tinnitus or those who have been newly diagnosed. Understanding this specific audience is crucial for tailoring our digital marketing strategies to meet their unique needs and concerns.

To effectively reach and engage this audience, it was essential to attract qualified traffic to Oto’s website. This meant focusing on individuals actively seeking support and information about managing tinnitus, whether they were in the early stages of diagnosis or had been coping with the condition for some time.

Our approach involved a series of strategic steps:

  1. Conducting in-depth keyword research to align with the search behavior of our target audience.
  1. Optimizing website content for relevance and authority on tinnitus topics.
  1. Enhancing the website’s technical SEO for better user experience and search engine visibility.
  1. Creating targeted content that addresses the specific concerns and questions.

These efforts were designed to position Oto as a leading resource in tinnitus support and therapy, directly connecting with those in need of their services.

Keyword Clustering and Topical Authority

In developing JoinOto’s content strategy, we employed a unique approach to keyword clustering. This process began with a deep understanding of their ideal customer persona (ICPs) by analyzing the keywords they commonly searched for, alongside assessing keyword difficulty and search volume. This was achieved through interviews with JoinOto and a thorough analysis of their competitors. 

By aligning OTo’s business goals with SEO opportunities, we developed a targeted keyword list using an advanced keyword clustering methodology, surpassing typical SEO agency strategies. This approach not only enhanced their online presence but also established their website as a credible, authoritative source in Google’s eyes. Focusing on creating keyword clusters around primary topics, we methodically targeted each group, beginning with those offering the easiest traffic gains. Through crafting content that precisely matched the search intent of these clustered keywords, OTo progressively ranked for more keywords, significantly boosting their topical authority and improving their chances of ranking for more competitive keywords.

For example, one such topic we targeted was the connection between the common cold and tinnitus. This table shows some of the top-performing keywords which Oto’s website now ranks on the 1st page of Google:

KeywordCurrent positionVolume
ringing in ears with cold1250
tinnitus after cold1200
ear ringing after cold1150
ear ringing from cold1100
ear ringing with cold1100
ringing in ear after cold190
ears ringing after cold180
ears ringing head cold180
cold ears ringing180
cold with ringing in ears160
ears ringing cold160
ringing in ear cold160
ringing in ears after a cold160
ringing in ear with cold150

Content Structure

Our content structure for JoinOto was meticulously designed to answer user queries efficiently and maximize the chances of the site appearing on Google at the start of the customer’s tinnitus journey. Each content piece followed a consistent structure, ensuring clarity and engagement. Below is a table illustrating the typical features of our content pieces:

Author DetailsListing key team members as authors to boost their personal brand and reputation as experts.
HeadingsClear and descriptive headings to guide readers through the article.
Bullet PointsUsed for easy-to-digest information presentation and to highlight key points.
TablesOrganized data presentation for complex information, aiding in comprehension and retention.
ImagesRelevant visuals to complement and enhance the textual content.
Call to ActionsDirecting readers towards the next steps, whether it’s contacting JoinOto, reading more, or inviting them to join a high-value webinar.
ConclusionsSummarizing the main points and reinforcing the key message of the content.

This structured approach not only improved user experience but also aligned with SEO best practices, contributing significantly to JoinOto’s enhanced search engine visibility and user engagement. Here is a snippet of one of their recent blogs to show you some of the key on-page SEO features:

As an experienced SEO backlink agency, our approach was thought out and tailored. We crafted unique content pieces for the third-party publishing domains, ensuring that the content was not only high-quality but also relevant to both the publishing site and JoinOto. Within these content pieces, we strategically placed hyperlinks that tied back to their domain. This method of natural placement within relevant, authoritative content significantly enhanced the effectiveness of each backlink.

This backlink process was a vital part of our comprehensive SEO campaign for JoinOto. By securing high-quality backlinks from a variety of authoritative domains, we were able to boost JoinOto’s visibility in search engine rankings significantly. This not only increased their website traffic but also solidified their reputation as a leading authority in tinnitus therapy and coaching, contributing to their overall digital marketing success.

Technical Analysis

A significant focus was placed on the technical SEO strategy, recognizing that technical SEO is a critical component in achieving higher rankings on Google. Each website faces unique challenges that can impede its ability to rank effectively, and JoinOto was no exception.

Our approach began with a comprehensive analysis of their website, coupled with regular audits. This process gave us complete visibility of the various factors influencing the site’s ranking. Our specialty at NUOPTIMA lies in identifying and addressing the most impactful issues – essentially, the 20% of technical fixes that drive 80% of the ranking results. This approach ensures that development work is not only effective but also time-efficient.

We worked closely with JoinOto’s development team, providing them with a prioritized list of tasks. This collaboration was key to implementing the necessary changes swiftly and efficiently. For areas where they lacked in-house capacity, our internal resources stepped in to assist with the execution of development tasks. This flexible approach allowed for seamless integration of our SEO strategies with JoinOto’s existing framework.

As each fix was implemented, we re-ran the analysis and updated the priority list of actions. This created a constant feedback loop, ensuring that JoinOto’s website was always up-to-date with the latest SEO best practices. Our responsive and adaptive technical strategy was instrumental in addressing critical issues promptly, thereby enhancing JoinOto’s chances of ranking higher on Google and maintaining a competitive edge in the digital landscape.


JoinOto faced challenges in enhancing its online visibility in the competitive tinnitus therapy market. NUOPTIMA addressed these issues with a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, focusing on advanced SEO, content restructuring, and a strategic backlink approach.

Our efforts significantly improved JoinOto’s digital presence, leading to a 5.2K increase in organic traffic, ranking 4.8K keywords, and placing 99 pages in the Top 100 search results. This success not only increased website traffic but also established JoinOto as a leading authority in tinnitus therapy.
The project’s six-month duration showed the effectiveness of our tailored approach, with potential for further growth, particularly in conversion rate optimization (CRO). For businesses seeking similar SEO success, NUOPTIMA offers expertise to achieve significant organic growth and enhance your bottom line. Contact us to develop a customized SEO strategy for your needs.

Cyber Consultancy  Company Grows  11.6x in 6 Months


Organic Traffic Value


More Organic Traffic


Keywords in 1st Page

About Eden Data

Eden Data, a cybersecurity consulting firm, specializes in virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) services for startups. They stand out with their monthly fixed-cost subscriptions, a practical alternative to the industry’s standard hourly billing.

The company is built on three pillars: Integrity, Innovation, and Relationships. They focus on collaborative client relationships, maintaining integrity in every contract. Innovation is key, as they constantly adopt the latest in cybersecurity to safeguard their clients.

Their team, known as ‘Unicorns,’ comprises experts from various industries, blending professionalism and skill with a client-focused approach. This makes them not just consultants but also valuable members of their clients’ teams, showcasing Eden Data’s approach to cybersecurity consulting.


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CEO & Founder


Head of Growth


Head of Clients


SEO Lead

Eden Data Team

Taylor Hersom


Dominique Singer

VP of Strategy

The Results


Total Impressions


Total Clicks


Total Ranking Keywords

Eden Data has achieved some outstanding results since their contract started with NUOPTIMA in May 2023. Their total impressions have gone up to 646k, rendering over 4.11k click-throughs to their site. This has largely been due to a strategic content strategy focusing on SEO for cybersecurity, which has resulted in an impressive 3.3k keywords now ranking in the SERPs. Below, we’ll explore some more of the amazing SEO results.

Organic Traffic

  • Organic traffic shot up 11.6x from 66 to 446 in only six months.

Organic Keywords

  • Keywords ranking in positions 1-3 on Google search results surged tenfold.
  • There were also 54.5x more organic keywords ranking on the first page.
  • The total keyword count went up from 164 to a much healthier 2,618. 
  • They now have a total of 341 links from other websites pointing to target URLs.

The SEO Strategy Behind the Results 

A comprehensive cybersecurity SEO action plan was developed and implemented to enhance Eden Data’s online visibility and drive targeted traffic to its website. The following steps outline the key components of this plan:

StepAction Taken
1. Keyword Research and OptimizationConducted extensive keyword research to identify relevant terms. Integrated these keywords into website content, including page titles, meta descriptions, headers, and body text.
2. Content Creation and BloggingDeveloped a content strategy focused on creating high-quality, informative blog posts and articles about cybersecurity and related topics.
3. On-Page SEO EnhancementsOptimized the website’s on-page elements, including URL structures, internal linking, mobile responsiveness, site loading speed, meta tags, and image alt texts.
4. Location-Specific SEO TacticsIncorporated location-specific keywords into the website and content to capture target audiences in new international markets.
5. Backlink StrategyImplemented a backlink strategy by reaching out for guest posting and content collaboration, focusing on acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks.
6. Analytics and MonitoringUtilized Google Search Comsol and other SEO tools to monitor website performance, tracking metrics like organic traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates.
7. Continuous SEO Audits and UpdatesConducted regular SEO audits to identify and address issues, continuously updating strategies to align with search engine algorithms and audience needs.

Keyword Research

Our analysis of Eden Data’s website, using the SEO tool Ahrefs, focused on identifying high-value keywords to attract traffic from specific markets like Qatar and Turkey and sectors such as healthcare. We found that keywords related to cybersecurity, cloud security, and network security had high search intent and volume, making them ideal for improving Eden Data’s search engine rankings.

The competition for these keywords was moderately low, providing Eden Data with a good chance to rank highly. By incorporating these keywords into their online content, we significantly improved their search engine visibility and increased website traffic.

Here are some of their top-ranking bottom-funnel keywords:

KeywordCurrent positionVolume
eden data1150
best cloud security services in doha qatar250
healthcare cybersecurity companies3100
top safety and compliance companies390
best network security company in qatar350
best cloud security in doha qatar340
top cyber security company in qatar450
healthcare security solution companies5150
cost of hitrust certification660
cyber security turkey640

Cybersecurity Content

To boost Eden Data’s market presence, we crafted targeted cybersecurity content emphasizing their core services, including IT protection consulting and virtual CISO offerings. Our strategy involved creating detailed guides and articles on key topics like ISO 27001, HIPAA, and SOC 2, tailored for markets in the USA, Europe, and the Middle East.

This approach positioned Eden Data as a knowledgeable leader in cybersecurity, directly addressing the needs of potential clients and leading to increased conversions and interest in their specialized services.

A backlink strategy was also integral to enhancing Eden Data’s search engine rankings and attracting more relevant traffic to its website. By securing high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites in the cybersecurity and technology sectors, Eden Data significantly boosted its website’s domain authority. 

Furthermore, these backlinks acted as endorsements or recommendations from other reputable sites, which is crucial in building trust and credibility with potential clients. This aspect is particularly vital for Eden Data, given that trust and credibility are paramount in the cybersecurity consulting field, where clients rely heavily on the expertise and reliability of their service providers.

Future SEO Improvements

Eden Data’s digital performance has shown remarkable progress, particularly in key visibility indicators such as the number of sessions, active users, and overall impressions. However, with all SEO efforts, there is always room for further improvement.

Eden Data experienced a substantial increase in session growth, recording a 240% rise and a notable gain in user engagement. Additionally, the surge in active users by 255% is a positive sign, but we want a more in-depth understanding of user behavior to achieve the desired results. While the 389% boost in clicks is a positive indicator, the journey that follows these clicks needs to be optimized to maximize conversion rates.

To achieve this, we are going to be launching a 60-day SEO sprint strategy where we’ll make further improvements to technical SEO, content marketing plan, and on and off-page SEO optimization. We will also be conducting additional training for their internal team to educate them on how to produce, optimize, and build content that will perform well in the SERPs and position Eden Data as the knowledge leader in their niche. Once the 60-day SEO sprint is completed, we would expect to see an additional 25% traffic increase. 


Eden Data faced challenges in boosting their online visibility and attracting targeted traffic. To tackle this, we implemented a robust SEO strategy, focusing on keyword optimization, content creation, and a strategic backlink approach. Our efforts led to a significant increase in Eden Data’s organic traffic by 11.6x and improved their keyword ranking, positioning them as a leader in cybersecurity consulting.

While the results over the past six months have been impressive, there’s potential for further growth. The next steps include enhancing conversion rate optimization (CRO) to turn visitors into leads. With these continued efforts, we expect to see even greater increases in traffic and lead generation for Eden Data with our 60-day SEO sprint.
Ready to elevate your business like Eden Data? Book a call with us today and discover how our targeted content strategies can drive conversions and position you as a leader in your industry.

How This B2B SaaS Hit 874 First-Page Keywords and 253 Quality Links


Organic Traffic


Traffic Value


Total Ranking Keywords

About Kolleno

Kolleno, a London-based B2B SaaS company, specializes in transforming financial operations for businesses. Over 1,000 companies trust their platform to simplify receivables, payments, and reconciliation processes. Their tools integrate seamlessly with existing finance systems, which not only minimizes manual labor and errors but also offers real-time insights, customizable workflows, and automated collection tasks. This innovative approach has proven effective, with clients seeing a significant reduction in Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and an increase in on-time payments, leading to an average of two days per week saved in manual work.

At the heart of Kolleno’s success is its use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies prioritize and automate workflows, enhancing the efficiency of credit control and customer payment experiences. Although they were growing at a healthy rate with their small in-house marketing team, they recognized the benefits of reaching out to NUOPTIMA as a B2B SaaS growth agency to help expand their reach. 


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SEO Lead

Kolleno Team

Dimitri Raziev

Founding CEO



Words Written


Keywords on 1st Page


Quality Backlinks

From looking at their top-performing pages, we can see our SEO campaign for Kolleno yielded impressive results. A total of 85,000 words were carefully crafted and published, contributing to an improved online presence. This content push played a pivotal role in propelling 874 keywords to the first page of search engine results, a clear indicator of the campaign’s effectiveness in enhancing Kolleno’s visibility and searchability. Additionally, the strategy successfully secured 253 quality backlinks from reputable sources, further solidifying Kolleno’s authority and trustworthiness in the SaaS space. These combined efforts not only enhanced Kolleno’s SEO performance but also established a strong foundation for its ongoing organic growth and success.

Organic Traffic

  • Once Kolleno published the content, traffic began rising and went up 48x from when we started working with them in October 2022.

Traffic Value

  • During March 2023, the traffic value began to rise as the impact of our SEO strategy started to take effect. It went from an average of $1.5k to an impressive $12,491 in September 2023.

Organic Keywords

  • Keywords ranking in positions 1-3 on Google search results went from only 1 when we started working with them to a much healthier 59 following the rollout of our content.
  • Reffering domains have continued in a positive direction, going up from 123 in October 2022 to 253 as of November 2023.

How We Achieved These Results

Our strategy to boost Kolleno’s organic traffic involved a targeted technical SEO audit, focusing on key areas like site speed, mobile responsiveness, and URL structure, alongside a site structure audit for optimal search engine indexing. We provided specialized technical optimization advice, including schema markup, metadata optimization, and site architecture improvements, and utilized Google Webmaster Tools for detailed performance monitoring.

The strategy also encompassed site speed enhancement and comprehensive keyword research tailored to align with Kolleno’s services and customer search patterns. We conducted a rigorous content audit to evaluate SEO effectiveness and identify improvement areas while also analyzing external factors like backlinks and market competition.

Throughout this project, we ensured transparency with Kolleno, delivering regular, detailed reports on SEO progress, including improvements in search rankings, web traffic, and key performance metrics. This approach kept Kolleno actively involved and informed, demonstrating our commitment to delivering impactful results.

Project Preparation

In the initial phase of our project for Kolleno, we concentrated on establishing a robust foundation for the SEO campaign. Our efforts began with monitoring Kolleno’s website positions in search engines and closely analyzing the website traffic. This provided us with essential insights into their online presence and user interactions.

We also conducted an in-depth analysis of Kolleno’s business model. Clarifying the target audience in collaboration with Kolleno enabled us to refine our strategy to attract and engage the right segments.

Keyword Research

We carried out an exercise to identify and organize the most effective keywords for the Kolleno site. This involved compiling an extensive list of potential phrases, drawing from a variety of sources to ensure a well-rounded selection.

A significant part of our research involved analyzing Kolleno’s competitors. We identified their websites in search results and meticulously collected the keywords they were ranking for. This not only provided us with insights into the competitive landscape but also helped us uncover additional valuable keywords. Here is an example of data we looked at from their main competitors:

Beyond traditional sources, we also gathered search suggestions, which are often indicative of trending and long-tail keywords. Analyzing the search engine results pages (SERPs) gave us further insights into the types of content ranking for our chosen keywords and how we could tailor Kolleno’s content to compete effectively.

Once we had a comprehensive list of keywords, we grouped them into clusters. This clustering was based on relevance and search intent, ensuring that each group represented a distinct aspect of Kolleno’s business. Finally, we assigned these keyword groups to relevant pages on their website, laying the groundwork for targeted content optimization and a cohesive SEO strategy.

Content Optimisation

Our SaaS content strategy was meticulously crafted to enhance the website’s relevance and appeal to both search engines and users. This involved a series of key actions, including the following:

Analysis of Heading Tags (H1-H6)Conducted a thorough analysis of heading tags across the website, evaluating the length, presence, and order of H1 to H6 tags to ensure effective content structuring and emphasis on key points.
Plagiarism CheckChecked all website pages for plagiarism to maintain content originality and integrity, ensuring Kolleno’s content was unique and valuable.
Content Relevance CheckEvaluated the relevance of existing content on the website, ensuring alignment with Kolleno’s business goals and the target audience’s needs and interests.
Content Quality AnalysisRigorously analyzed quality, assessing readability, engagement level, and the inclusion of relevant keywords while maintaining a natural text flow.
Content Plan CreationCreated a detailed content plan based on the analysis, outlining content types, topics, and a schedule for content creation and publication.
Optimization of Titles and DescriptionsRevised and optimized title tags and meta descriptions for each page to improve click-through rates and ensure content relevance.
Heading Tags OptimizationCreated and corrected H1-H6 heading tags to effectively structure content and highlight key information in a user-friendly and SEO-friendly manner.
Enhancing Uninformative PagesAdded relevant and engaging material to new or uninformative pages, enhancing visitor value and improving search engine rankings.
Writing New ArticlesWrote new articles with a mix of informational and transactional content tailored to Kolleno’s audience and SEO goals.
Publishing Optimized ContentPublished new, optimized pages and articles, ensuring proper formatting, relevant keyword inclusion, and alignment with the overall content strategy.

Below are screenshots taken from their top-performing pages for traffic volume so you can see the key aspects we included as part of the article structure:


The SEO campaign for Kolleno demonstrates the impact of a strategic digital approach. Through meticulous planning, execution, and continuous optimization, we achieved remarkable results that significantly elevated Kolleno’s online presence and authority.

The creation of 85,000 words of targeted, high-quality content was a cornerstone of our plan, laying the groundwork for improved engagement and visibility. The successful ranking of 874 keywords complemented this effort on the first page of search results, a clear indicator of the campaign’s effectiveness in boosting Kolleno’s search engine visibility. Moreover, the acquisition of 253 quality backlinks from reputable sources further cemented Kolleno’s position as a trusted and authoritative player in the industry.

These achievements not only reflect the immediate success of the campaign but also set the stage for sustained growth and online presence. The increase in first-page keyword rankings and the robust backlink profile have laid a solid foundation for Kolleno’s future SEO endeavors, ensuring long-term benefits and continued improvement in its digital marketing efforts.
For B2B SaaS businesses looking to replicate Kolleno’s success and reach a broader audience, we offer expert SEO support tailored to your unique needs. Reach out to NUOPTIMA today to explore how we can help transform your digital strategy and achieve remarkable results in the software industry.

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